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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Gotta tell ya, if there is "noticable poofing" during that part? That seems like a red flag to me.
  2. I have one on the back porch and one in the garage. The one in the garage has been with us at least 10 years, the other probably around 5. No issues.
  3. Morning person, but that's relatively new in the past 5 years. Before that, I would be dragged out of bed my the alarm every morning, and was most alert and productive from 10pm - 2 am. Now, I'm naturally awake by 5, no matter what time I go to sleep. 5-7am is my "me" time. :001_huh:
  4. Congratulations!!! Welcome, little man!
  5. Welcome to the fray! Oh, but that we could all use the excuse that some of our hairier comments were made under the influence... :D
  6. Unless it's changed drastically, you list the university, degree, major, and date on your resume. There would be no reason to differentiate. But, yes, if asked that should be disclosed.
  7. I have all hardwood but for area rugs in the foyer and living room. I use the Animal like a canister; the handle pops off, rigid tube pulls out of the hose, I put the floor attachment on and go to town. It has a 17' hose and just rolls along behind me. I use it as an upright on the rugs.
  8. You may also be thyroid resistant. My doc was saying that, since your TSH only indicates whether your pituitary is detecting enough thyroid hormone, it doesn't mean the rest of your tissues are getting enough. Your pituitary may be detecting adequate T4 but you may not be able to convert that to T3, the usable form of hormone. Adding cytomel (synthetic T3, levoxyl is T4 only) may help. Or, it could be something else. Adrenal, other hormonal, etc. Autoimmune diseases, like Hashimoto's, put your body under a lot of stress and I'm not convinced they're limited to just attacking/damaging an isolated area.
  9. That's fair enough. I'd mix and fill capsules myself in that situation. Or use tinctures or teas (but not the tumeric. Orange teeth. Brrrrrr). I'm not sure how much of the "valuable" herbs you'll be getting in a mix that's that busy though. If I recall correctly, the prefilled caps are about the size of the RL organic women's multi. I'm not sure how that compares to their prenatals, though. But if you can take small capsules easily, they sell multiple sizes of blanks. I am very jealous of your proximity to Mountain Rose.
  10. And then I go into the "hey! Where are you guys? What?!? There is no PLAYing! you have school work to do. This is not NEW..." and so forth. And then I eyeball the booze on top of the school cabinet. But I get another cup of coffee. I think my children have dementia. Or, they're gas-lighting me. :glare:
  11. I find it offensive how disrespectful *some* people are. Bill was VERY clear in his request to IGNORE this thread. Instead, there is page after page of void jokes and vulgar kilt talk. It's very hurtful...:crying: :toetap05: No, ok, I couldn't hold it together past there. :leaving:
  12. Also, I'm just going to plant this seed: if you're not printing exclusively in color, look into getting a laser printer. They cost less to run if you're printing black and white. We bought the inkjet because it's an all in one (print/scan/copy/fax) and was on the clearance rack at Office Depot for $20 or some ridiculous price. We got our laser for $60 at Best Buy because it was their floor model and <gasp> didn't have a box. It's worth keeping an eye peeled for a deal.
  13. I get their "compatible" ones. Not sure if they're remanufactured or just off-brand. They work well, though. I just looked at the ink for our Brother inkjet and the catridges we paid $40 for at Staples will cost me less than $10. They're generic, but have great user ratings.
  14. Please excuse my saying so, but those are just way too overprocessed for my taste. I have no idea what a "supercritical extract" is. Is that how Bayer derived aspirin from willow? "Hydroethanolic extract" would mean it was tinctured (alcohol, water) and then... evaporated? I'm not a fan of pieces of herbs or isolates of their "active" compounds. Whole herbs have all the synergistic pieces together, and we don't know what all of those are or what they all do as part of the herb's action. (I also find the goldthread questionable because, as far as I know, it's endangered.) Tumeric, ginger, holy basil - all good for inflammation of various causes. Skullcap is a muscle relaxer, also good for headaches. The rest, at least in my book, are just diluting the standard good stuff. ;)
  15. For my oldest daughter, it was spots. For me, I felt a little crappy, called in to work, decided I was a wimp and went into the bathroom to get ready and... spots. I was 26. Honestly, other than the shunning, I didn't feel awful, and I'm not sure either of us had a fever at all.
  16. Just checking in to report: phosphates or not, the Cascade/Clorox 2 concoction has just removed the two gigantic (like 3x4", and soaked in) spots of purple, non-washable marker from my comforter. Downside: there is now a big, giant clean spot on my comforter. :001_huh: It has also removed the brown spots of unknown provenance from one of my daughter's shirts. It's been laundered several times previously. :hurray: I am the goddess of stain removal, I am the goddess of stain removal!! :hurray: {dance, dance, dance}
  17. These are the runners-up. They're clever enough to get to the finals, but...
  18. Those are probably the people who turn out to have 47 bodies in their basement.
  19. This is the child watch center at the gym, not a licensed daycare. They watch your kiddo while you work out. Not sure how much guidance, etc, the kids get behaviorally in that situation. No advice, but :grouphug: I hope he gets past this phase soon.
  20. I like Rainbow Light. For herbs, I go to Mountain Rose Herbs. You can order bulk herbs and capsule them yourself (assuming you want to take capsules and not use them more traditionally in teas, etc) or they have herbal capsules. For inflammation, I usually recommend tumeric and ginger. (Tumeric you definitely want to take in capsule; it would turn your teeth orange) Tumeric is a COX2 inhibitor (like Vioxx, but without the recall). Ginger is also helpful but I generally add that when there is asthma (leukotriene inhibitor) or other systemic inflammation.
  21. University of Md (UMUC.edu)? I think they're fairly reputable. ;) UMass (umassonline.net), and they have a self-defined program (University Without Walls) so you can build your own degree concentration.
  22. I'm sitting here laughing at this. My husband called from work a little while ago and said he was returning to the station from a call and was planning to finally sit down to eat. Spaghetti. My response: take of your <white> shirt!! :D (he did leave his white t-shirt on, and called to tell me it's still clean.)
  23. I had the same problem. It wasn't so much the financial aspect, it was that I was *good* at my career and, quite frankly, being a stay at home mom is a job that I am a) not good at and b) never wanted. (and, yes, b is probably the direct cause of a) My kids don't have uniforms. They are required to be dressed. I have the conversations about wearing clothes, wearing shirts, wearing something that has not been on your body for the past 3 days... In the summer, I'm in shorts or skirts and a tank top. Hair up, what makeup I wear on. Winter, it's jeans and a sweater. I don't wear shoes, but I didn't when I was working, unless I left my desk.
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