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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Yes, I think there are a LOT worse alternatives... Delivery by a large pointy-beaked bird, for instance. You'll do great! Pre-congratulations!
  2. Um, yes. And also, WHAT KIND OF VILE, HORRIBLE PERSON DISCUSSES SOCIALLY WHAT THEY HAVE "FORCED" THEIR SPOUSE TO DO?!?!?!?! I mean, really? What is WRONG with people that they think socially belittling their spouse is ok? Ever. (not just in this case) And, I'm sorry, I'm a little left of liberal but I DO NOT discuss my husband's urinary (or any other personal) habits with friends. Good. Grief. Tacky, tacky, tacky. (and no, a general discussion of how things go at your house on a message board is not the same)
  3. I just signed up, too! Thanks, Audrey, for pointing this out. I've been desperate to find a meal planner and this looks absolutely perfect! If anyone would like to friend me (please, pretty please) I'm HerbalMom. Haven't had time to do much but suck in a couple recipes I'm interested in, but I'll add some this evening.
  4. Yep, that was my first mental reply, too: "I use young boys to clean around the toilets." Unfortunately, my children ASK to clean the toilets, and often fight over who "gets" to do it. :001_huh: (which is not so unfortunate except in learning through natural consequences)
  5. Watt, our u tokng abut! Seriously, I'm not allowed to get our regional paper anymore; refusing to acknowledge conventions of spelling and grammar in a publication is inexcusable, and I started droppin off the corrected paper at the local office with notes begging them to get an editor. That said, I've seen far worse flyers from businesses. I may wince and hope that he expands his knowledge/skills in professional communication, but he'd be the first person I'd call if I needed my lawn mowed.
  6. Those would be my go-to items in that situation. (If you can't find Barkeeper's Friend, Zud also has oxalic acid, which is what makes the BF so awesome.)
  7. BE angry at them. They are alleged "experts" in their field and they act like they have no possible idea what could be causing the problem, or even that they may have had a car at any point. Isn't it funny that a bunch of women on a homeschool board - ostensibly without professional automotive training - have thrown out a number of ideas in an hour or so, just based on similar experience? Be angry. Be very angry. :cursing: Otherwise, they will happily charge you (repeatedly) for not fixing/shrugging off your issue.
  8. I've just been playing with Google groups and, while you can definitely post forum-style, I think you are correct. Though live chat would be a nifty widget to have. I will also add that I am feeling particularly warm and fuzzy about Proboards because they have an iphone app. (they also have a droid app) :001_smile: I think we've decided to go with the St. Paul Center, but have yet to decide which one. My new question: Who are the funny gals who voted "other" and then didn't post anything about an "other"?? Huh? Are you just messing with the requisite other choice? :blink:
  9. Ooh! Ooh! I think I know this one!! My husband had a similar issue with our '98 Volvo. He brought it to the DEALERSHIP and suggested that it seemed like there was a fuel issue, so they changed out the fuel pump. It kept happening. Then he pondered whether it was something else, and they changed that. Kept happening (like, on the highway. Not cool). About $2000 later, they were saying it was probably the catalytic converter, which is about another $2000... But by that time we were so annoyed we wanted proof before they did that work. Flash forward a couple weeks and he had his (not a mechanic) brother come over with a handheld diagnostic computer. It was the mass airflow sensor. Evidently, the dealership doesn't have a computer that can tell them this? :001_huh: About a week after that, I was watching Motor Week on PBS and, looky there, a discussion of the mass airflow sensor and the rigid, corrugated hose that air goes through that, guess what, over time develops cracks that completely hose up your fuel mixture by allowing air to bypass the sensor. It doesn't happen all the time because certain driving conditions have to be in play for the cracks to open, the fuel mixture to get out of whack, etc. Have them check that. It IS a cheap and easy fix.
  10. I just turned 40 a couple weeks ago. I didn't do anything special. In fact, I'm not even sure we did much of anything at all... Ok, THAT would be special. :D I have nothing against turning 40 or any age, just don't feel like I need to make a big whoop-do about my birthday. If you're a big whoop-do person, then I think you should make it a point to mark the day, though. And welcome <almost> to the club!
  11. We don't censor here. However, we do stress appropriateness; poop talk / jokes/ whatever are fine, but not when we're at the dinner table or speaking with grownups, etc. I have to say, I've never been accused of having a "limited vocabulary", though my use of language - coarse or otherwise - is not generally peppered with every-other-word expletives.
  12. Yes. And to address your original pondering: I avoid Crossfit, P90X and the other hard core "programs" because of knee issues. Which is not to say I don't routinely push myself beyond the limit, but I prefer to do it in a smart way that doesn't knock me out of comission. And, frankly, I bore easily.
  13. Well, yes, that is probably true if you're having a nutrition consultation. Nutritionists are pretty fond of the pyramid (and more interested in isolated nutrients than food than makes me happy). The rest of the staff, including trainers, aren't really focused in that area. Though, as a trainer, I would counsel against high calorie processed food for clients looking to lose weight. (ok, really, as a literate human I would counsel against high calorie processed "food". Because it's not food... But I digress) Really, the only thing I'm interested in is that no one is derailing their goals with an unhealthy lifestyle in other areas. There are many healthy ways to eat. None of them is one size fits all. ;)
  14. Ok, no. Gun violence is never, ever ok in a rated G movie. Period. Characters dying, ok. Name calling, annoying. Mild flirting? Whatever. GUN VIOLENCE?!?! no, no, NO! D@mn it, and we really liked Cars. :cursing:
  15. Yes, we lose about 8% muscle mass per decade from about 40 on. Everyone, men and women. The difference is that men generally start out with more lean muscle. And, again generally speaking, men are more inclined to physical work. Strength training slows that down. You can use body weight exercises for that: squats, push ups, etc. If you've had thyroid radiation, though, you NEED to have it checked. The fallout from low thyroid levels is not just annoying symptoms. It can lead to life threatening conditions. Find somewhere that will do bloodwork for a reduced rate or sliding scale. Thyroid replacement is cheap, too.
  16. Zumba is essentially dance aerobics. Nothing against it, but it's cardio, not full body strength training. Crossfit IS, but I have no idea if there are modifications. It's a "culture". And there's lingo. :ack2: I would suggest you join a gym (or your local Y) and work with a trainer for a few sessions to develop a plan that puts you on a path to you goals while working with your limitations.
  17. You may want to check this out: http://www.thyroid-info.com/articles/autoimmune-checklist.htm It sounds like you have a lot of the symptoms (though many cross over from one syndrome to another, all of which can be triggered by stress).
  18. My friend who decorates cakes makes marshmallow fondant. I think it's just nuked marshmallows and confectioner's sugar. She may want to use gum paste, though. That's what is used for 3-D flowers and such. Here's the fondant. It does taste less disgusting than the box stuff. http://candy.about.com/od/fondantcandyrecipes/r/mm_fondant.htm
  19. You should tell him "ginormous" is a stupidonkulous word and he shouldn't use it. Stupidonkulous is now my new favorite word. I will be wedging it into just about every sentence, whether it works or not.
  20. No. Technology is advancing not just in areas of capability but in being user friendly. More robust on the back end, simpler on the front.
  21. Yes! Yes! What IS that?? And the shoes. My word, the shoes! How can you only find one of them? Do you take one off and go one-shoe clinking to another room to remove the other? And then... Where is MY other shoe? Because I know perfectly well I took them both off in the same place.
  22. Olive tapenade, hummus, slices of crusty bread or veggies to dip/schmear? Roasted and chilled asparagus wrapped with prosciutto? I used to make a "cake" with layers of foccacia stacked with tapenade, artichokes, and prosciutto between and "frosted" with herbed mascarpone.
  23. That's true. I can do that, either one. And a traditional forum is also good. I was just throwing stuff out there.
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