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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Yup. Totally depends on the situation here. Sometimes I just wait for "natural consequences". It always reminds me of the Bill Cosby thing Child 1: I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! Child 2: stop it! Child 1: I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!... <THUMP> Child 1: waaaaaaaaaah. I never touched her! BC: Well it was hardly worth it then, was it?
  2. Well, we could probably use Facebook to the same effect, though I don't really have a preference for their ads over free forum ones. We could also set up a Google or Yahoo group...
  3. :iagree: you need the baggage one of my (male) coworkers covets: it says "I radiate pure awesome!" (both Agape and St Paul are free)
  4. Me, too. I am honestly just happy for the opportunity to study and discuss with a group of women (and men, if any join us) whose insights I enjoy and respect in so many areas already.
  5. Some combination. 1. Absolutely I would offer up any assistance I can to support them in their change. Lifestyle changes are hard and it helps if you know people have your back. 2. Yes, sure. Perfectly normal reaction to past experience. That doesn't preclude offering my support, though. 3. This is the tough one. It's the one you have to work on yourself to get to the place where you can let go of both the past and any future expectations you have for your relationship and just make it about their health. Does that make sense? None of this is to say I would practice or advocate unconditional support. I have withdrawn from a person with ongoing issues - none of which affect me personally, past or present - because it was clear, despite what she was telling me, that she had not walked away from them. I am simply unwilling to be involved in that. :grouphug: you work on your stuff, and do what you are able to support them working on their stuff.
  6. Yes, it should have, at the very least, the ability to switch to a previous mode.
  7. I once opened a diaper to find bright green poop with turquoise spots. Evidently, we had ingested play dough AND a crayon the day before. I think yours is much more uplifting, though. :001_smile:
  8. I find you to be pompous, judgmental, and completely self-absorbed. Would you be my friend? :D
  9. A story: My mother and stepfather built a house in a heavily covenanted development. The board controlled when you painted your home, what color, plantings. Neighbors would tromp through wooded common areas looking for unauthorized wood piles and non-white backed window treatments. Trucks were not allowed in the parking areas... crazy rule followers. We lived about halfway down the cul-de-sac, and walked the dog in the designated area across the main street from the opening of the cul-de-sac. We RAN with her, on the pavement, to keep her from fouling private or common areas. Another neighbor had a cute little poodle, whom they happily and openly let crap in anyone's yard he chose. While talking to the yard owner. Never cleaned up, never apologized, shrugged it off when people complained and demanded he clean it up. A third neighbor came home from a long day of work and stepped right in the pile left in her yard. Again. Later that night, the poodle owners came home in the dark, and noticed a foul smell approaching their door. It was the poo smeared all over their entryway and front door, with an accompanying note saying "clean up after your f***ing dog!" They were... shocked. :001_huh: Blatantly rude people evidently have some sort of filter that prevents them from understanding that they have committed an offense (repeatedly) until someone goes ballistic. Perhaps you would like to share such a story with your neighbor as you hand her a bag.
  10. I am becoming more and more convinced that a) these people are technicians, they do not employ any sort of thinking skills in "practicing medicine" and b) most of them are high. I hope you get a fix for this soon! Urticaria bites.
  11. I left an ultrasound appointment after waiting (with the required full bladder) for an hour recently. When I inquired at 30 minutes, I was told I wasn't there at the correct time and the receptionist didn't know why my doctor's office would have told me that. I made the appointment, she told me the time multiple times, then asked me to come a few minutes early for paperwork. When I was finally called (30 minutes after the time the receptionist told me was the "correct" one, 24 minutes after the only other person had come out and left), I made a complaint to the u/s tech, who rolled her eyes and told me if I was soooooooo uncomfortable I should just go to the restroom and then we could start. Wha?!?! I would have left 30 minutes before, but my drivers license was in the back. Also, the other woman there for u/s, and the people who came in for x-rays and MRIs while I was sitting there were called by first and last names, what they were there for was discussed loudly and in detail... It was a HIPAA nightmare. I was informed by my snarky ex-doctor that the radiology practice would never see me again. What.ever. (she won't be, either... What's up with above and beyond rude healthcare "professionals"?!?!)
  12. Not giving you a hard time but, really, with all the weird costuming that didn't stand out to me when I saw it as a kid.
  13. Yes, do it! Unless you don't care for canned veggies. Then, canning leads to pantry hostility. Local farmers here do give you a break on bulk produce, but you have to ask for canning tomatoes, a full case of corn, etc. Ours will also give you a better price (or free) if you do the end of season field gleaning.
  14. Paula Deen has an obscenely rich squash casserole recipe. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/squash-casserole-recipe/index.html People love my zucchini bread. I roll the shredded zucchini up in a towel and weight it to get the excess water out, substitute brown sugar for white, and add cashews or pistachios and lots of freshly grated nutmeg.
  15. I had one in March. Didn't even have the expected tetanus shot stiffness in the muscle in the next days. I'd probably call someone about that. It may just be how the shot was administered (nicked a vessel, made a deep bruise), could be a secondary infection (that seems really unlikely), could be a reaction. It's hard to say.
  16. I would stick with my original plan, and plan Grandma Camp later in the summer. My kids do not handle extended breaks all that well and it is like pushing a rock uphill to get back in the groove.
  17. A 50 pack of the 3M ones is $10.65 at Amazon. That seems sort of high to me. I'd look at Sam's or Costco if you have a membership.
  18. Yeah. Mine was about the same at Sam's club. And the pouches are, like, $5 for 50. Cheap. Cheaper than packing tape or contact paper, I would think.
  19. It's a little disturbing how awesome and productive I feel with my laminator... Doing something? Meh. Laminating it? Like having super powers!
  20. I have to say, I agree. Smart safety trumps any awkwardness she may feel. Escorts, pepper spray, whistle, air horn, personal defense course... Whatever it takes. Plus, the morning after pill IS hormonal birth control, a massive dose.
  21. Paper: we like the Well-Planned Day Electronic: we use Cozi
  22. I have to say, if I hear a voice telling me to spray tan my kids? Yeah, there will be some medication for that. People are just odd.:001_huh:
  23. Ah, Skadi! The Last Unicorn is one of my dad's favorites! I enjoyed A Fine and Private Place as well.
  24. We don't feel a need to censor bug sex. I don't necessarily know that I would want to watch it... I do enjoy the amazingly detailed mating dances of tropical birds on Nature, though. I will admit, the live show at the warthog pen I could have done without.
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