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Everything posted by Jenn121

  1. Another voice for Tae Kwon Do. At our studio a child's progress is based on the child's previous abilities not against others in the class. ETA: Typo.
  2. I vote for Costco. of course we don't have a BJ's or a Sams to compare. LOL
  3. My DD11 is also working on WWS1. It is a complete writing program but does not have any grammar. We really like it. Just my 2 cents.
  4. I mainly shop Costco and Trader Joe's. Bread, milk, Chicken, diaper(not anymore), juice, hot dogs, coffee, strawberries, blueberries, melon, fresh apples (off season. I have 8 trees), cheese, Amy's organic burritos, tortilla, lettuce, cucumbers, ground turkey, rice, flour, sugar, eggs, organic tomato sauce/paste/pasta sauce, organic pasta, organic mac & cheese, cereal, vitamins, syrup, waffles, bacon, water, peppers, potatoes, hummus, meatballs, butter, greek yogurt. I am sure there is much more I cannot think of
  5. Not only are they scaring people but they are taking their lives into their own hands. People have been shot and died by people who felt threatened and did not know it was a paintball or airsoft gun. I think of the poor officer or citizen that may shoot one of these idiots. How would they feel after? They make these "toys" so real these days. I am so sorry you son was scared but what a level head to be able to come in and report it!
  6. My answer is no. If I would not let her walk out of the house in her bra and underwear then it make no sense to me to let her out in the same thing made of a different fabric. Non-belly baring tankinis work best for my oldest as she has a long torso and one pieces just don't fit correctly.
  7. Thank you so much for your input. I think I was putting the cart before the horse with worrying that MUS would not be enough. Since the S&S is so unique I was having a hard time comparing and contrasting with other programs. I think I can let her finish up through Pre-A with MUS and switch for Algebra.
  8. The orange oil under the brownies might be from the chiles. I wonder if it is a preparation issue for the drink. I have seen on T.V. that they use a special carafe and a "whisk" called a champurrado to aerate Mexican hot chocolate. Wonder if that kind of prep would help. Along with the blood of course. :D
  9. So here is my dilemma. DD has been through A Beka math through 3rd grade, Then we switched to MUS and she has done (or will have done) half of Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta. I want to switch to Singapore because I am concerned that MUS is not enough in the upper grades. We have started 5B to learn the teaching style on somewhat familiar concepts. We did the same with MUS which is why she did half of Delta. If I continue with MUS she will be in Pre-algebra next year(7th). If I continue with Singapore 6 A/B based on the table of contents she will be covering topics that she has already done and this kid hates excess review in math hence the switch to MUS in the first place. She is hungry for new concepts and retains well. She knows she has to do some review and does it without complaining. Added drama is that she really likes MUS and does not like Singapore but I think that is because it is new and she is having to learn a new teaching style. Not sure which direction to go. Let well enough be with MUS or continue with Singapore. I do like AoPS for Pre-algebra . It seems to to be written to the student similar to Apologia.
  10. Sonic would be a instant source of hours of conversation around here too!
  11. I have some. I put it on my kitchen cabinets so no texture under it. It peels off and re-sticks well I guess. (I have only removed it once) I only use it for writing chore lists and notes etc. It is not very thick. I would say thickness of construction paper.
  12. My DD11 had a reaction when she was about 4. It took us a few times to figure it our because her rash would happen on the day after finishing her Rx. The first few time we saw the ped. on duty and they were not sure what it was but when we finally saw her ped. (wise man who was my hubby's ped.) he stated that it was a classic amoxicillan rash and not to have her take it anymore. She has never had another reaction. Jenn
  13. Just checked, as we keep it on hand, we use a liquid magnesium citrate for DD11. Works gently but very quickly we. We have to make sure we are staying home for at least 24 hours while using it
  14. Another voice saying no. My DD is in 6th grade and we just found WWS ( and SWB for that matter) at Christmas time. We have not done any previous WWE programs. She is on week 5 and is enjoying it. We have had some tears but that was because she was not used to reading the directions properly. On her previous curricula all of the instructions were at the beginning of the page and with WWS there are instructions in the reading. You have to read everything in order to know what you are to do
  15. Sonlight P4/5 with K readers HWTK Singapore 1
  16. :lol: HAHAHAHA Rachel, my hubby and I were watching a cartoon where some sheep get glue on themselves and roll together in a big ball (think giant cauliflower). They run into a garden shed and some how come unstuck. I say, "That does not make sense. what made them come apart?" Rachel says, "Mom, it is just pathetic license." I am not sure which amazed me more, the mistake of words or the fact that my 4 year old understands the concept of poetic license. :D
  17. We skipped Pedro's Journal and the Witch of Blackbird Pond. These two books are often favorites but not to my DD. Most of the books are plain language but some are "old" but those are mostly the read-alouds. Some of the books are fairly long. If you look at the book descriptions online you can see the number of pages for each book. We did not like the Story of the USA workbooks but my DD was coming from all A Beka to SL and had a general hatred of all things workbook. My DD was in 4th grade(9-10) when we did Core D. She did not get tired of the readers being History based. She really liked most of them. She like the spine also. I don't feel I have enough experience to say what level the readers are at, however DD did the advanced readers. You had a choice of regular readers or advanced but I think advanced was just a few more books and the reading schedule was sped up. More pages at a time. We did not add anything because we had a full extra-curricular schedule. There are many great documentaries on Netflix and Liberty Kids is always fun.
  18. :grouphug: I am so sorry and will pray for you and your family! :grouphug:
  19. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Praying for you all.
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