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Everything posted by Jenn121

  1. www.onceamonthmom.com It is for once a month cooking but you can make any of her dishes one at a time. (Obviously :laugh: ) She has traditional, vegetarian, diet, gluten and dairy free, whole foods and baby food menus each month. You download excel spread sheets for the menu you want, enter the number of people and it automatically changes the recipe measurements and in another spreadsheet the shopping list. Worth the subscription IMO. There are also archives of plans that at public because she published them before they required membership.
  2. Thank you so much for the answers. I kinda dropped the question and had to run. I would absolutely give her something to do while we listen. That makes choosing for next year simpler and more complicated at the same time. ;) ETA:Typos.
  3. If I was to use SOTW (starting with the Ancients) with my older daughter would it be appropriate for my 5 year old to listen in? I would not be expecting her to do anything but listen while I read it or the audio book is playing. Thanks Jenn
  4. Found it! thanks for pointing me in that direction.
  5. No I have never heard of this. Is it offered by VP? I would like to investigate it. Jenn Thanks by the way. :0)
  6. We are in week 5 of WWS. We love it. The previous program we used was very heavy on the grammar review and did not get to any writing skills until the end of the book/year and Hannah did not need the review. She is a natural at spelling and grammar. It just makes sense to her. WWS is pushing her out of her comfort zone in a direct and gentle way. It's step by step process is working very well for her. The only problem she had was that she already was good at summarizing and when the book asked her to break it down into main points and then summarize she had a hard time since it was already something she did in her head. Putting it on paper was hard for her but it was a good challenge. Oh and writing it neatly is also a challenge for her. She had re-written a few of the assignments because I refuse to even try to read them. Based on her abilities there is no reason she can not write neatly and carefully. It is just her being lazy. Disclaimer: I realize that some children have issues that hamper their handwriting ability. I am only commenting on my daughter's situation.
  7. And you have been very helpful to me! :hurray: I just need to make a decision and go with it! Arrgh.
  8. They said we had a slow connection but we did not see any lag so not sure on that. We are new to classical studies so we are kinda starting in the middle. Hannah has never done a 4 year history rotation. It has all been US history. The Christian school that she was in used Abeka and then we used Sonlight US history so we have no reference for the difficulty level. I also, personally have never done the ancient so we would be learning together. Jenn
  9. Not sure. I am so torn! I love the idea of Omnibus but I am so afraid of overwhelming my 7th grader. But as I look at other things I keep coming back to it. Ack! Why does choosing have to be so hard. I keep bouncing back and forth between doing SL for 7th & 8th and starting Omnibus in 9th or just jumping into Omnibus in 7th. I had just settled for SL when the self-paced Omnibus was released. :scared: My brain hurts from bouncing it all around! :crying: Jenn
  10. I did not know you could rate a thread. Does that make you feel any better? :D
  11. My husband and I met in 1993 and we would get together in the dorms and watch the Simpsons and Beavis and Butthead. So romantic I know. :laugh: Our cat is named Beavis. Nowadays........It is not fun with out my hubby. I bought him the episodes on DVD but they do not have the B&B doing the music video commentary and that was the funniest part! Watching it without the music videos is not in anyway as much fun. ETA: Finish my thought and make a complete sentance. LOL I am tired.
  12. Thank you! And in answer to the OP's original question I do find it a little odd to have someone relatively unknown ask about a very personal or sticky situation. Not something I think I would do. However, when you are at your wit's end and are searching for someone who may have BTDT in order to get advise or not to feel so alone, a board where you have been lurking for a while would seem attractive. Especially if you have been reading people's posts and have gotten a general feel for the personalities represented. It's the only just joined posts that confuse me. You have no idea who you are talking to at all. Then I would be concerned about a troll.
  13. So I lurk and I have commented on a few posts. I read, I learn and I glean from you ladies that have been doing this WTM stuff longer than I. I might even have said, "I agree." but Laurel-in-ca can confirm I am real :thumbup: . And my very first thread of my own is about Omnibus! Can I stay and play? ;)
  14. This may be a silly and or obvious question but because I am a classical education newbie I am going to ask it anyway! :w00t: If you use Omnibus it covers History, Bible, and Literature right? So if I added math, latin, logic, music and science I would have a well rounded school plan? Do I need to do an additional Lit course or add in the secondary reading from Omnibus? Thanks in advance for your advise. Jenn ETA: I would also have writing and grammar courses
  15. Wow! No I have so much more to think about for next year! I got the samples to work after I had them e-mailed to me.
  16. I have found, over the years, that the shape of my crockpot seemed to be an important variable in my oatmeal results. In my tall round one it work pretty well (although I never liked it as much as stove top). My current crockpot is oval and wide so the depth of the ingredients is shallow and they seem to cook faster and get dry and rubbery. I have to double the recipe to get the depth right and that is way to much oatmeal for our family.
  17. We have two services with Adult, Teen, 2-18 Sunday School during 1st service. During 2nd service there is Adult Sunday School, Jr. High, and High School attend service, 2-6th can stay in service with their parents or go to Children's church.(K-6th start in service for worship and then are dismissed) For the 3rd -6th there is also Children's choir. Sunday school divided as follows, 2&3, 4&5, K&1, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th, Junior HIgh, High School, College and Career (although any adult can attend this) and Adult. We have 4 adult SS options during 1st service and 3 during 2nd. There is nursery for 0-3 during both services. We do not have a Sunday night service. Awana and Youth Group are both on Wednesdays. Age range from 2-18. We do not have events without childcare. Well sometimes the senior citizens will : ) Usually 0-6th grade child care for special events. We are a largish church but not a mega church. ans as I typed this all out I realized how blessed our church family is!! ETA:typos
  18. I am an AHG troop coordinator and we "require" a parent for the Pathfinders but we will make exceptions on a case by case basis. We also have cubs and BSA running at the same time so sometimes parents cannot be there. I myself will have a Pathfinder next troop year. As far as Dads, we welcome them. I currently have 2 leaders that are fathers and a least 1-2 more that are the parent that brings the girls. Each troop is different. Don't be afraid to ask questions and tell the leaders your situation. Our troop has been around for 15 years. Jenn
  19. Wow this thread is getting long. I just wanted to say Hi and that I am trying to stay up on everyone as much as possible. Praying for ya'll when ever I can. Also, please pray for our AHG troop's Mother Daughter PJ Party this Friday night. It is always fun. 79 people sleeping in our church's youth room! Talent show, movies and crafts. Jenn
  20. Oh, CarolJenn! :grouphug: My prayers are with you. Lord, I lift up this sister in Christ! Keep her close to You through her sorrow. Amen.
  21. We are a busy bunch but reevaluate each year to make sure the schoolwork and family life are not neglected. Monday- AHG (2x a month), Tues- Rollerskating and Chorus, Wed-Bell Choir and Awana, Thur- Piano and Chorus, Friday-Library and Park day, Sat & Sunday-various 4H projects (we keep this to a minimum though. Mostly just dogs) My husband has a 2 hour commute and works swing shift (3-11) so I am on my own for making this work. I know that this may look like a lot but it work for us. :)
  22. My oldest daughter did the repeat the last part of the sentence in a whisper thing for about a year. She has since outgrown it. She did not even realize that she was doing it and would vehemently deny it until the other kids at school started making fun of her for it. :( One of the many reasons we brought her home. Jenn
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