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Everything posted by Mom25girls

  1. Sending a :grouphug: and echoing the advice to be gentle with yourself. It is SO HARD when our babies insist on growing up.
  2. Sending hugs. My mom has early stage dementia and it so very difficult for us all. Wishing that I had some illuminating advice but all I can say is...you're not in this alone. Hugs and more hugs. In agreement with the previous poster, Cant We Talk About Something More Pleasant?: A Memoir by Roz Chast gave me some much needed perspective (and a few giggles!).
  3. On my third student using these and finally asking the question that I've always considered (yet not wanted to sound stupid by asking...). Do you have your students watch the lecture FIRST and then read the related section OR read the section and follow it by watching the lecture? Also, does anyone have recommendations for documentaries to watch prior to reading the Iliad and the Odyssey?
  4. We started Ancient Lit today and...she LOVES it! LOL! We watched this and it was really exciting. Seriously. http://www.learner.org/courses/worldlit/gilgamesh/watch/ To update, our "compromise" was that dd would do one unit of Ancient Literature and one full unit of Contemporary Literature. It's kind of an interesting....compromise but we're both happy so it's a good thing!
  5. I would highly recommend checking into TabletClass Geometry. I've had two daughters complete the course (one VERY math and one who works hard but just wants to do well and be done), and a third enrolled for this coming year. The class is self paced and IF a student (or parent) needs any type of guidance, the program developer (John Zimmerman) is very kind, encouraging, knowledgeable and prompt in response.
  6. OH...a year too late (last year was US History and Lit). It looks like a lovely book. I'll save the links for my next 11th grader. Thank you so much for posting. We ended up doing a year of Gothic literature. My 11th grader was looking at books on her older sister's shelves (from 4 years of Undergrad classes) and remarked that a group of them looked like great reads! We added a bunch more to round out a full year course and... Presto! Insta class! LOL. Thanks again for your help.
  7. Chrysalis and mo2, I wish that I could get my hands on that book!! I checked Amazon and there is a delay (even with Prime). My local library doesn't have it and neither do any others in the system. Have you ever used it to create a literature based Elective? My daughter has looked at so many books that she is coming up with a VERY eclectic mix. I'm thinking that perhaps a half year program might be a win/win (and help her commit to the "Big Literature issue".
  8. I'm attempting to plan for my fourth 9th grader and suddenly (as the deadlines draw near), she is really balking on reading Ancient Literature. We've always used a WTM approach and I must say, this came as a bit of a surprise. In my attempts to allow her some ownership of her own learning (this is a child who does NOT love school and really want to go to our public high school), I'd like to develop a year where she is interested and excited with school. I Googled ninth grade literature selections and there are many. I COULD do a year of British literature (US is next year) or a year of exploring classic high school books. This daughter is an avid reader so I'm sure that the difficulty level of the Ancients isn't her concern. Sigh...This has been the most difficult planning year I've ever experienced (and it's my 18th year homeschooling). I'm hoping that it will result in learners who are well invested in their learning. We shall see... Thanks in advance for any input, advice or just for reading this far. Thanks, Michele.
  9. Thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate the help!
  10. Oh THANK YOU for your response! I really appreciate it. Would you share your timeline with me? How did you develop it? This is a last minute change because my daughter decided that she does NOT want to study Medieval history again.I'm kind of sad because it would have been our third rotation....LOL. It's not my education BUT I'm in charge of the paperwork (and we live in a highly regulated state). I'll go investigate the Center for Lit. 11th grader is hoping for something not online but I've been looking at quite a few today looking for inspiration.
  11. Oh gosh...Three in high school (plus one in Jr. High)and last minute plan changes...WOWSA. My head is spinning...My soon to be 11th grader has completed a Great Books Ancient History (with lit), US History (with lit) and is this year doing US Govt and Politics/ US and Global Econ. What literature does the hive recommend? My oldest daughter (she's a recent college grad) did a Brit Lit course with a large online provider and IT. WAS. AWFUL. I think it makes sense to study Brit Lit . HELP PLEASE. I've looked for book lists but I've been largely unsuccessful. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  12. Oh gosh !!! Red faced. I think that the class is actually held at 10am EST ( thanks Jann!!!). Thanks JoJos Mom. I appreciate your help too!! I've been in an NCAA induced panic since early morning and I think it's time to shut down my brain!
  13. In advance, I want to thank anyone who attempts to assist me. I am going to have 3 high school students next year and two of them need a good Pre-Calculus/Trig course. They have been doing Tablet Class and loving it but...they have outpaced the course production and I am in a panic. I looked at Jann in Texas' class but her sessions are full. There IS a new teacher (Mrs. Nowell)but we are on EST and I just can't imagine my girls functioning at 8am and doing math. I've looked at Derek Owens' class and that looks promising. Does anyone have any advice. I'd love to find a way to combine them but I'm not sure that is possible. ANY suggestions appreciated.
  14. LOL! I LOVED 80's hair! I went reckless with the Madonna look (one side shaved out a little bit! The smell of Paul Mitchell hairspray (chemical watermelon) still makes me swoon!!!!
  15. We just saw this earlier today! 2017, AARGH!!!!
  16. I'm so sorry. I dread losing my Dad...Please take time to take care of yourself during this difficult time. Hugs and sympathy... I'm very sorry for your loss.
  17. This hurts my heart. I'm so very sorry. Praying that the obvious need for training creates a national change.
  18. I'm feeling frightened now. At the end of this month, my recent college graduate will be traveling 17 hours home to live here until...umm...after she takes entrance exams and goes to graduate school. Whenever that is...Gosh...My daughter is one of my best friends and I respect her dearly but the dynamics of our home have changed since she moved out (4 years ago). Oh....Deep breaths...
  19. I'm so sorry. Sending healing wishes and hopes that your grief is replaced with gentle, joyful memories. I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose such a sweet companion. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.
  20. My gosh! I think that you're my hero! LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!!!! Am I too old for a midlife crisis? I'm 52...
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