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Everything posted by Mom25girls

  1. I'm hoping that you have support. :grouphug: I'm sorry We're just at the beginning of this journey but I can see the path and it's really scary to me.
  2. Hugs to all. I'm living in a house of female hormones (note the ages below of my four younger children living at home). I was an easy teenager (even Mom would agree). But my mother is slipping into early stage dementia and I really miss having a mom that I can talk to without worrying about the consequences...
  3. I always buy the package (but usually I wait until the end of the year for the final exam!!!). The final is VERY difficult but it's really good practice for future looooooong exams!
  4. OH my gosh!!!! I'm so sorry!!! Is there anything we can do to make your mom smile? Send a card maybe? I hope that she's resting comfortably. I'm really, REALLY sorry.
  5. My daughter (a current senior at AU) sent me a link to this. WAR EAGLE!!!! :hurray: Certainly NOT shocked at the bottom ranked team. LOL!
  6. Thanks so much Karen!!! YOU ROCK!!!!! :hurray: :grouphug: :hurray:
  7. Please help! We're starting school next week and I had planned on using Karen's ("Now Is the Best Time" program of American Odyssey and Primary Sources. Has anyone done this? Starting the second week there are references to watching episodes from an unknown source. PLEASE, please help! Does anyone know what source is being referenced? Thanks in advance. Slight panic (ok..more than slight over here!) PS http://nowisthebesttimeofourlives.blogspot.com/p/american-history-with-the.html
  8. I love this thread. Next week we are starting our 18th year homeschooling. I was terrified in the beginning. I never planned on homeschooling but my first daughter taught herself to read very young and by four years old, was reading at a fifth grade level. Here and the FIAR boards, I quietly gleaned information and confidence. I was too shy to post (although I did send private messages now and then) but I needed the support and fellowship provided by the "Computer communities." As we added littles and my concerns grew(OH MY! First daughter entering high school left me posting lots of questions and when she left for college, more than one tear filled post late at night), you folks remained a constant for me. It was truly going to be okay. Thinking about the "Old days" has been such a pleasant diversion for me. I SHOULD be planning and gearing up to start the new year but... I'm consistently impressed by the passion, the knowledge and the diversity on the WTM Boards. Thumbs up to all of you. And to anyone who is a very long time quiet reader, it's okay. I think that there is a place for all of us here.
  9. One of mine too. It hurts my heart quite honestly. I expected the world to be a safe-isn place when I was growing up...
  10. Oh, I do feel your pain. I'm on my fourth 13 year old girl and it doesn't get easier. I think that a lot of it is hormonal. My girls have all needed more sleep , more time to daydream and a little extra grace. I try to structure my daughter's day so that it is very difficult for her to fail. VERY CLEAR expectations and consistent checking on my part. It's kind of like having a toddler. This does pass (although it may take awhile. I have a 14 year old....). Hang in there. Hug your girl a lot, try to engage her in her interests, spend time just giggling and laughing because...time passes so quickly. My first 13 year old girl will be 23 years old in a short number of weeks. GASP.
  11. Oh Tammy, I loved that post too! I was a quiet reader for many, many years. I THINK that I started reading the boards around 1997 EEKS. I loved the board flips and I yearned to be a "first poster." HONESTLY, once I COULD have been but I was too shy and too excited to post! LOL! Late nights with lots of littles replaced nervous first time homeschool jitters and I became very adept at NAK. Sigh...missing those days...My first homeschool experiment is a senior in college this year and my youngest is going to be starting sixth grade. Time does fly...
  12. I've been praying for you and wishing that I could think of something that could somehow bring you peace.I can't. I'm so sorry that you're going through this ...again. Praying that your wee one stays home and that you have many years to love on him.
  13. Mom25girls


    FABULOUS news! Hoping that you can exhale now!
  14. Thanks so much! I just used this to order our Grammar books. :hurray:
  15. Praying for the return of your wallet and for your peace of mind .
  16. Super cute!!!! I'm so excited for your family!!!
  17. :grouphug: Transitions can be a bit rough on the heart. Hoping that you're extra gentle with yourself as you find your new "normal."
  18. Oh my gosh, I can relate. My first baby(21) returned to college today ,17 hours away. Sigh... She's beginning her Senior year :huh: I miss the heady days of having three little ones under the age of three, little bows and sundresses and sticky hands. BUT I am enjoying living in a house of teenaged girls and my eleven year old who thinks that she is 30. It's so much fun (except for that ONE week a month....). Time passes so quickly and as the years race, I find myself exceedingly grateful that I've been home with my girls, living and learning and laughing. Just wishing that it would slow down a wee bit.
  19. This is something that I have pondered quite honestly. Thanks for asking!
  20. Mom25girls


    I'm really sorry that you are all going through this. Sending hugs and prayers.
  21. She is lovely!!! Congratulations!!! Wishing you a lifetime of much joy and many blessings.
  22. So excited for all of you. We're a two dog , two cat family and two cats are truly better together. Thrilled for Roman and for all of the humans who will make new memories with their gorgeous new cat friends!
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