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Jenny in Atl

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Everything posted by Jenny in Atl

  1. How about Prentice Hall Explorers series. Link below. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/science_explorer/index.html You might also look at the Galore Park series So You Really Want to Learn Science. Though with the exchange rate, they won't be cheap :eek: http://www.galorepark.co.uk/subjects-home_schoolers-science.html I'm currently using My World Science http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1201195186-1641237&subject=11&category=2787 As well as Plato's CyberEd http://www.cybered.net/content.asp?contentid=389 hth's
  2. Greetings, I would not call my kids gifted but they both are ahead in a number of areas for their age, especially my youngest. DD 12 loves to read and her comprehension has tested on a college level. We are already using high school level LL as the SL readers are good, but she flies through them. My youngest dd seven is the one ahead in almost everything but writing (on grade level). She is flying through math (almost done with Singapore 3), reading on a 5-6 grade level, doing middle school science :eek:. I hope I can keep up with her. So, my question always is... are they gifted or is it that in homeschooling them, they are getting exposed to resources and opportunities that they would otherwise not have in public school?
  3. I think you either like these or don't. My dd 12 used LOF fractions and percents as review before moving onto NEM1. She liked that they were in story form (she is very literate but not very mathematical). This is my struggle, whether to stick with NEM or switch to Jacobs for next year.
  4. Last I saw one of her kids was sick? I hope they are OK.
  5. My kids loved the bks... I'm unsure about the movie given the track record of so many awful bk made into movie projects recently. I just may wait for this one to be out on dvd.
  6. Yes, often. Or we get going and then poop out. I find the weather really effects us too. If it's sunny, we are motivated to get more done so we can get out and enjoy the afternoon. Currently, we are on our winter schedule (12-5) for most work, with reading and extras in the morning. In summer it's opposite, up early done by Noon and off to the pool.
  7. Ow, ow!! Me... I am :eek: Things are better now since a fellow CJ friend of mine moved across the country. ;) Can we start a recovery group for this?
  8. I would think this is practice for when our kids are in lecture halls and need to be able to listen and write at a good clip. Of course now, they use laptops and recording devices, but this skill is still something to encourage and refine. I plan on dictation of some sort till the bitter end. :D
  9. I'm using LL for my 2nd grade dd. It's fun, not too light, and a great way to get her mind limbered-up for LP, which I'm using with my 6th grade dd. LP is a gem. My dd looks forward to doing the exercises with me. There are lots of high fives when we have translated one of the more tricky sentences.
  10. I agree with all above!! I even feel a little smarter after we are done with our daily Latin w/o ;)
  11. Here's a cool link that rates brands or organic dairy products. We too use OV. But we also get organic milk from Costco and other smaller brands from Harry's (whole foods) like my greek yogurt (The Greek Gods) from WA state. http://cornucopia.org/dairysurvey/index.html
  12. I'm also in the camp that thinks not. If I was not homeschooling my girls, I would be working, at least part-time. A whole other set of stress and pressure along with after school activities would wipe out any stress I now feel.
  13. Here are some cool ragtime ones. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ragtime-society.de/Video/20-Ragtime%2520Nightmare.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.ragtime-society.de/Deutsch/cover.htm&h=600&w=458&sz=59&hl=en&start=4&sig2=guaAQ7NO_b3aUGWfgl1BXQ&um=1&tbnid=Gh5jahZUTQYjJM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=103&ei=4uqXR4jfNpiuiAHr2cDeCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dragtime%2Bimages%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DX
  14. Whose out there in peach land? Jenny just north of Atl (OTP) :p
  15. Back a few years ago there was a show called, My So Called Life. I identified with Angela Chase (a gather a number of gals did). Recently I shared the series with my daughter and was surprised to find after all these years I still do. Thankfully, my folks were nothing like hers.
  16. Yes, I loved Dead Man, but then I'm a big Jim Jarmusch fan as well (Night on Earth, Mystery Train, Stranger Than Paradise,...). I just had to have the Neal Young piece at the end, which was not on the soundtrack cd he did for the movie. Thankfully my brother knew a guy, who knew a guy, and now I have it :D. I also have the video on my MySpace page! :eek: I think I like him a bit too much :p
  17. Ditto! I agree with a lot of the post above. Bullies are everywhere, whether public, private or homeschooled. And it's no wonder, l run into adult ones all the time.
  18. Since my kids can't have gluten I would be limiting ourselves to fruit and veggies.. GF stuff is very expensive, and we try to buy that wisely. So we do Costco for most of our meat (mostly lamb, chicken, and pork. No beef) and Whole Foods for fish and buffalo. I see food as more important than cable t.v., than dinner out (most places we can't eat anyway), and other things that can eat away the budget. So, I would say when money is tight I look elsewhere to cut and not cut the meat
  19. I love that site. You really get straight answers from folks who have or still do live in the area. For a short time it looked as if we might move to either Birmingham Al or Seattle WA. After a number of hours on these boards I would have felt very comfortable taking the leap as compared to moving blind. In the end, looks as though we are staying put for a while.
  20. I do both but both are done gently with fun in mind at this age. I think of exposure vs. mastery, plenty of time for that. In the end it only matters if they are really going to use it; if not they lose it.
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