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Jenny in Atl

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Everything posted by Jenny in Atl

  1. With my first it was grapefruit juice. With my second it was Pellegrino mixed with quinine water. Weird I know, but it worked. I also found sucking on Altoids non-stop helped. I did this so much so, I burned a hole in the skin on the side of my mouth.
  2. Amaretto or Rum would be nice, if I could still drink coffee :(
  3. Last count, thanks to Library Thing, we have 2,188 (that includes audio bks~ 30-40). The number was higher but I have started selling some of the picture bks and SL chapter bks as my younger daughter finishes them. I need more $ to buy new bks! :eek:
  4. Are there other forums/boards? :eek: Sonlight's and the Denim Jumper.
  5. There really is not much writing in HO2 Ancients. We started HO2 Middle Ages in January and already there is a good bit more. DD 12 is writing a summary (2-3) pages about Macbeth for a bk of Shakespeare that will be completed over the course. I don't see any of the assignments as hard to modify if needed.
  6. It used to be white fish spread but now I love Greek yogurt and honey. When I could eat chocolate, TJ's had that dark chocolate toffee I loved so much. :(
  7. I've never understood grade levels even when I was a kid in school. They are based on age, right? There were always kids at one end of the bell curve and others at the other end with the rest scattered about in the middle. It's so impossible to have all kids produce the same academically according to their age. We all don't begin walking at the same age or talking, etc. Why does our (US...can't speak for other areas but would love to hear non-US thoughts) system still use this? US public schools were founded to train workers for factories and mills as the country transitioned from an agriculturally based economy to one focused on goods and labor/services. Now we live in a different world again, where it's ideas and services that lead the way; it's ashame our (US Government's) ideas of education have not changed as well. That said, if my kids did go back to school I would be clueless as to where they should go - but I most likely would put them with their age peers as this where they would feel the most pressure to "fit in."
  8. It's My World Science. Ria has stopped making them but Rainbow Resource still has a number of her units in stock. http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1201613502-788858&subject=11&category=2787
  9. I had a bad experience with the BioClean dishwasher soap (powder kind). The best stuff I have found is Ecover (Whole Foods carries) and Shacklee (not cheap!).
  10. In some ways we live better than my parents; my kids know their dad as mine was gone all the time working 24/7 in the advertising world. However, we have been slammed with medical issues and the money that sucks from you. We are self employed so our insurance is ridiculous (expensive and covers little). Every time we feel we are climbing out of the debt hole, something brakes or some other medical issue pops up. Things change, and no one is guaranteed a certain kind of life. I always tell my girls that we are still doing so much better that the vast majority of the world's population. I have seen true poverty and very few of us, at least in the US, come close. It can be hard when the T.V. and movies make you feel as if everyone has it all but you.
  11. No problem here.. but then I come from a family of artist so I like art :D
  12. It's HORMONES! Just back from the eye doctor with my 12 dd. We were checking out which frames she wanted. Well, she went right for the $300+ ones! Of course, we did not get those but it was a struggle to find a reasonably price frame that would not cramp her style. Ugh... Know you are not alone and we were once this age. I remember my mother, laughing so loud at the OB's, when she found out I was having a girl the first time. "Oh, payback my dear is lovely." Yes, I went on to have two. If I had been fortunate to have more children, I bet they would have all been girls so I could pay for the drama I sure I shared with my folks at this crazy age. Enjoy, it's all we can do.. or try to.
  13. I know we have finished two already, so 3-4 sounds right. Enjoying PH here very much.
  14. Lively Latin maybe what you want. It's fun & lite for those ages. Latin Prep is a bit more... but it's great fun and you maybe surprised that for those ages they may like it. See if you can find it used?
  15. I may use a mix of RS4K Chemistry or LLB Chemistry with MWO. Not sure, she loves science so I could see us doing at least two.
  16. My 2nd grader loved them! My 6th grader and I hated them! LOL. They are basically cut and past with a few activities. Not creative at all - very simple and straight forward. This frustrated me, I like to go off and add things. Towards the end we did more lap bk projects with them.
  17. My better half owns a survey instrument sales and repair shop. He takes very complicated things apart (gives me a headache to even look at the stuff) and then puts it all back together (kinda like the creepy Sylar dude from Heroes) :eek: He is solo right now so all we pay is just for us, and it's a ton. Last couple years it's been so hard that we don't pay the estimated tax each quarter, just the whole amount in April and add on penalities.
  18. Here are a couple that seem middle of the road (non partisan), but I can't say for sure. :confused: http://www.cookpolitical.com/ http://www.politico.com/
  19. My second went through the 8 pretty quick. She just finished the last one and she is in second; she started in K. So that's like 2 1/3 a year?
  20. She and Newhart were masters at dry comedy. Not an easy thing to do. She will be missed.
  21. You are also releasing a bunch of toxins when you lift weights. Drink plenty of water to flush them out. Same thing for after a hard massage. All that lactic acid can make you feel real sick.
  22. The "other" category is awfully large. Mexico, Central, South America, and Africa too. It would be cool to have a bigger brake down and even a little map, but I know not how to do this. :(
  23. All we used was Unifix cubes, an abacus, and a clock with movable hands. Singapore stresses mental math so you won't need a ton of extras.
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