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Jenny in Atl

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Everything posted by Jenny in Atl

  1. I know this is silly, but I feel the need for pitty... I wish I could by pancake batter at Costco. We are a GF family, and just making pancakes takes like 10 different GF flours (which make a mess, no gluten means they fly everywhere). To just be able to buy the "normal" stuff would be so nice. OK, getting of my pitty pot. :o
  2. My oldest dd 12, got an awesome part in a local play. She is very excited as it is a major part and her first time with this theatrical outfit. I'm just happy for her as this is her passion, and not an easy one to have.
  3. Ditto on the posts above. Spotlight a piece of your children's work each month. Maybe tied into what you are studying, or the time of year, or something they just really feel proud of making.
  4. There was a very long thread about this yesterday. It surely makes me reread my posts hoping I have not offended anyone, but really there is no way not to. I'm sorry you received one. I would not think you in any way not trust worthy! Can we send your page a rebuttal?
  5. I always want salty first and then sweet. Not very good for the waist line :eek:
  6. In the past I have order directly from GP, while not the cheapest, they were very nice and quick. I have also had great luck with the BK Depository (UK) and Horrible bks as well. We love their history bks, science looks great but I have not used them yet, Study Skills, Latin Prep, Spanish, and French. I'm interested in their geography ones but need to hold off to next year. :(
  7. We have, for the most part, stuck with Singapore. I have looked at others but always come back.
  8. We are not doing them in any specific order. I'm letting her pick the subjects (all Earth science). She has finished Environmental Science and Earth's Changing Surface this year so far; she started over the summer after Botany. She reads about a chapter a week and we do the reviews as well as discuss over all her thoughts on the chapter. She is not a big lab person so I'm skipping labs till we go back to Bio and chemistry. I know when my younger daughter does these in a few years, we will do the labs. She has already asked.
  9. Return? :eek: I didn't know there were any out there that still got some of their $$ back. Last year we paid over 8k. That's what you get for owning a small business. I'm sure what we get will go to medical bills or CC'd.
  10. Ditto, more in the afternoon. We try to keep them protein/veggies (nuts, cheese, carrots, and such).
  11. I'm using LP with my 12 yr-old dd. We don't test in the traditional sense but do lots of review and a "pop" quiz now and then. Since the information builds, you know rather quickly if something is not being retained.
  12. My mom just got Bamboo too (also an artist). She loves it! I loved your portraits.
  13. Sorry, never liked the guy (as an actor). This is just too much. :confused:
  14. I'm scared of things like sickness, a loss of control (or being out of), but not too many classic things like bugs. I fear something happening to my family - those kinds of things. Guess, that's why not too many scary bks or movies bother me.
  15. She was just rude because you gave her extra busy work. Goodness, you will go when you get back. Enjoy your trip!
  16. Sending you good thoughts. An illness is never easy and you just wish it would go away. Like the others have said, think positive!!
  17. I have tried everything with my dd 12 to improve her handwriting, to no avail. I have given up. So I let her type most of her writing. She still writes out in work bks, outlines, rough drafts, etc. But, all else is on the computer so I can read it. :p
  18. Depends on the age. Many I know just do CW. I like to add more grammar. For younger GWG or R&S. For older AG is a great ten review but we skip the diagraming since we like CW's better. As for spelling, I did Sequential Spelling for a while. DD 12 is now spelling great and I have dropped that.
  19. I agree, I print-out one lesson at a time. Just log on to look at notes or listen to the chants. Very easy to use.
  20. That would be dangerous for me! It's bad enough that there is a great little curriculum shop right next to where my daughter will be rehearsing for a play each Sat for the next two months. :rolleyes: I will be strong.. I have to be :D
  21. I have a bunch but right now - For k-4 ETC GWG Sonlight (readers & read aloud) SOTW Galore Park history CW Aesops Lively Latin Singapore Math MWS For 5 & up History Odyssey Latin Prep CW Homer Philosophy For Kids PH Science Singapore Math I also love Netflix for specials and movies (use a bunch with history) And my trusty iPod and all those great Audible bks to fill our time in traffic.
  22. Gosh, after working in bk stores for about 10 years, I think I have seen about every nasty thing you could find in a bk. Lovely items left by costumers who liked to look but not buy. We would lose at least a couple a year to, well how do I say this, the stuff that helps make babies (male contribution). :eek:. At least the kids kept it to sticky stuff, candy and soda. It always amazed me that someone would do that!
  23. Here is one from a few days ago... they are hard to keep from getting buried. http://well-trainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=721&highlight=reading
  24. My dd watched Libertine. She was more effected by his illness than any of the sex or nudity. If fact it was a great lesson for what consequences may befall you based on your actions.
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