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Jenny in Atl

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Everything posted by Jenny in Atl

  1. I like SL, here, Denim Jumper, Rainbow Resource (when I have a lot of time), used books stores, local curriculum sales, and library sales.
  2. I also think we are bathed in chemicals, now more than ever. Much of our food is either genetically modified or grown in dirt that has been amended chemically. It's not just food allergies on the rise but all autoimmune illnesses as well. I feel this is a sign of a sick eco-system, when our own bodies start attacking ourselves.
  3. It's an online service that provides math and science courses. I have the algebra one, which my daughter has used a little while (she liked it but went back to NEM1 for now). A friend's daughter and son are using it and like it very much. It's similar to Teaching Textbooks. http://www.kineticbooks.com/
  4. And then this is when Jenny helps me....... The guy from the BWM commercials that does movies now (Clive Owen?) The Casio Royal James Bond (Daniel Craig) The guy that plays Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) The guy from Trainspotting and Crank (was that the same guy?? If not both of them) (Ewan McGregor) & (Jason Statham) Michael Collin's guy (Liam Neeson) or (Aidan Quinn) Actresses Help Jenny.... the girl from Bride and Prejuidice (Aishwarya Rai) OK that is it from me!
  5. Yes, I would like to know as well. I really like being able to see and touch the bks. I have been burned too many times in the past by stuff folks loved and then I get it and, well... it's not so great.
  6. Depends on the day it falls. This year dd 12's b'day was when we do co-op music classes all day. So they were "off" so to speak already. And we have more birthday months vs. day; with the grandparents and friends in the mix.
  7. Well I have been complaining about the weather here but after seeing what you all are dealing with, I think I will stick with a couple more month of a GA winter. :eek: -55! That's insane.
  8. Most nights my 12 yr-old is in bed by 10pm. She often stays up longer reading. I do let her sleep in till about 8am most mornings if we have no where to be the first part of the day.
  9. Viggo Mortensen... ow another one I forgot. He was awesome in both A History of Violence and Eastern Promises. Ok, I will stop. Sorry, I love the movies.
  10. Did they say like... a dime bag? Nickel? I'm trying to remember from some years back. Those would be maryjane... I do believe. These days I think it costs a bunch more :eek:
  11. A friend once told me her house keeping skills were an example to make others feel better about theirs. (And yes, her home was a total mess). A good friend does not care what your home is like, just that it is a home for your children and friends, filled with laughs and warmth.
  12. Art and Music Appreciation Classical Writing Aesops (slowly over two years with lots of journal writing) Growing with Grammar 3 History Odyssey level 1 Middle Ages Lively Latin My World Science & Plato's CyberEd Recorder & Choir Singapore Math 3b/4a United Streaming Spanish, The Fun Spanish and RS Spanish Reading for SL core 2 and others of her own choosing PE
  13. I find it hard to stick to a straight five-day schedule, but I do find a way to fit in five days worth; often doing school weekends or nights. I started to feel more of the push when oldest hit 5th grade.
  14. Main loves are my Kitchen Aid mixer and blender. My man's love is the Gaggia espresso machine. I can no longer partake so I just gaze at it lovingly. :p
  15. He did an amazing job in Sweeney Todd (not for those who don't like blood), also great in Dogma, and all those above.
  16. I love Toshiro Mifune too! Oh boy, here we go... the ones I can think of right now. Yes, I watch a lot of movies. Chiwetel Ejiofor Sergi López Ray Winstone Ben Kingsley Guy Pearce Danny Huston Daniel Day-Lewis Don Cheadle Benno Fürmann Jean Reno Gary Oldman Johnny Depp Tom Wilkinson Cillian Murphy Colin Firth Ed Norton John Malkovich John Turturro Kenneth Branagh Laurence Fishburne Clive Owen Colin Farrell Stephen Rea Gabriel Byrne Kevin Spacey Liam Neeson Aaron Eckhart Gael García Bernal Audrey Tautou Franka Potente Claire Danes Isabelle Huppert Emma Thompson Gong Li Scarlett Johansson Judi Dench Helen Mirren Cate Blanchett Frances McDormand Kate Winslet Julianne Moore Toni Collette Judi Davis Sophie Okonedo
  17. Movie (I have too many but will pick the classic ... The Third Man) T.V. CSI LV closely followed by Heroes and No Reservations. Ok, I'm bad at picking just one
  18. We have always had good luck with Carolina Science. Here is the link to their site. We have done butterflies (Painted Ladies & Monarchs) as well as Silk Worms. We did so well with the Silk Worms we had three generations before the eggs would not hatch. Good luck! http://www.carolina.com/
  19. I always seem to post in spurts then putter out and start back up again. The new board seems to coincide with one of my spurts. :D
  20. I think level two for fifth grade. I'm using the level one with my 2nd grader and level two with my sixth grader. With level one, there are lots of History Pockets in the Ancients and crafts in the middle ages. Level two is more about outlining, summaries, and timelines. There are samples of both levels, bks and lessons on the site.
  21. iPhone (ahh.. dreaming someday). Yes, we use IMDB as well. Fun site!
  22. We use these. Costco has them but also Whole Foods and other health food chains. http://www.gummybearvitamins.com/
  23. I can smell the horses and that fresh air! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
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