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Chelle in MO

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Status Replies posted by Chelle in MO

  1. College boy just left and I'm so sad.

  2. Christmas break!!

  3. I miss my mom...

  4. Murphy's Law 311: Older trucks will break down and require costly repairs around Christmas.

  5. I woke up to ceiling fan spinning. Problem was it wasn't on. I was having horrible dizzy spell. :(

  6. miserable with the flu.:(

  7. Ds made it home safely and had zero dirty laundry with him. We are looking forward to the next three weeks. :-)

  8. Ds made it home safely and had zero dirty laundry with him. We are looking forward to the next three weeks. :-)

  9. Feeling grateful :)

  10. At Dh's company's Christmas party ds4 out of the blue announced to Dh's boss "My Mommy makes BABY MILK for my sister!"

  11. "Rebecca, stack up your books." "But you're not done checking my grammar yet." "I know, but grammar goes on the top, so just stack them up." "Well, not on the exact top, I also have my..." STOPPIT.


  13. Enjoying my sweet baby and looking forward to Christmas!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving!! Don't forget to set your scales back 10 lbs tonight!! LOLOL

  15. Happy Thanksgiving!! Don't forget to set your scales back 10 lbs tonight!! LOLOL

  16. Ds is sick :( Going to miss turkey tomorrow. Poor kiddo.

  17. My boy made it to g'mas for TG. If I can't have him here, at least he's surrounded by family and FOOD!

  18. Chickens now cooped up for the duration of coyote season, lost one yesterday.

  19. Waiting at airport to,pick up daughter. Her first time flying alone!!

  20. Waiting at airport to,pick up daughter. Her first time flying alone!!

  21. Creepy moment of the day: my high school crush posted a selfie on FB that looks a lot like my husband.

  22. serving hot cocoa and cookies, join me:)

  23. Done! Welcome to Yuletide Session! (and all of us survived)

  24. Friday Snow! Colleges Kids Home! W00t!

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