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Chelle in MO

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Status Replies posted by Chelle in MO

  1. My boys question of the day..."Mom can we have a scorpion?" O_o

  2. Dropping off dd for freshman year of college! Woohoo!

  3. It is time for a glass of wine and chocolate. What a day, and week.

  4. First day of school... and Mom is down for the count with strep throat. Thank goodness for Nana!

  5. First time in public school in the morning. 6:15 am wake up call!

  6. I've already gotten my teeth cleaned, grocery shopped, and done a load of laundry. The kids aren't awake yet. Guess I have time for another cup of coffee!

  7. Candy corn is not an acceptable alternative to chocolate.

  8. 100% savings at foodstore. Thank you coupon!

  9. Old dude at the nursing home thinks I have "really nice legs"! At this point in my life, I'll consider that a great compliment!

  10. Looks like we have a walker on our hands!

  11. The kids have voted. School starts next week!

  12. I can't seem to get all the ingredients for a BLT into the house at the same time!

  13. I can't seem to get all the ingredients for a BLT into the house at the same time!

  14. Tweaked my back while doing some deep cleaning and have been couch-bound much of the day. That's what I get for doing housework.

  15. Summer presents such delicious problems, like deciding what to do with four gallons of blueberries.

  16. My washing machine just raised the white flag!

  17. My washing machine just raised the white flag!

  18. Today is the perfect spring day!

  19. Driving down I-75 behind a pickup w/a sheep in the bed. Ds pipes up from the back of the van, "WHAT'S THAT SMELL??? Is that DAD???"

  20. Off to visit The Mouse!

  21. I did a Very Bad Thing today. I bought 5 bags of Hershey's Chocolate/Almond eggs because they were half price! Think I can make them last a few months???

  22. Frozen pipe, trash can blew away in the night...Good morning Monday.

  23. How I wish I could make it all better.

  24. College boy just left and I'm so sad.

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