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Chelle in MO

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Status Replies posted by Chelle in MO

  1. I think I'm liking the Steve Sings cd more than the kids.

  2. Best moment of the day: Sitting in a coffee shop with two hysterically laughing boys reading Calvin & Hobbes.

  3. 40 today! Happy Birthday to me! Because no one else in this house seems to remember :-(

  4. Is there anything more tedious than updating an address book? Zzzzz.

  5. I'm alone in my house for the first time in MONTHS!!!! What to do first?

  6. So glad we bought our big old used suburban. Seating for 9 and room for all the Costco I can stand. And that's a lot of Costco.

  7. The hen-house is clean, the sheets are clean and dinner is done. Yippee for me!

  8. Oh Christmas break, oh Christmas break - how very much I love you!

  9. I want to go somewhere warm and sunny!

  10. I got an iPad!!!

  11. Thanks to Ariasmommy who watched my kids this morning so I could finish Christmas shopping!

  12. Thanks to Ariasmommy who watched my kids this morning so I could finish Christmas shopping!

  13. After four hours in the emergency room - bunk beds: 1, collar bone: 0.

  14. I met a fellow WTM-er today! It was such a pleasure to meet her and her delightful daughter. :)

  15. Ugh, it's time for that "dinner" thing again.

  16. Ugh, it's time for that "dinner" thing again.

  17. What does it mean to "microdermabrasion" a cranberry muffin? If you're my mom using her iPhone, it means to "microwave" it! Crazy autocorrect!

  18. Lots of snow here! Loving it!

  19. Whew! Experiencing the relief that comes when the library had the 'lost' book all along.

  20. Can somebody come over and cook dinner? I don't want to!

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