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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Can you contact the seller and see if you can work something out? Seems like there was a miscommunication there somewhere!
  2. Thanks Jean! I try not to think of the danger!! He belongs to a rocketry club and most of the members are men who are older than dh and I with lots of experience in rocketry. He asks them all the questions. I truly don't understand all of it, but I trust these men. He does do a LOT of experimentation with different types of chemicals. I make sure he's asked on his club website about how safe it is. He lights them outside and we keep a close eye. I think the glues he uses are much more dangerous than the chemicals quite honestly. He's having a hard time right now because it's too cold to use the glues outside and I won't let him use them inside. He has Asperger's and he is truly happy when working on rockets. I see that your 10 yo is a science guy. What is his interest?
  3. My 11 yo ds earned a lot of money last summer. He mowed a few lawns regularly. Basically, he made up a flyer advertising himself. His "thing" was that he was environmentally friendly - he mowed with a push mower. Neighbors thought this was great! He walked dogs, gathered mail and watered plants when people went on vacation, etc. Last summer he also cleaned the bathrooms at our local Little League field. He was paid $10/night (for two bathrooms!). He earned several hundred dollars doing that! This summer my 10 year old is going to split it with him. I love the idea of asking neighbors having a garage sale if they could set up a lemonade/baked good stand! I'm going to mention that to my boys! I also have to brag just a bit. My 11 is really into rockets (when I say "in" to rockets - I mean it - he lives, breathes and sleeps rockets!!). Anyway, he spent last summer figuring out how to make igniters for high powered rocket motors. These things usually sell for $2 - $3 a piece. He figured out how to make them for $0.25 each. He contacted the local hobby store and gave the owner a bunch to test. He contacted my son and asked for hundreds of dollars worth to sell to his customers!!! Well, turns out the people at the ATF aren't so keen on people selling explosives, so my ds did a trade with the hobby store owner (for more rocket making supplies of course!!!). He has loyal customers to this day!!! Good luck to your boys!!!
  4. I've been working really hard at losing weight for the last six weeks. It has been SOOOOO hard!! But, I'm determined to lose 35 pounds. (15 pounds gone!!!) First, set a realistic goal. Really, are you going to be able to weigh less than what you weighed in 9th grade? I set mine by going on line and looking at weight charts and BMI and my body type and doing a little research. (My goal is 145 - I'm 5'10") Second, figure out how you want to eat. Would you do better on an Atkins/South Beach type diet? Or are you more of a vegetarian sort? I decided that I'm more of a vegetarian sort. I eat eggs every morning with a piece of fruit (and sometimes a bowl of oatmeal). Lunch is always steamed veggies with 1/2 an avacado in a wheat wrap. Snack is usually nuts or cottage cheese with pineapples. Dinner is whatever we're having - ONE serving!! No snacking after dinner. It's been working! Third, set up an exercise routine. Then, DO IT!!! LOL I have had to force myself to work out every day. But, I'm really determined to lose this weight!! I feel great! Oh - and my blood pressure is down - it wasn't high before, but it's come down from 120/75 to 100/65!! Fourth, measure yourself and take pictures before you start. I wish I had done this so I could see the progress. I was just so disgusted with myself, I didn't want to! LOL But, I did after a couple weeks and I'm seeing the numbers come down and I look better. That is encouragement enough now. Fifth, weigh yourself every day. I read this tip on line somewhere - the people who have the best luck keeping weight off are the ones who weigh themselves every day. That way, if you're starting to creep up, you'll make the necessary adjustments on a daily basis. I've been doing this and it's interesting to see that my weight will go up one day and then down three pounds the next. Anyway, I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination!! I'm just sick of blaming this extra weight on the baby (who is now two!! :o). You can do it!! It sounds like this wedding just may be the goal you needed!! Good luck!!
  5. We did this last September! We found the perfect four bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2800 sq. ft. house with a finished basement on a lot that is easily three times the average lot size for our town. Ours needed the kind of work yours will - wall repair, paint, new floors, etc. We decided to hire someone to do the first floor living area first. We had carpet ripped out, hardwood put in (800 sq. ft!), hardwood that was already in sanded and finished, countertops replaced, wallpaper torn down, paint, lighting replaced, tilework done in the entryway and a new toilet and pedestal sink in the 1/2 bath. All that was done in a week!!! We moved in at that point. We decided to start there because I wanted the main living space to be presentable and in our taste. The bedrooms were still wallpapered and had awful light fixtures, but the hardwood floors were in great condition. We decided to do the work up there ourselves. I spent about a month on the full bath taking down wallpaper, repairing the walls, repainting, taking out shower doors, etc. We still have to have the lighting, countertop, sink and toilet replaced. But, it's a start! I just started taking down the wallpaper in what will be my dd's room. (She still sleeps with us.) I ended up taking down a bunch of layers of paint with it! Oops! I had our contractor over to take a look and, sure enough, it's full of lead. So, I have had to hire him to help take care of it. So much for do-it-yourself!! So, I guess, to figure out what to do first, decide what's most important to you - living space? Kitchen? Bedrooms? Play area for the kids? Then, do it! Figure out what you wouldn't mind doing after you move in - it's inconvenient to move out of a bedroom while you re-do it - can you live with that? Or would you just rather do it before you move in? I say go for the house! The cosmetic things are quite easy to take care of - especially if you are do-it-yourselfers!
  6. Where are you in MI? What about someplace within MI? The UP? The Soux Locks are supposed to be wonderful! Or Taquamenon Falls? (I'm sure I messed up the spelling on those BTW!) I'm not sure if Mackinac Island is open yet, but that's really fun too! Or, the Detroit area? The Science Museum is amazing. Henry Ford Museum is great! The Edsel Ford House is pretty! (And you could visit me!) Cranbrook has some nice museums too. Or, Toronto? Or Niagara Falls? I'm not sure what part of MI you're in, but those are both a few hours from Detroit. I LOVE road trips! My family has driven cross country twice, to CO once, FL twice, ME twice, and multiple other shorter trips. We love driving!! Have fun!
  7. Clothes line with clothes pins or drying rack Battery charger with rechargeable batteries Books on making your own cleaning products with ingredients (vinegar, baking soda, tea tree oil, spray bottles) Cloth diapers (just a couple!) or some eco-friendly disposables Glass food storage containers Cloth napkins, cloth towels for kitchen use, cloth rags for cleaning Flourescent light bulbs Look through a website like Gaiam - they have a TON of fun ideas!
  8. I've been using the Walk Away the Pounds videos. I LOVE the different lengths on those. I can mix it up and not get too bored with it! But, I just hurt my ankle, so while I wait for that to heal, I'm using an exercise ball video. I tell ya', that is a GREAT workout! I think I may use it regularly alongside the Walk Away videos! My dh uses the Power 90 tapes. I think that's what it's called anyway! He really likes them too.
  9. I'd recommend going in to Ann Taylor or Talbots or Coldwater Creek or Brooks Brothers (or any of the above named stores) and ask for help from a salesperson. Try on things you haven't tried on before. I do wear skirts just above the knee, but they're the Marilyn Monroe type - they have lots of fabric, so they don't feel as short. You might be pleasantly surprised!!
  10. I just finished planning for next week: Saturday: Curry beef, rice,veggies, salad Sunday: My sister is cooking! Monday: Beef Burgandy over egg noodles, broccoli, salad Tuesday: Mac n' cheese, hot dogs (daddy's out for the night - I don't feel like cooking!) Wed: Lasagne, veggie, salad Thurs: chicken enchiladas, veggies, salad Fri: Fish/chips, salad, veggie (maybe leftover mac n' Cheese) Sat: Nachos with all the toppings, veggies, salad
  11. I forget their names! I love, love the boy who is 17 (or maybe 16?). The one who was just so humble. I'm just worried he's going to lose his appeal later on. He's almost too innocent for Hollywood. I also liked the guy who played the guitar and the dredlock guy (I could get lost in his eyes!!). There was one guy who I thought was TERRIBLE! I don't know his name - he has long curly hair and sang a slow song. Oh - and the other guy who actually looks like a girl. I think he's cocky. Asia'a is my favorite girl. I also like the girl with the "skunk" hair!! ;) Her singing isn't my style, but I think she's got real talent! This is my first season watching and I LOVE it! Now I see what the appeal has been!
  12. Oh I love this idea!! My dd isn't quite old enough to be with the grandparents alone, but I'm wondering if my mom and dad would take the boys for a few nights this summer!! I love buying new clothes too. It makes me feel so peppy when I'm wearing something new!! ROFLOL!!!! Yea - we enjoy our alone time too - it just happens really late at night!! Sounds like you belong to a really nice gym. We belong to a club like this (it has a gym as well as restaurants and a hotel and everything!). Problem is, it's 25 minutes away. Maybe it'd be worth it a couple times a week though! You know, I'm really not wanting activities or commitments either. Those end up feeling like obligations rather than fun KWIM? yea - I'm looking forward to getting out and running (care to come and spread salt to melt the ice ahead of me?? LOL). Where do you find these conferences on organics and all? That sounds really interesting! I thought about this. But, for now I'm going to wait. I think it would end up feeling like an obligation that I would resent (especially if I had much homework!). But, I have thought about taking a class at the local law school. So, what class are you taking? Thanks all! You've given me a lot to think about!
  13. We had a beautiful view right outside my sons' bedroom. We sat up and watched most of it! (Well, I came in from time to time, because it happened at the same time as American Idol!! LOL)
  14. Me too! I just love how I feel in a cute flirty skirt. Now, if the weather would just warm up so I could wear them!
  15. Congratulations!!! How exciting! I love the tradition of throwing you after a promotion. Do you take a class for adults and then test with the kids? My kids' karate instructor has an adult class that sounds like fun, but I'm a bit nervous!!
  16. Do you need a sitter? I think once my oldest is a bit older, we can start to do this. I'll file away this idea!! Yea - I think I'll start running once the ice clears (and my ankle heals - grrrrrr). For now, I exercise inside while the baby naps. Glad I'm not alone on the hobby supplies!!!;) Yes, I'd really like to get out. I think it would help me be a bit refreshed and able to handle the noise and activity of four children!! Maybe it's as simple as picking up the phone and calling a friend for coffee. I'm not usually the initiator of these types of things!! Maybe it's time to step out of my comfort zone. If only I had an artistic bone in my body!!! I can see how painting would be very relaxing! We do have a gym very closeby. Dh thought I should join (not because he thinks I need to lose weight - but for the social aspect!). It's cheap. I just don't want it to become something that I feel like I HAVE to do just because I paid for it. KWIM? Thanks all! Keep the suggestions comin'!!
  17. I realized the other day that I really don't get out much. I leave my house only to drive the kids places, grocery shop and the occasional hair cut!! I have one volunteer group that I work with and we meet once every other month. I need something for ME!!! I don't really want another hobby (I have scrapbooking stuff, knitting stuff, and sewing stuff upstairs that already don't get used enough). I really don't want to do anything that costs a lot, but I'm willing to spend a bit if necessary. So, what do you DO???
  18. Congratulations!!! I hope you can post more details as you catch up on sleep! Were you able to avoid pit? How big/long was she? I love her name by the way!
  19. My ds (11) woke up this morning and went straight to the computer and did his algebra without me!!! This meant that he was done with his schoolwork by noon and it made for a very smooth day all around. Usually he's the one who is upset because his schoolwork takes the longest. I hope this is a trend that continues!! Congrats on your "revelation" today!
  20. Hi Liz. I'm going to go off topic here (but, I'm reading and loving this conversation!) - but my cousin had this same defect when he was born 38 years ago. I think he was one of the first to survive the surgery as it was quite new then! How is your dd doing? I read that now, these children can grow up and live quite normal lives. ((hugs)) I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you!!
  21. Awwww . . . It does get easier, I promise!!! Is she starting to cut teeth? Starting to sit up? My babies would wake more frequently when they cut teeth or whever they did new things (one actually woke himself up trying to crawl in his sleep!). How are you getting her down for a nap? Does she sleep in your bed for naps too? Sounds like she just really likes having you nearby!! I remember at that age, I'd nurse the babe to sleep in bed and sneak away. I'd always put a pillow on both sides, trying to trick her into thinking it was me!! Do you have a sling? Or a baby carrier of some sort? Will she sleep better in a swing? I remember when my now-2 year old was that age, I'd walk with her in the sling reading to the boys. Hug her and kiss her knowing that as soon as she gets a "schedule" or routine of any sort, she'll change to a new one sooner or later!! LOL
  22. Ohhhhhh, we just got back from Port Orleans. It is SUCH a nice hotel!!! We had a room right near the main lobby building and the bus stop. It was perfect!! It's so quiet and serene. We spent lots of time feeding the ducks and riding bikes. I agree with Melinda - spend a day at each park at Disney. I've not done Orlando, but I can't imagine trying to do Disney and Orlando in four days! (We were at Disney for ten days and we still didn't see it all!!) Have your kids watch the Disney Vacation planning video. See what they're interested in doing. Get the Unofficial Guide to Disney with Kids and follow their plans. We did and I think that book is what truly made our stay more enjoyable. We had no waiting for the rides and no mad rushes to get it all in. If you truly want a vacation - buy the Disney Meal Plan. Lots of food!!! Oh - and have fun!!! When do you leave?
  23. Volty - I literally LOL!! Yes, I'm holding you entirely responsible! I was trying to break in my new party shoes when it happened!! LOL Thanks everyone else. After doing some research on the web, I agree with you all. I'm going to take it easy for a few days (my dh is buying me an exercise ball so I can continue exercising!), ice, and keep a compress on it and I'll see how it goes. I have a physical appointment on the 29th. I'll wait until then to ask the doctor! It's just SO depressing!!! I have been working out really hard (apparently too hard!) and had great momentum! I just wanna take off the last 10 pounds!:mad:
  24. IMHO Pergo is just as easy to care for as hard wood. We just moved and put in 800 sq ft of new wood flooring and had another 250 refinished. So, I LOVE hardwood and would encourage you to go that route. I simply vacuum the high traffic spots daily (or I have a child do it!). Then, once a week (sometimes more under that table and in the kitchen (but, again, I have a child do it!)), I mop it with vinegar and water. Very simple and easy. Yes, I vacuum more than I would if I had carpet. But, when I think of all the dust and dirt that would be hidden in the carpet, I'm thankful for the hardwood!! It just feels so much cleaner. Have fun with your decision!! I love stuff like this!
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