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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Oh yes!! I know it from the computer commercial. It made me smile when it came on the tv! Thank you for that link!!
  2. My ds (11) fences. We pay $50/month for two times/week (one hour each). Really, quite cheap, IMHO! We also bought him his own equipment for around $150. He was able to use the club's equipment for the first year or so though. He LOVES it!! And, he likes showing off his swords to his friends! :D
  3. I also like this show. I find the mom very real. I think the way she treats her dh is just because she's in a large family and she's a control freak and just wants to get her point across quickly and loudly! LOL Yes, she could say it nicer, but they joke about it later on. He gives it right back to her too. They had a show about how they communicate - it was funny! I'd hate to see myself on tv and see how I really act!
  4. Well, being that we just got another 4 inches of snow and there is still ice all around, I haven't started running outside yet. I am still doing exercise videos inside (Walk Away the Pounds - running in place when she walks, and a balance ball video). But, I hurt my ankle a week ago or so, so I've been resting it (and doing the balance ball video instead). I've found that if I'm up on my feet for any length of time, it hurts again. Someday I'll be running again. I envy your sightings!! We have a lake a couple blocks away that has a beautiful running trail. We've had swans there this winter. Aren't they gorgeous?!
  5. Please write this story down in your 3 yo's baby book!! This will be something you can joke about with him later! FWIW - I agree - you have nothing to be embarassed about! That's what 3 yos are like in the morning!!
  6. I'm so glad you found a surgeon you are comfortable with. ((hugs)) and prayers for you and your family. I can only imagine the stress level you must be under. How much do the kids know?
  7. Oh my goodness!!! That's just awful. I hope your walk helped. Mean stupid-head is exactly how I'd describe her. What have you said to your ds? I think I'd talk with your ds about how inappropriate it was. Even if it were something true (and it's NOT) - it's something that shouldn't have been said. When I was in ps, the "normal" kids weren't taking pre-algebra until 8th grade. So, your ds certainly isn't behind!!! ((hugs)) to you and your ds.
  8. I'd probably go in. I took my ds (11) in to the dr a few weeks back because of this same thing. It was pluerisy. It was recommended that he take Motrin so that he could get a deep breath. If he didn't get deep breaths, he would be susceptable to pneumonia. I hope you feel better!
  9. Oh- this brought tears to my eyes. It's so much like my story (in a previous post in this thread). I had to watch as the ambulance pulled away with my 6 yo who wasn't breathing at the time. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Thank you for asking if you could help!!!
  10. Thank you Jann. My 11 yo finished Singapore 6A/B and Saxon 8/7 when he was at the end of fourth grade. We spent last year attempting to start algebra with the more rigorous programs because he is hoping to become an engineer. It was a disaster!!! He kept hitting walls that we just couldn't jump. He really floundered and I feel like we wasted an entire year. This year I decided to try TT for him. It has totally changed his outlook on math and increased his confidence. Yes, it's definately not as rigorous as Lial's or Jacobs, but it certainly has its place. I'm planning on having my ds do TTAlgebra 1, geometry and possibly Algebra 2. Then I think we'll do another year of Algebra 2 with a more traditional text (Lial's?) and hopefully on to pre-calc and calculus before he graduates high school (we have PLENTY of time! LOL). Anyway, I think that TT definately has its place and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to someone else with a young algebra student.
  11. I watch and ask any remaining members of the family if there is anything I can do. I had to call an ambulance for my ds once (he was having a seizure). I was SOOOOO grateful for the neighbors who came out and asked if they could help. They watched my other kids while I drove about 5 minutes behind the ambulance (I'll never forget the sight of my 6 yo being carried out by the paramedic, still seizing, and my having to let him go withoug me:(). One other time a neighbor had called the ambulance and I went over and told the daughter to come get me if she ever needed anything. She has come over numerous times. (Her mom has a medical issue where she needs an ambulance about once/month.) They were so grateful to have the help!
  12. See - that's the other thing - they'd have to be invisible. And, I'd want them to live here. As long as we're dreaming, they can be available 24/7 - right? And that'd mean that my house would be big enough to hold them all - in the west wing, of course.
  13. What kinds of starches and dairy is he eating? If he's eating whole wheat bread (without high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils), that's a good starch! What about whole wheat noodles? Will he eat yogurt or cheese? Those have good protein! As for snacks - get rid of junk food! A snack in our house is plain yogurt with some All-Fruit mixed in, a piece of fruit, fruit smoothie (with veggies thrown in!), veggies, toast with peanut butter, etc. I just don't buy the chips and crackers and junk. This way the kids don't skip meals just to get the junk. The other thing that my doctor told me to do when my ds (allergy boy) was that age - write down what he eats over the course of a week. You may be surprised at how well-balanced his meals are. (This, of course, if there aren't junk food options!) I was pleasantly surprised to see that even though my ds wasn't eating much for dinner, he was eating enough cheese and yogurt during the day that he was getting plenty of protein. He was snacking on veggies (keep some cut up on the table or cut some up before each meal - you'll be amazed at how quickly they go!). HTH!!
  14. We took our older two in when they were around 7 for the initial consult. My oldest had a cross bite and it was causing major problems with his teeth. (His bottom teeth were chipping his top ones when he chewed.) So, he had braces when he was 8. He will need them again when he's older. My 10 yo has been seen since he was 7 or so. He goes in every six months and they look in his mouth and send us on our merry way! They're waiting for him to lose more teeth. But, this has cost us nothing yet. I'm assuming that my now-7 yo will be sent in soon. We'll take him for the initial consult and make decisions from there. There's no harm in going and asking the questions! You can go and get second and third opinions and find an ortho you are comfortable with. Our consults were free. Good luck!
  15. My 7 yo is the picky one. Always has been. He has food allergies as well, so I think that's part of it. Our rule is that you MUST take a bite of everything that is served at every meal. You also MUST eat your veggies. Period. Now, if you don't like what's being served at mealtime, you may make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (the two without allergies) or yogurt (for the 7yo allergic one). I would not insist that a child eat something for breakfast that he didn't finish the night before. It's just a battle I choose not to fight. Is your ds coming down with something? I hope you find your happy medium somewhere!!
  16. 1. Housekeeper. She would keep up the house - laundry, bathrooms, kitchen, etc. 2. Cook (preferably one experienced in healthy cooking!). I LOVE to cook, but I really don't like to HAVE to cook. Make sense? So, on the days I want to cook, she'd get the day off, but the housekeeper would still need to be around so I could make all the mess without having to clean up! 3. Tutors in everything. I'd still do the read alouds and discussions, but I'd love for them to have the BEST teachers around in their respective subjects. You know, the ones who would teach them to love a subject, not just teach them so that they learn it. KWIM? 4. A live-in nanny. She would be around when I need to run errands so that the weekends could truly be family time. She would also be around for the occasional evening when dh and I need a sitter. 5. A handyman. You know - for all the odd jobs I need done around the house. It would help if he were good looking!!:D 6. A cabana boy. Of course, this would mean that I'd have a pool and a never ending supply of drinks and umbrella straws! LOL I think that's it!!
  17. Ummm . . . 57. I graduated from high school in 89. When I read over the answers I knew most of the songs but couldn't pull them out of my head when written like that! Fun quiz!
  18. Thank you Crissy!! This describes my house too. I cannot live in clutter. Toys strewn about as they are being played with don't bother me. But, when you're done - clean it up! Even my 2 yo does this now. It's all about routines and keeping them up. I wipe down one shower wall a day, wipe down the toilets and sinks daily. A child vacuums up after each meal (takes three minutes) and usually one will mop quickly (under our eating table). We throw in laundry each night and fold during the day the next day. We just don't get behind. Dishes get done after each meal. (Dishes however, do pile up a between meals as we grab snacks!) Anyway, it's part of our routine. I think what helps the most is starting with a clutter-free house. Go through your house one drawer at a time and get rid of STUFF!! Then, develop routines that work for you.
  19. We're right in the middle of it right now too! I went to the store this past weekend with only a wool sweater on (no jacket!!!). The snow had melted. It was lovely! Today? SIX more inches of blowing snow. It's pretty, but I need the sun!!!!
  20. Well, not Feb, but we were sick from Thanksgiving until the middle of January. And, we're a family that is rarely sick!!! Oh - and we had an ER visit last weekend for cellulitis!! (But, I guess that doesn't count as sick.) We've been reading on the weekend and doing some other work on the weekend. I HAVE to be done by May because I mentally check out by then!! I know, it's not a race, but I'm on a sprint toward the finish line! :) I hope you are all better soon!
  21. Wow! Just . . . wow!! Congratulations. You must be working really hard! I'm down 12 still. But, I'm losing inches, so I'm still motivated. I have another 20 or so to go.
  22. What cruise line will you be on? We've just booked a Disney Cruise for next January and it also stops at Key West. Their excursions include an historical tour, kayaking, glass bottom boat tours, butterfly house/nature preserve, shipwreck museum, and snorkeling. Where else will you be going? Have fun!!!
  23. I just bought my dd a child-sized pearl necklace and bracelet for $14. Here's the link: http://www.strasburgchildren.com/smallpearlset.html They are SOOOO pretty and she gets all kinds of compliments when she wears them. They are going to be my gift of choice for baby girls from now on!
  24. How old are your kids? I'd have one of them make something. Don't worry about the mess - your dh will be happy to take care of it!! (((hugs)))) Overdue is no fun!
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