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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. I've done it both ways. I prefer it cooked first - just a personal preference. If you cook it first, be sure to drain it really well or it'll make your crust soggy. I wrap mine up in a towel to get all the moisture out. (But, I think you already knew that!)
  2. Episcopal. Dh is an Episcopal priest. http://www.stjohnsdetroit.org/ Come visit our website! The good looking priest is my dh!!:001_smile: The music is our choir.
  3. I LOVE mine!! I was always burning mine in the pot. Even when I didn't burn it, the pot was hard to clean. Mine is just a cheapo brand and it cooks my brown rice to perfection each time! I have room for mine in a pantry, so it doesn't take up the extra space. If I had to store it on my countertop, I may feel differently!
  4. 12 years ago, I was happily working in human resources making three times as much as my dh. I got pregnant and was planning to go back to work as a work share with another woman. Then, I had my baby. I knew pretty soon that there was NO WAY I was going back to work! I just couldn't imagine leaving my ds!! Dh and I made it! He had a job where we knew he'd be getting better pay soon. I'm so happy we made that decision! So, I've been home ever since - nearly 12 years now.
  5. Oh My Goodness!!! This is ridiculous. THis man needs to be reported! I'm so sorry you had to go through all this.
  6. I'd try them!!! (But, only after I'd had some of that yummy beer!! Something dark, please!) Then, I'd move on to the fried chicken. I'll bring brownies, k? Oh - and I'm treating this like a moms night out - I'm coming alone! Can I still ride the ponies?
  7. Yummmmmm.. I LOVE kim chi! Okay - that is just, well, ewwwww . . . Call me chicken, but, well, ewwwww! I guess I'm not that adventurous! I've eaten alligator and squid and tripe. Those are about the weirdest things I've ventured to try!
  8. R&S teaches to take the subject with the predicate and then ask, "who or what?" If you can answer that question, you have a direct object. So, James walked who or what? You can't answer it with either "home" or "outside", so they cannot be direct objects. Make sense?
  9. We went in January of this year. We went the week before the marathon and the week after. Both were great weeks!! (And seeing the runners was inspiring!) The longest we waited for a ride was 20 minutes and that was the Dumbo ride. Anything that had a wait longer than 10 minutes, my kids got Fast Passes so there was no wait. The crowds were minimal - really! I remember the fireworks at Epcot. I thought we'd be fighting crowds and it was practically clear! We had an awesome view and the kids were able to wander a bit. We swam the first week we were there. The second week, we wore shorts and sweatshirts most of the day. So, no swimming for me! We were also there one October. It was a while ago, but I do remember it being good as well.
  10. We put it on pasta with cheese, guacamole, salsa, cream cheese, etc. Yum!
  11. We have Comcast for everything - high speed internet, phone (includes LD, call waiting, call ID, etc), and tv (not the small package - we need a big one for sports!). We pay a total of $125 or so a month.
  12. Congratulations!! What are you doing to celebrate!?
  13. Good! Those are soon!! So, you'll know something by the end of the month!! We had to wait 6 WEEKS to get in to a ped neuro after ds first seizure. Ugh . . .
  14. Wow! Sounds like a wonderful doctor. We were also prescribed meds just in case for my ds' seizures. It was so good to know that we had it as he also stopped breathing during his. ((hugs)) as you get this all sorted out.
  15. I'm with Scarlett. I don't think I'd move to a smaller house with a longer commute just to get trees. I don't think the sharing a room issue should even be an issue as to whether you move or not - I think it's good for kids to share a room! That said, we did just move to a house that has mature trees on our lot (6 of them!). We moved from a neighborhood like yours - we could pass eggs to our nearest neighbors without leaving our kitchens - to one where we have lots of breathing room. Anyway, the trees really do make the house dark. We've had to compensate with more lighting. It's not a huge deal, but something I hadn't considered before we moved here. Our house is so much lighter now that there aren't leaves on the trees! There are also more spiders (VERY large ones!) outside our house. Oh - and then there're the LEAVES!!!! Holy cow! My dh and boys were outside every week for HOURS raking the darn things last fall! We do have plans already for a tree house with a zip line for the kids. They are VERY excited! They love climbing the trees (well, they did last fall when we first moved - now it's too slippery with all the snow!). We're also loving watching the birds that visit. Just some more things to consider.
  16. Oh Jean! I'd love the gingered pork and pineapple on rice recipe please!!! Sounds yummy!
  17. I have a ds like that. Only, he likes to tell about his rocketry and just can't tell when people are bored to tears!! He's much better now though. We did what Abbey mentioned and actually banned it while we taught him social cues of boredom (yawning, looking away from him, etc). I stayed sane by getting him a tape recorder and having him narrate into the recorder. Now he uses my camcorder or my camera and tells about his rockets using pictures and types captions. I still need to teach him about making his own movies. But, that's next. Good luck!! I know how hard it is!
  18. Oh Barb. I'll wait and pray with you. I sure hope this has a good outcome. I admire your "wait and see" approach. When this happened to me, I was at the midwife's office asking for a sonogram ASAP. ((((hugs))))
  19. Oh Jean!! I'm so sorry you had to go through this. We had a similar experience with our 7 yo. Definately follow up with a ped neuro. Ours was AWESOME!! I sure hope you get some answers soon!
  20. I just made up our list tonight: Mon (tonight)- buffalo steaks with rice and peas Tues - Tacos Wed - homemade pizza Thurs - lasagne Fri - Salmon, potatoes SAt - Enchiladas Sun - Chili Mon - Sloppy Joes Tues - Tacos Wed - Homemade pizza Thurs - Mac n' Cheese Fri - Orange Roughie Each night there'll also be a veggie, salad and usually some other side dish.
  21. We also co-sleep. It's just where we all sleep best. My oldest was my most difficult child. He cried ALL THE TIME during the day. Nighttime was the only time he wasn't screaming. So, I wanted to hold him and be with him at a time when he wasn't unhappy. KWIM? So, we sorta' fell into it that way. He started sleeping through the night very early - maybe 3 months? He'd wake to nurse once or so, but then fell right back to sleep. Second was easier during the day. Really, a dream child. But, he woke up to play at night! Ugh. But, he, at 2 would tell us when he was tired and would walk up and go to bed! My third was sleeping through the night by 6 weeks. Not even waking to nurse!! All three boys are in their own beds in their own room. Boys one and two left when they were 4 Nd 3. Boy 3 left our bed when he was 6 (well, he had a bed next to our bed starting at about 3). My fourth is 2 and still wakes up at night to nurse. I know it's her way of comfort and she doesn't need it for food. I don't mind. She'll be our last probably and I want her to stay with us for a good long time!!! Whatever works for you is what you should do!!
  22. My kids are telling me: Whispering Canyon, Planet Hollywood, Coral Reef (if your kids like fish and steak), Liberty Tavern (character dinner - I was surprised that all my kids liked this!), Hoop De Doo (dinner show), Spirit of Aloha dinner show (what pre-teen boy doesn't like someone juggling FIRE?? LOL). My 11 yo also says not to miss all the ice cream stands! I asked the boys if there was anything they DIDN'T like. They said that there wasn't! They say they'll like whatever you choose. Not meal related - all of them want to tell you not to miss Lights Motors Action and Indiana Jones at MGM. HTH!
  23. Where did you find this? Sounds like something I'd like to use in teh basement in the kids' playroom. (I'd also like it for my walls!! They're coming to take me away - hahahehe . . . )
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