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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. I've started working out with Walk Away the Pounds videos. I've been faithful for 5 weeks now. My weight and blood pressure are down and I feel AWESOME!!! My problem is that I've done something to my ankle. I don't remember hurting it. Just one day, it was tender and it just keeps getting worse and worse. Today, after working out, I can hardly put any weight on it. It's on the outside of my right leg, at the ankle. Not quite to the top of the foot, but more like at 2 o'clock if my ankle were a clock. It's quite swollen (from 12 to 3 in keeping with the clock analogy) and a bit bruised toward the top and right of my foot. It hurts from the ankle down to the toes. After I put it up and ice it for about an hour, it feels better, but not completely well. I'd rather not waste a trip to the doctor if I don't have to! But, I'll go if I should. Or, is this a case of old sneakers that need to be replaced? TIA!!
  2. You've got it! It's so hard to see loved ones in such a state. Last year my dad had bladder cancer. It wasn't the cancer or the surgeries that nearly killed him, it was the massive infection he got from one of the pre-surgery tests. He was out of it for weeks and just wasn't himself. It was the hardest thing for me to watch. I really do feel for you! I pray that the surgery is smooth sailing and that he makes a quick recovery!!
  3. I've had luck with both boards. (Michele - those books will be sent out on Thursday! LOL) I always check the WTB boards before posting something on the for sale boards. Also, since it's the middle of the year, maybe people looking to sell aren't done with their materials yet! Keep posting, keep checking the for sale boards.
  4. I'll be praying!!! I'm sure it'll all go well! What a relief it will be to have it done heh?
  5. Well, I'm a sling junkie. I used the OTSBH for my first and was never truly comfortable. I'm tall and thin and I couldn't ever get the sling tight enough because of the padding. So, I switched to the Maya Wrap for my next one and LOVED it!!! I could tighten the top separate from the bottom. With my fourth I discovered Taylor Made Slings. They have organic cotton and silk slings (as well as others). I bought a lot of them! I still carry my now-2 year old in it. I also bought an Ergo for this one. I LOVE it for when I know she'll be in it for a while. If she may want down to walk around a bit, the sling is just easier and less bulky. But, I love that it puts the pressure on both my shoulders instead of just one. It puts her up high on me and I can wear her on my back or front. I can't say enough good about this carrier! (But, I never wore her in it as a newborn, so I can't address that.) Have fun searching!!!
  6. ITA with this for my older kids. But, then last year my then 6 yo had a fever seizure. It was AWFUL to see him go through that. It lasted over 5 minutes (he was still seizing when the ambulance pulled up to the ER) and his post-ichtal (whatever that time after the seizure is called) was prolonged. It was three hours before he could talk or move much. So, I now treat fevers. I don't mean to scare anyone. And, fever seizures actually do bring the fever down. But, they are scary as HE** to witness. Now, my older boys don't take medications when they have a fever often. I leave it up to them mostly. My 11 refuses medication because he wants his body to fight it off. I had to force him last week when he had pleurisy to take Advil. (If he hadn't, he couldn't get a deep breath and it would've turned into pneumonia pretty fast.)
  7. Awwwww!!!! Congratulations!!! I'll keep praying for that little one (and you too!). I'm glad you're seeing a specialist.
  8. We opted to use wood to match the floor. Our floor guy came out with samples of everything - stained baseboards, painted baseboards, stained shoe molding and stained foot molding. We did every combo and decided we liked painted baseboards and shoe that matched the floor.
  9. Ohhhh where is this???? I need one here!!! I'll drive to meet up with y'all!!!!
  10. LOL I just emailed you back. My ds was SO mad at me for taking the pictures of his rash!!! I sent you a few of the best!! LOL Lots of the pics I got were taken while he was sleeping!! :p
  11. Echoing the others here . . . my older two are 18 months apart. They do everything together except math and science. I also expect a bit more from the older one. If your younger one can keep up, then, by all means, do it!!! But, they are SO young. If they balk at all, slow down. Keep the lessons fun! I have to add, that my 7 yo is currently working on FLL. My just-turned-2-yo can do all the pronouns!! Of course, she doesn't know what it means yet. But, I hope when she's 7, it will make it easier for her. Have fun!!!
  12. Sounds like Fifths to me. Do you have pictures? Have you searched for pictures to compare? I could email you pictures of my ds 8 last fall when he had Fifth's if you want! His was particularly scary, as he has life-threatening food allergies and I assumed as he broke out that that was what it was!! does the rash come and go? My ds would start to look better and then, he'd exercise and look terrible again!! Apparently, heat can do that. Anyway, my advice - enjoy a Mike's (or a Merlot) depending on the weather! LOL (As I sip a Merlot!)
  13. Same here. Everything gets thrown in at once (except diapers, which deserve their own load! :p).
  14. Yabbut, you're grocery shopping, with six kids, in HAWAII!!!!! Sorry, can't feel sorry for ya' as I sit here in MI where it hasn't hit 25 in at least a week! Okay, so I'm kidding. I absolutely refuse to go grocery shopping with more than one child, but I've been with four before. It's so hard!! I do feel for you! Is there a teenager in your neighborhood who could come help while you shop with "only" a couple of the kids?
  15. Wow. That is a lot to go through. I was wondering about the results as well? I have a ds who goes through the allergy testing every 1 - 2 years. He's used to it now, but it's not easy!
  16. He looks good!! I don't know about nerves and wrestling, but I sure am a bundle of nerves when my boys pitch!!! My now-10 year old pitched last year in the championship game. I almost wish I hadn't been there!!! I suppose it will only get worse, as he was just asked to join the travelling tournament team (they already started practicing!!). Tell me it gets easier on the moms in the stands?!
  17. I don't know if this is your cuppa', but my dad had high cholesterol and he tried a low-carb, high protein diet. His cholesterol dropped significantly (I can't remember his actual numbers now) and his ratio increased. Worth a try! His doctor was impressed and asked to know how he did it! Good luck! I think I have high cholesterol in my future based on family history. Ugh.
  18. I have to find this video! I always felt that I could be doing more than the 2 miles in 30 minutes! Basically, it sounds like what I've been doing with the 2 mile video. I also like your idea to put the dvd in the laptop and watch tv. I was also thinking about getting a treadmill because then I can do other things - watch tv or read. But, with a dvd in the TV, I can't. Great idea!!! Thanks.
  19. Hi! I use these. I usually do the two mile. I've found that it's gotten quite easy for me (I still work up a sweat though!) and I now jog in place instead of walk and add some hand movements. I add in the one mile at night a few times a week too. Since I've been consistently using these (four weeks) I've lost 12 pounds. But, I've also been watching what I eat. Have fun! I have the 2 mile practically memorized!!
  20. I can't do this. If I did, I'd eat an entire bag of chips and a whole recipe of cookies. And, then I'd want to do it the next day too. What has worked for me is putting everything I put into my mouth into sparkpeople. I was amazed at how many calories certain foods had! So, for now, I'm down to exercising 30 - 45 minutes a day and watching what I eat (ie small portions). But, I never limit the amount of veggies I have. I've lost 12 pounds in four weeks, so it's working!! (I have another 25 to go.) I'll throw some dust your way now!!!
  21. Yup! You know, I'd still use my nice china. I'd just add in some of my everyday. People will understand! Really. If you want to offer wine - do so. One type is fine. You could also serve an alcoholic punch (cheaper than wine). Or, buy a box of wine and put it in a caraffe. I like the idea of tv trays for everyone. So, what's on the menu? I love planning parties!
  22. Invite them to your house. How is the weather where you are? Could you seat people outside? On a porch? When we had a smaller house, we used to do outdoor parties. If not, push the table against the wall, serve a buffet on nice plates and use nice silverware (use this as an excuse to use your wedding silver and china!), serve wine (I think that wine glasses really dress up a table - no matter how small! LOL), and have a good time. Have people sit in your living room in the comfortable chairs. I think it would be really nice!
  23. They scanned my kids' fingerprints before entering the park each day too. My 11 once used a different finger and it wouldn't allow him to enter. Sorry -don't know about a hotel though.
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