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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Each year, I make up a binder for each child. These are the really small binders - 1/2" maybe? I keep some of their best papers, a couple math tests, grammar tests, reading lists, etc. Just samples of their best work. It is not something I am required to do by law or anything, but I want my kids to have this record. HTH!!
  2. Can I pick Tinkerbell?? I know she's not a princess, but I really like her! LOL My kids read this over my shoulder and picked "wicked stepmother." Hmmmmm . . .
  3. Oh, Jean! I missed this too. I'll be praying for your mom and for you.
  4. We do "traditional" schoolwork over the school year. During the summer, we do one lesson of math and grammar/week. We also usually pick up another unit study during the summer. One year we did music and composers. Last year we did the K'nex building lessons. This year we'll do art and artists.
  5. We have thing that the kids are just expected to do every day, but aren't considered "chores." They must make their beds, put away clean laundry, clear table after meals, pick up the toy room, and their own personal hygiene. Daily I will also ask someone to vacuum the kitchen/kitchen nook, mop it, empty the dishwasher, help retreive laundry or food from the basement, etc. On the weekend, we have "Family Chore Day" and I'll make a list of things that need to be done. We split the list! Things included are: deep cleaning of the bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping the house, cleaning the front and back door windows, dusting, dusting the floorboards, sweeping steps, mopping steps, wiping down the kitchen, wiping down the dining chairs/table/legs, etc, etc, etc. I'll add things as I see they need to be done. Usually it takes less than an hour!
  6. Oh my goodness (((((Stephanie)))))) You really have a lot on your plate. I'll be praying for your entire family. My brother has been in and out of jail (he's an alcoholic - enough said) and I know how hard it has been on my family. (((hugs)))
  7. Boy, it's nice to know I'm not alone. I get SO scared when dh isn't home!! I don't actually know how much help he'd be if someone were to break into our house though! LOL I usually have at least one child sleep with me and I stay up until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Glad your night wasn't too bad!!!
  8. Oh man. How disappointing!! I sure hope everyone feels better soon! If it helps (mysery loves company and all that), we were just on vacation right after Christmas for two weeks. We were all ready to start back on our school routine when each child came down with something or another. We finally did start back up on Monday (minus the one still-sick child).
  9. One thing I remember from Dr. Sears and his writing on rashes is that they usually aren't something for which you need to call a doctor. The one thing that he says to get to a doctor for is if it doesn't blanch (I think that's the right word - when you press on it, it should turn skin color and then the rash should come back). If it doesn't (if it stays red when you press on it), then a call to the doctor is necessary.
  10. Is it raised at all? These are the symptoms my ds had when he had Fifth's Disease. The rash did spread all over his body and would come and go for about a week. It was worse when he was hot. It looked TERRIBLE, but never caused him to feel sick or anything. Your ds' rash looks like mine did. You could try giving him some Benadryl and see if it goes away. If so, I'd think it's more likely an allergy. But, Fifth's Disease does have this weird way of going away and coming back. So, you might think the Benadryl is working when it's not. (If it's Fifth's Disease.) I hope you figure it out!!
  11. Where in MI are you again? We're outside Detroit and have a TON of wind, but no snow! It's just not worth it to be this cold if there's no snow on the ground! Have fun!
  12. Good point. We've been doing the same thing because it's so much easier than going to the library with four kids in tow. I also forgot to include the resale value of the things that I buy. I said I spend $800 a year on books, but I think I'll make about $500 back selling the books used (that's the plan anyway!!).
  13. I also don't buy sugar in bulk. We only use 5 pounds every 6 months or so. But, I store all my bulk grains in the deep freeze until I'm ready to use them. I have buckets and smaller containers that I use to store smaller portions of the things I buy in bulk: rice, oatmeal, wheat berries, pastas, etc.
  14. I have one person who does it all. I LOVE her. She will try new things and she's a perfectionist, so she spends 1 1/2 hours with me for a simple cut and style. She really knows "me" - she understands that I don't want something too modern, but I want a "fresh" look. KWIM? I pay $50 for a wash, cut, style. I do highlights every 5 months or so and will pay $120 (that includes the cut/style thing too). It's expensive, but I'm in love with her!! LOL That said, I tried going to my mom's hair stylist a few times because she charges $10 for a cut. She's terrible!!! So, I'm afraid to try anyone new.
  15. LOL Enjoy the vicodin! I've never been on it - is it really that good?
  16. My kids do this. Their iron levels are fine. I just consider it a quirk and allow it. I do ask that they use the crushed ice and not the full pieces though!
  17. Yes, we just returned a week ago. I LOVED it!!! I wanna go back! We're currently planning our next vacation (Jan 2009) and arguing where to go. I want to go back to Disney. Dh and a couple kids want to take a cruise. Those dinners sound fun. I hadn't heard of Tempan Edo. Let us know how it is!!
  18. You'll get a good amount of walking at Disney!! How do you like the Walk Jog? How long is it? I'm getting tired of the 2 mile workout!
  19. Thank you! He (and I) could use it!! This child wakes up in the middle of the night halucinating when he has a fever. It's scary!! I'm sure tonight will be better though.
  20. No, not resitant (as far as we know). He's never actually had an antibiotic. He's never been prescribed one before! Can I ask - why does this sound bacterial to you? I guess I don't know the difference by symptoms! I was basing it on the fact that my other two were sick like this (minus the sore chest) and got over it themselves.
  21. I worked out six times - 30 minutes each day (Walk Away the Pounds). Once the ice melts I'll be walking outside! I only had a small piece of dd's birthday cake - the only junk all week. I'm down 7 pounds in 2 weeks.
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