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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. They really need to have a different theme. I like the Beatles, but I'm sick of it already!! Yes!!! But, my dd is only 2. Do you think he'd wait for her? :lol: LOL! I like these same two. I also think that Brooke is adorable (even though she's older). She's just so sweet. My kids like Chikezie and even voted for him 9 times last night!
  2. LOL! Just the opposite here - steak, so rare, it's still mooing!!!:lol:
  3. I'd love it if you'd tell me what you do Colleen! For me it was stirring the milk over the stove with that darn candy thermometer. I was always afraid it'd get too hot and I'd ruin it somehow. Then, there's the whole cooling down process with ice water in the sink and still trying to read the stupid candy thermometer. Again, afraid if it went too low, I'd mess up the whole recipe. It just felt like it took SOOOO long. Now, the rest I could handle - sticking it into an oven and waiting 6 hours!:lol: Thanks!!
  4. My dh cooks breakfast every morning. He also throws in a load of laundry before he leaves for work. He also earns a good living. I guess I need to be more thankful!! On the weekends, he will help out with our family clean up by wiping down the kitchen - stove, fridge, and cabinets.
  5. Thank you everyone! Sounds like I should probably invest in a yogurt maker as well as some mason jars!! I think I'll go ahead with it! Thank you.
  6. I use this too. I write in pencil so that I can keep the days in chronological order. Those spaces are HUGE and I can see them from across the room. My problem is that I don't carry a calendar with me. So, when I'm at the doctor's office, I make an appointment and then come home and need to reschedule half the time. I just can't see keeping two calendars!!
  7. I used to make my own yogurt. I would like to get back to it, but I found the process a bit tedious. I'm thinking of buying a yogurt maker, but I have a few questions. First, are these machines really just as easy as stick the ingredients in the machine and wait? (This is what I LOVE most about my bread machine. I timed it yesterday - it took me 5 minutes to make a loaf - including grinding the wheat!!) Anyway, if not, what are the steps? Second, how long does it take to make? If it's going to have to be plugged in for hours and hours, I don't think it will actually save any money in the long run. Third, which one do you have? What do you like about it?
  8. We spent a little more than that. My dress was also 100% silk. My parents had very little money. They told me that they'd pay around $5000 for the wedding (they'd been saving for it!). I chose to spend most of the money on my dress and the photographer. I'm SOOOO glad I did!! We have beautiful pictures. Same budget here. We made our own food the week before the wedding. We hired neighbor girls to make sure the buffet stayed stocked. My two cousins served the punch. We spent $200 on a DJ. My mom's friend made the cake for $100. My invitations were about $450 (we invited a TON of people and my mom insisted that they be ingraved!). Flowers were VERY simple and cost only about $400. We did our own decorations on the tables - tablecloths, mirrors, three different colored wine glasses with candles in them, ivy and baby's breath on the mirror. It was very pretty! We also rented seat covers and put them on ourselves. My flower girl dresses were picked off the rack at Macy's for $30 each. They were very pretty and they all wore them again! I had a friend who made jewelry make the gifts to the bridesmaids and they wore them in the wedding. We did our wedding for $5000 and had over 250 people there. It was AWESOME!!!!! And, it's money I'd spend again!
  9. Okay- I know it's not funny, but I'm LOL! More at the way you wrote it. I'd be ticked too. I read this to dh and he said, "Sounds like Sam!" (Our 11 yo ds) If you ask him to do something, you have to explain every step or he'll take you literally. My ds probably would've thrown the entire bag in without taking out the towel and suit! (You didn't tell me to take everything out mom!) Someday this will be a funny story - maybe at his wedding?:lol:
  10. Oh my. That video is heartbreaking. How early was he born? At the end of the video it says, "I'm home." Did he pass away? I'll be praying for their whole family.
  11. Grover Cleveland is my great-great-great-great-great uncle!!! (And, yet, I've never been invited to the white house. Humph.)
  12. We do this exact same thing! We throw in a load at night (we never separate colors) and fold the next day. Occasionally there is a load of towels and sheets as well. I don't buy enough clothes for the kids that they would have an entire load even if all their clothes were dirty! So, we need to share our loads. Now, my older two know how to do the laundry from start to finish. The 7 yo knows how to switch from washer to dryer and turn on the dryer. We all share in the process! Good luck! Here's some pixie dust heading your way!!
  13. ((Colleen)) I'm so sorry. Please know that I'll be praying for you and your family.
  14. I always think of John Cusack when I see Grosse Pointe. :D LOL! Most people do! Some of the outdoor scenes were filmed here in Grosse Pointe!
  15. When we go out to eat (rarely!), we go to a place called the Village Grill. They are family friendly and know how to deal with my ds's allergies. If it were just my dh and me, I'd have to say anything Thai! We have a great place in Grosse Pointe that we love for now.
  16. Sue - It's beautiful! Really - it will be stunning! My mom wore something similar to my wedding.
  17. Western MI (Grew up there) Poughkeepsie, NY (College) Boston (my first real job!) Rosemont, PA (outside Philadelphia - after dh and I got married) CHarleroi, PA (dh's second job) Grosse Pointe Park, MI and I'm NEVER moving again. We will be going to Europe for three months (but not living there for any period longer than that) for dh's sabatical in a couple years.
  18. Phone or email. If it's someone I know well (my sister, mom, best friend), I prefer the phone. Anyone else, I prefer email. I always get a little nervous when I have to make an official phone call (disputing a bill, for example) because I'm worried that a child will make a scene in the background! But, those I know well won't care!
  19. Quite honestly, I don't buy very far in advance. I used to, but I decided that it stressed me out way too much. Now, I have three bookshelves in the guest room. They have all our books separated by topic: history, science, church, parenting, etc. I keep any books that I plan to use with future children in the closet in the guest room. Really, there aren't that many: R&S Manuals, Saxon math texts, etc. I sell all my Sonlight Cores as soon as we're done. Same with science. I guess if I were you, I'd separate them by subject (and time) and label them well! Do you have book moving boxes you could use?
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