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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. I am very pleased. Now keep in mind I am a slow runner and have only been running for about half a year but I have cut 7 minutes from my 5 km route from the first time I ran it until today (today I cut one minute from my run compared to yesterday's run). I am still in need of loosing some weight so I'm looking forward to being lighter and running faster. Funny thing is yesterday I was feeling like throwing in the towel. I felt old and kind felt like just eating chips instead of working so hard. I resisted and today I'm back to working hard!
  2. He's a very active child but tonight he seemed to the life sucked out of him. Of course dh took him to the grocery store for ice cream and chocolates bars (while I was making healthy pumpkin/blueberry muffins). Guess which won out! lol! I just hope tomorrow morning it's clear whether I should take him for the x-ray or not. I am so not good at making medical decisions because I usually am fairly flippant about sickness/injuries. I'm a bit on the tough side and usually think everything can be cured with a glass of water (family joke. Any time the kids come to me with a headache or stomach ache, I tell them to drink a glass of water and they'll be fine. I mean, usually that works? :001_huh: I guess I should err on the side of caution if I'm at all uncertain in the morning. I wish the doctor wouldn't have left it up to me to decide. I should have warned him that I'm lousy at these sorts of decisions. (I'm sure my dh will want to take him in any case.) Well I'd better get to bed in case it's a restless night.
  3. I am terrible at making medically based decisions but at 4 p.m. this afternoon my son came into the house crying hard with pain because the swing he and his brother constructed last month (that was tied to a cherry tree) busted and he fell hard onto a tree root. His arm swelled up and he seemed in a lot of pain. I decided to call the doctor's office because I knew they were only open another hour and if I waited it would mean a trip to the emergency department (which I didn't want to do). So the office was very accomodating and saw us right away. It was quite swollen. The doctor isn't sure it's broken -- it may just be a huge hematoma. He put my ds in a sling and gave us x-ray requistions for the morning, if necessary. He told me that the area in question would not be casted even if broken -- treatment would be 6 -8 weeks in a sling! Yikes! This is my son who can't sit still. I can't imagine 8 weeks in a sling. So we'll see in the morning. If the swelling has gone down and the pain better we won't need an x-ray. Otherwise we'll take him in the morning. I'm glad I took him either way because the last time this happened, and I waited, he ended up having a broken collar bone. Hopefully my son will get some sleep tonight.
  4. It's release date is October. I may purchase one at that time. Here's the link. http://www.esvstudybible.org/ I presently have the Spirit of the Reformation Study bible which I really like for it's notes. Unfortunately it did not come in an ESV translation. NIV is the translation mine is. (sorry for the poor English).
  5. We're doing a day trip to Prince Rupert tomorrow. Hopefully the weather picks up and we are able to see something other than clouds!:001_smile:
  6. I ran yesterday (didn't post) evening and felt good about my time. It was my normal 5 km route. Today I'm at work all day and tonight my girlfriends and I are going out to celebrate one of their birthdays so running is on the back burner until tomorrow (at which time I'll have to really kick butt to burn some of tonight's extra calories)!
  7. I know I can objectively look at two sides to an issue and I have great time management skills. . . there's just so many other things I wished I was good at!
  8. Our 12 yr dd was baptized in a local lake last Sunday -- a joyous occasion for our family. Enjoy the day! May God bless her walk with Him.
  9. Season two. We finished season one a couple weeks ago and just started season 2. I hope we can watch two episodes tonight! This is one show my dh and I both watch together.
  10. It stopped raining and was quite warm. I over dressed a bit but over all I'm happy with a slower run today. I wasn't sure what I would accomplish because I was feeling a wee bit under the weather. I'm going to do some stretching now and hope to work in some weights today as well (these are two areas where I am pathetic). I just want to say these running threads are an encouragement to me. Any time I wanted to give up on my run today I kept thinking "well what would I post when I got home" lol!:001_smile:
  11. I have managed to clean the basement -- no small feat considering I haven't sorted through some of the storage areas for years! This was a significant accomplishment. I also sorted and cleaned all the downstairs rooms. This was very timely as my sister and her family sprung a surprise (very much welcomed) visit on us last week. So when they left MOnday morning it wasn't too difficult to tidy up downstairs as I had already done the major work before hand. I also accepted more work at my casual job so I am working 2.5 days a week. This is a lot for me but it's temporary and comes to an end the last week of August when we take our summer vacation. I have ordered and received most of my school stuff. Now I need to organize. This is the area which I haven't accomplished as much as I would have liked by this point. I think I need to schedule this in. I have also kicked up my running routine which is making me very happy! But as always, there's never enough time! (Like time to just sit and read.)
  12. I follow weightwatchers core program which means I can freely eat lean meats, vegetables, fruits, low fat milk, eggs, etc. I count points for extras. My question is, do any of you eat or drink anything special AFTER a run, especially a longer run (Okay longer for me is 5 - 8 kms, I'm working for 10 km)? It's raining this morning and the kids are wanting to go garage sailing so I'll be running later. I don't live in oppressive heat so I'm not limited to early mornings. In fact I love late afternoon the best. My legs feel like a million pounds first thing in the morning so I'm always impressed by you early morning runners (although I do see an advantage, time wise, to going out first thing).
  13. My friend and I have known each other forever but we only became close friends after I had children (she's 4 yrs older than me and has grown children). We talk daily and are a sounding board for each other. We laugh and cry together (frequently)!:) I actually have another friend who I can also do this with. We have known each other not as long but we share children the same ages and sexes and both homeschool. And of course my husband is my friend too.
  14. It was quite warm but we did our 5 km (although truthfully I was very thirsty by the end). My running partner really stretches me -- I would tend to do my same old, comfortable route -- she makes me do various routes which I'm sure is much better for me. Then, after dinner, I went for a bike ride with my kids. This is momentous considering I haven't ridden a bike in five years. It was very enjoyable!
  15. I will pray for peace and rest (aka sleep) for you and strength to do all the normal things a mom has to do. I will pray for your son and for his health.
  16. I think lining the pans with parchment paper has allowed for a more even baked cookie.
  17. I think I almost killed my dog (it was a bit warm). Anyway, I ran 5 happy kilometres. It was a good run today.
  18. Rely on my 12 yr dd to step in. Seriously. She is much more able to deal with this than I (I'm ashamed to say.) My fears aren't as great as yours but I have difficulty dealing with vomiting. When the kids were younger I'd stand outside the bathroom door (outside the door) saying "it's okay so and so. Mommy is right here (outside the door)." They never seemed to notice I wasn't right there in the room with them. lol! My dd does not seem to be disturbed by vomit, blood, etc. etc. She helps those in need quite readily (while her wimpy mother whimpers in the background). I too have a very helpful dh who, when he's home, steps in. BTW, I do take care of the laundry,etc. afterwards but I just can't be around "during the act". Fortunately my kids are relatively healthy! Anyway I just wanted to let you know that others share your fear.
  19. Mind you we are reformed Baptists but I did not grow up this way, nor did my parents do a catechism with us. My kids are far more understanding of our foundational beliefs than I ever was at that age (and I did grow up in a christian home). I think the catechism format is excellent and offers a lot of room for discussion. (There were a few areas we tweaked to our own beliefs but this did not seem concerning to me or to the kids who readily understood our explanations for the differences.) I love Sproul (Holiness of God, Chosen by God) and have one Kreeft book on Socratic Logic but not the ones you've listed. I haven't gone through these with my children but I may (now that you've brought it to my attention) read the Sproul books with my kids in the fall. Thanks for the reminder.
  20. Susan was the keynote speaker. My sister and I attended all her lectures and were so inspired. She was especially encouraging in her talk about homeschooling older (high school) kids. I left confident we could/would homeschool through grade twelve.
  21. But I got to tell you you're killing me with guilt for missing yesterday. I worked all day and then decided to take the kids to the lake because we had sun (after a few days of rain). But I'm hitting the road today. My running partner works so we're not meeting until 4:30 p.m. It's a gorgeous day and I'm tempted to go this morning but we'll see. I'll post tonight.
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