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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. 12 years ago my dad was diagnosed with leukemia that required immediate hospitalization in a cancer clinic, in isolation for three months of intensive chemotherapy treatment. I remember thinking at that time our family would have been broke had we to come up with the money to pay for the medical services that were required. 2 years ago I had a hysterectomy in the small, northern community next to my town. I visited my family doctor on the last day of June complaining of fairly generic symptoms. By Thursday of that week I was back at the doctor's with a diagnosis of severe anemia (transfusable levels) and a referral to a specialist which I saw within two weeks, 40 minutes from home. By the middle of August I had a surgery date and by mid-September I had surgery (five days hospitalization) that changed my life tremendously for the positive. Again, no worries of whether I could afford this. Last month my son fell from a tree. I called our doctor at 4 pm. Saw him at 4:20 by 4:40 he was in a sling with an x-ray requisition. Again, no monies out of pocket. Of course I realize I am paying for these service through some medical premiums (an employee benefit at my husband's work) and through taxes but my experience living in this town my whole life has been incredibly positive. Not perfect, but very accommodating. Living in a small northern town is definitely a lifestyle choice we've made and it does come with some restrictions. Our choices are limited but the trade off includes things such as affordable housing (having recently visited greater Vancouver area and listened to my friends and family talk about housing costs, really brought to life this reality). As for the child tax credits -- my husband and I do not at all consider these credits when making decisions surrounding employment or other self-betterment things. In no way do these credits unmotivate me to do my best. I understand the criticisms but I think motivation is an individual issue -- either you are a motivated person or you're not. I don't believe that a motivated person would become unmotivated as a result of these credits nor do I think an unmotivated person will suddenly become motivated as a result of these credits. I'd also wager that motivation issues exist in all cultures and societies. I'm proud to be Canadian and happy with my quality of life (well a little more sunshine would be nice). Not scientific, just some personal anecdotes. Good question though Jennifer. We need to think these things through and consider the ramifications of accepting things in our society. I will ponder this some more.
  2. As a fellow dog lover, she sounds like a wonderful person. It's hard to loose someone close to you . . . peace and blessings to you as you mourn this loss.
  3. My sister (who I am visiting) and I run every morning. This has been great (and hopefully will ward off some of those holiday pounds from the extra eating). We've also run a route that includes three long hills so I feel like I'm getting stronger. Well I better go and continue vacationing.
  4. I'm on vacation, visiting my sister and her family. We were talking about Vonage telephone service and wondering if people experience good quality telephone service using this provider. Thanks for your responses.
  5. I grew up in a typical evangelical, christian church and home (and am very thankful for my parent's diligence in raising us in a Christian home). But, I've got to say, once I was introduced to reformed theology (and got over the initial, typical arguments about why it was wrong) I feel like I was "born again, born again" -- like I had just read the bible for the first time and understood it. It has brought scripture alive for me. I haven't read any of the responses yet but am going through to do that now. (I initially thought "gone over to the dark side" was some kind of Star Wars terminology or something! lol!) I also agree about locking up newly reformed people :iagree: I know a few "enthusiastic reformers".
  6. I had a hysterectomy two years ago (abdominal). I was 41. I seriously feel like it added 10+ year to my life -- I feel like I did in my twenties and thirties. Things had really deteriorated in my health due to severe anemia. I felt better very quickly after the surgery and after my recovery I was able to do things that I hadn't for years. While I kept my ovaries I did have some hormonal issues early after the surgery and did take HRT for about six - eight months. But once I was able to start an exercise program and began to eat well, those things settled down too. It was life changing, in a positive way, for me. I am so happy I agreed with my doctors that this was a good solution for my issues.
  7. And I will do my 20 minute stretching/strengthening core program this afternoon. I ran 8 km last night so walking was the best answer this morning. I'm heading on vacation Saturday morning so this will be my last check in for a couple of weeks (although I fully intend to exercise on vacation . . . hopefully).
  8. And our van is quickly filling up with stuff (actually it's important stuff -- the annual book exchange I make with my sister who also homeschools). Thanks for the offer though. Hopefully you'll find a home for your dressmaker form and all the other stuff you're sorting through. You are inspiring me to do the same and to look at acquiring more "stuff" with a lot more scrutiny.
  9. Just remember it's one day at a time and tomorrow is another day to reach your goals. The other thing (and I often have to remind myself of this) is that doing 30 minutes is still doing something. Don't negate the value of this exercise even if it wasn't exactly what you hoped to do.
  10. Very happy considering that all this week I've been waking up between 4:45 - 5:30 a.m., which is early for me (I'm usually a 6 a.m. riser.) But on top of my run I've been fitting in a daily stretching/strengthening program which I already feel is improving my flexibility and posture. Now I'm ready for a cup of tea.
  11. We're heading to the lower mainland this weekend to visit my family and the drive is a long one! We do it all in one day . . . sixteen hours of driving. Just wish someone would cut the road through those coastal mountains! lol!
  12. Since I can barely sew on a button. But, my sister sews and I am going to visit her next week. (Are these large things? (Excuse my ignorance.) Actually the two sisters I am visiting next week both sew and both live close together. We are leaving on the weekend and I am taking a trip to your town on Thursday (to buy dog food of all things). Let me mull it over tonight and I'll let you know tomorrow. Thanks for thinking about me! (Although it did highlight my inadequacies! lol!:001_smile:
  13. This morning I did "The Core Program" for about 20 minutes. It's a stretching/strengthening program. I will run at 4:30 this afternoon. I'm so happy to have done the stretching stuff becuase I know as my body gets older this is necessary. I hope I commit to it.
  14. We gave adopted a number of older dogs (dogs older than tiny puppies) and have always loved them dearly.
  15. I have this on my shelf and did it regularly. Funny, yesterday on the exercise thread, I complained that I can't get into a stretching/strengthening routine. I run and that's pretty much it. I think I'll pull this book from my shelf and look at adding it to my routine.
  16. The walking happened because 2km before the end we ran into my son who had our 13 yr old retriever with him. Somehow, I ended up with the old mutt after my son took off on his bike. She actually did okay for a few minutes but then we had to walk the rest of the way. (And I'm sure my 2yr Bernese Mountain dog was happy to oblige. They are not heat tolerant dogs.) So I'm done exercising today. I wish I could commit to some stretching/weight routine in addition to running. I am a very disciplined person but I can't wrap my around incorporating these aspects into my workout. Any ideas? I need some kind of routine ('cause I'm a routine kind of gal!)
  17. Ate a skimpy salad at home before going out with the intention of eating an appetizer that, in the past, was meal size. Not tonight, it was so tiny I'm hungry now. (Because the service was so poor, we all decided to skip dessert and go home.) Fellowship great . . . food, not so much.
  18. I know hot and humid is all relative but when you're not acclimatized to warmer temperatures . . . well it was hard to run today. But I'm glad I did it because I'm going out with some girlfriends tonight so I won't feel bad indulging in a treat.
  19. I love my rice cooker and apparently can leave it for 18 hours. I never have so I don't know the outcome but the instructions with it says its okay to do that. Mine is a plain old Black and Decker.
  20. What I meant to say is I would replace 1/2 cup of flour with 1/2 of ground flaxseed in a recipe that calls for 3 - 4 cups flour.
  21. Ground. I also add it to my baking. Probably replacing 1/2 cup of flour with it in a 3 -4 cup recipe. Muffins. Bread. etc.
  22. I am a very social, outgoing, talkative person IRL. I, too, often worry that the emotion/feelings I'm trying to get across will be misinterpreted so then I just don't post. It's interesting to think about this though.
  23. My sister does the exercises regularly where I tend to do them more in the winter when the weather is inclement. I found a huge improvement in posture and improvement in core strength doing the work out. I mostly run now for exercise and love it. I felt it was a worthwhile purchase. It's pretty much the only exercise dvd set I've bought and can say I'm stilling using a couple years later.
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