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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. But occasionally I'll branch out. In Canada Mike's even comes in a low calorie version (although my husband thinks there's something wrong with that).
  2. As a rule I wouldn't crack open a bottle until after 4 (I mean you have to have some standards!) so don't come too early.
  3. I work casual at the police and today a file included info. about confiscation of a Mike's Hard Lemonade -- all I could think of is all you ladies (okay and occasionally me too) and your Mike's!! lol!
  4. She is so attached to me (literally). She lies at me feet while I'm on the computer. She sits ON my feet when I'm standing anywhere. Hugs me (Berner trait) EVERY time I come in the house -- even if I walk out, accidently forget something and turn around and come back in. Sits by my reading chair, pawing me (guess how many cups of tea and coffee have spilled on my lap). And the bathroom, she runs ahead of me when she thinks I'm going there and waits inside the bathroom for me. Yeah . . . my kids think she has a "I love mommy too much" special needs.
  5. She's just turned 12 and such a responsible child I sometimes can't believe it. I see little lists everywhere . . . Wake up at 6 (Yes sometimes I have to tell her to sleep in!), Do devotions at 6:15, etc. etc. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop . . .and see her turn into a sluggardly teen!;) People always tell me she's more like 30 than 12! (I think we're supposed to rejoice over this!)
  6. I just came back from 5 km in very pleasant running weather -- not too hot but sunny with a nice wind (not a battling wind). Thanks for the helpful peer pressure -- I might have ditched my run today if it were not for some prodding. lol!
  7. Orgjunkie is a friend of mine, from my neck of the woods, way in the middle of no where!! I laughed when I saw her website linked. She's great and I've browsed her menus as well as others linked to her site, for many great meal time recipes and ideas.
  8. Unfortunately I feel tired. My sister and her family were here this past week and just left this morning. We definitely burned the midnight oil too much and I'm tired. I don't know if I'll be able to run my 5 km or if I'll have to do some walking in between. On a positive note, my sister and I ran several days during her visit and we did a lot of hiking and other outdoor activities. (Okay and a bit too much eating! lol!) I'll post later what my actual accomplishment was (maybe this will be like virtual peer pressure!)
  9. I grew up in a two parent, stable, Christian home and I know for sure I want some things to be different for my kids. One thing I think my parents did that I do not do, is trust everyone in "authority". My parents felt comfortable sending us to school, telling us to obey the teachers and very rarely seemed concerned about what was happening there. We got good grades, stayed out of "trouble" . . . that was good enough for them. (In fairness, my mom had seven children so I know that's different than my three.) I, on the other hand, never just send my kids to an activity without first checking it out -- who the leaders are, what the activities are, what the supervision is, etc. etc. Obviously I homeschool my kids so that is different too (I know for sure I was exposed to a whole lot more by my kids ages. They're still relatively innocent to many things (in a good way). I also talk, talk, talk with my kids about everything. Contrast that with me learning most things from my older siblings or friends. I do think homeschooling them affords me the time to do this. Many mornings we start on a topic and I know I can spend time with them discussing the matter rather than rushing them out the door. As far at the Christian walk goes, my parents were godly folk. I don't have any criticism for how they raised us even though we do it a bit differently. We try to instill our Christian worldview into our children's lives. It's not a separate compartment for Sundays and youth group. And, at the end of the day, we, as parents, pray for them and pray that God works in and through their lives. We also teach our children to not just accept things but to really think through each issue presented them. (Not disrespectfully mind you!) Just because a pastor says something doesn't mean it's always right -- they're human too and not infallible. Just because media portrays something one way doesn't mean it's true. etc. etc. At the end of the day we can only do our best. Some days that's great, some days not so much. Our children will grow up and look back the same way we are -- taking some of what we've instilled and "tweaking" some of it. I'm with you though . . .it's often on my mind as my kids enter the teen years.
  10. And we survived -- 20 years so far! (And it was on a standard transmission. I can still recall the "don't ride the clutch" line (with as much patience as humanly possible for a then 26 yr old man) just as if it happened yesterday! lol!)
  11. I can't believe the renewed energy and quality of life that happened very soon after surgery. I was feeling old and run down (besides all the other things) -- I now feel like I did when I was thirty or younger. I feel great. I have energy to run. My emotions/hormones are much more in balance. It definitely was the answer to my problem.
  12. If this is an option for you I would consider it. A hysterectomy is major surgery (although I had no troubles it did take several months to recover fully). This was not an option for me as my troubles were related to fibroids.
  13. I was 41 when I had my hysterectomy. It's added 10 years to my life.
  14. I don't understand these events either. I'm not a lover of sleepovers of any kind let alone the kind you've described. I am very cautious with the situations I put my children in though. I don't want to ever be sorry for approving something that ends up trouble.
  15. She had many strep throat infections (and some complications as a result including scarlet fever and Henoch Schonlien Purpura (okay the spelling is off) Two years ago we had her tonsils removed as the doctor said that some kids tonsils are the culprit to repeat infections. So far that's been true in her case.
  16. We've established some "guidelines" through the years including "mommy can't talk before she's had her coffee in the morning". This is true.:) I am an early riser (6 a.m.) but I am not social until a couple hours later. She is also an early riser and would love to chat the morning away. I've gently encouraged her to respect my need for quiet in the morning. Of course she's older now -- this took some time to instill. Sometimes you've got to say "right now mommy is having a break. You need to find something to do quietly and save your talk for later." Or something like that. We feel guilt over this but unless you're cutting off all communication I think it's okay for kids to realize some boundaries, even in this area. Of course at 6, it's not quite that easy.
  17. But I have many first born tendencies likely because there's an eight year gap between me and my next sibling.
  18. Although I posted earlier that my hysterectomy was a positive life changing event it didn't come without mourning a loss. For me the loss was the final, final, end to any possibility of becoming pregnant after 18 years of infertility. Even though rationally there was no hope of getting pregnant there's always the thought that miracle could happen. After the surgery I grieved that loss of even that glimmer. To some extent I think there will always be a feeling of loss.
  19. I actually feel more 'womanly' (if that's even possible) because I gained back ten years on my life with improved health. (Also it's hard to feel womanly when it's 'that time of the month" half the month!) I have lost weight. I have more energy. My hormones are more in balance (not completely but a huge improvement -- and don't ask my husband if he thinks this is true!:)) Having said that I don't know if I really feel more "womanly" I just feel a whole lot better. I did suffer from infertility, which is a whole different ball game!
  20. I ran an hour but I'm not sure the distance (I'll have to drive it later to mark out the distance). It was an extention of the route I normally take. My kids were all occupied, it's a lovely day so I decided to extend my normal 5 km. I am not a speedy runner but I have endurance. (I have endurance but I would like to pick up the pace a bit.) I need encouragement to add strength training and stretching to my routine. I just never fit it in. Off to shower.
  21. My oldest sister sewed mine for me. I doubt my daughter will wear it but I wouldn't be opposed to reconstructing it for other uses. (although I'm not sure what.) I pulled mine out a few weeks ago, while cleaning the basement. I have lost some weight over the last year and a half -- my dress was too big! Twenty years later my wedding dress is too big! Guess how happy that made me! :001_smile:
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