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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. I need to lose aprox. 30 more. I have done this following the core plan which I love and highly recommend. The premise is eating from a list of healthy foods, i.e. all lean meats, eggs, non fat dairy, veggies, fruits, brown rice, ww pasta, etc. You don't count points for these just learn to eat until satisfied (portion control). Then you do get points each week for those extras not on the list. This is the first plan that has worked for me (I've done the other ww plans before) and I am confident I will not gain the weight back. I say this because core has taught me to eat and enjoy healthy foods in reasonable portions. I now recognize my full signal. I also look at food differently. If I'm eating something I love rather than have seconds or over eat I remind myself that this is not the last time I'm going to eat this food so I can enjoy the smaller amount knowing I will eat this again some other time. Another big mind set change is recognizing set backs and not having an all or nothing mentality. If I've had a bad day, I just pick up and start over the next day. I don't just throw in the towel. Exercise has also become a big part of my life. I run most days (or at least walk 5 km) and do some weights in my basement. This is critical. I think weight loss is successful when both diet and exercise are combined. BTW, I do ww on-line.
  2. There's some sort of German tradition that warns you to have your house spic and span before the new year chimes in. This is an awful tradition and for years I felt bad if I had any disorder in the home before midnight on New Years eve (right after the busy Christmas season)! Now, not so much. I try to tidy up for traditions sake but I'm not perfect and so far the house hasn't imploded from me breaking this tradition.
  3. Donuts (enough for everyone) lol! I'm not sure if it's a German tradition but that is my ethnicity and we've done this all my life. My kids look forward to it all year long. I make one batch New Years Eve and one New Years day and that's it for a year.
  4. We are experiencing the strong arctic outflow winds here and today when I was running it was sunny but windy and cold (-9 C which I think is about 15 F). Truthfully, it's so dark here most of the winter that I'll take the cold for a few days (it's supposed to last a week here) in exchange for some sun. And running on dry pavement beats running through snow/ice or worse slush. (It's supposed to get colder as the week progresses so I don't know if I'll be running at that point.) But I have to say our house is not drafty -- we replaced windows a few years ago and it has made a huge difference. Layer on the sweaters and don't forget your slippers, maybe that'll help. And I always take a hot bath before bed for a final warm up. But I do feel for you because I hate being cold!
  5. Through the years I sometimes questioned whether there wasn't something better or more exciting or more innovated or maybe not so "big" but at the same time I saw my friend flip from program to program to find the perfect math curriculum and you know what? There isn't one. They all have different philosophies and they all have good and bad. Generally speaking I think sticking with a program is a good idea. Math is hard work (harder for some kids). That's what I've learned from 8 years of hsing.
  6. Somehow I scored new earrings in my boot . . . that was an extra special surprise from my very own St. Nick who wanted to show how much he loves and appreciates me. Last night after all the kids put their boots out my son slipped a few extra for each of the dogs in our house. Fortunately St Nick had an extra stash of special dog treats to put in those boots. My son also labeled each boot so that there would be no confusion. We love this tradition.
  7. I began Latin about 3-4 years ago. I was not in great health making concentration on this new task of learning Latin very, very difficult. We kept plugging away, plugging away and I am happy to say it's all coming together. It takes time but you will begin to understand it. I will also say that we are using the Memoria Press dvd's that accompany Latina Christina . . . they are well worth their money and helped with the understanding. Keep plugging along it will begin to make sense. It takes time.
  8. I agree with the others who recommend either pre-fab kits or graham cracker houses. Our homeschool group, in the past, met together with our kids to make houses. Even with pre-fab kits and a parent with each group of kids, it's a bit of an ordeal. Keep it simple that way you will enjoy it more.
  9. That's what I don't get either. And I can't get over a coalition with a separatist party. Doesn't it seem hypocritical that these parties join together?
  10. You may remember the parking lot dog that found us and is now a family member. We have had many dogs over the years but never a lap dog. She's maybe 15 pounds. Do small dogs need a coat in cold weather? It's -5 C (23 F) this morning with a windchill and my dh feels sorry for this little girl. She does have longish fur. Any small dog owners with advice?
  11. You can do this on line and it helps train you into a permanent way of eating. I've been doing this for almost two years (on-line). I've lost around 60 lbs and kept them off. Core is basically eating lean meats, veggies, fruits, fat free dairy, brown rice and pasta, etc. It also helped eliminate my cravings for junk. There's no 'point' counting since all these things are "free" but you can use a certain allotment of points for the extras . . .i.e. bread, treats, etc. It really works. I think for the first time in my life I've made changes I will maintain for life. Of course exercise is critical for any weight loss.
  12. We will watch the National Dog Show tomorrow morning. But we'll probably do some school. Rose
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Evangelism-Sovereignty-God-J-Packer/dp/083081339X I agree with the responses already posted and would like to recommend Packer's book on the subject. It's not a huge book and addresses this specific issue, which is a mystery to us, for sure. But faith in God and trust in Scripture as truth makes this particular theology an important part of my life.
  14. My children are begging me to register them in the course in time for next hunting season. Neither my dh or I are hunters but my brother is and is willing to take them when they're a bit older. My dd doesn't want to hunt but wants to take the course for information. They're not old enough to get a PAL but they can take the core course. Good for you stretching out of your comfort zone.
  15. One of my children is a natural born writer and I can see her scoring well using her own creativity and not format writing. But what about my reluctant writer . . . can I expect more than good "format writing" out of him? I'm going to mull this over.
  16. From a parent view point it's easy to use and all the supplies give me no excuse to do the labs with the kids. Actually the kids take their lab book and usually are able to do the labs on their own. While we have only used it for about six weeks so far I am pleased with the program.
  17. I'd say it gets the most favourable reaction of any dog food I've ever bought (and we've tried many during the years we had our highly allergic bernese mountain dog).
  18. All our other dogs have been older and have really worked out well. I don't know if this is factual or just anecdotal but in our experience our mutts have been healthier than the pure breds. Our 14 yr old has only been to the vet twice in her life for health problems . . . once for a hot spot I could have treated myself and once last year when my son made me take her to check her "funny breathing" . . . the result of that visit, other than $50 spent, was a "she's very healthy for her age" from the vet. Our pure breds on the other hand have cost us a lot of money. My kids really want another basset hound and my hounds were my babies. I have very fond memories of them.
  19. We have a three year old bernese mountain dog . . . she's our second berner. Lovely dog. Sweet temperment. Large. Blows out her coat twice a year. Golden retriever mutt (probably mixed with sheperd predominantly golden). Very lovely dog. We adopted her when she was 5 yrs old. She's 14 now. She's a perfect mix of lovely companion and guard dog. Then there's our little foundling, our new lap dog we rescued from a parking lot. She's great but I don't know what she is and we've only had her a month but for a lap dog she's extremely quite (not what I expected from a small dog). We've had three basset hounds in the past and I love bassets but they're not for everybody. They're kind of special needs . . . very stubborn, like attention, love food, sometimes drool . . .
  20. Duct tape . . . I'm going to try it tonight. I experience the same thing with my cheapo gloves . . . maybe I'll request a pair of running gloves for Christmas. As for shoes, I use Yak Traks. They strap on to my shoe and provide traction in most conditions . . . not black ice really, but I wear them always when it's snowing and I never slip. I am not sure footed and we have a long winter season so these were a good investment . . . about $30. As for clothing, I just do the layer thing . . . t-shirt, sweat shirt, gortex jacket . . . I can't wait until summer!
  21. Go to your doctor and make sure you're okay. In the meantime take care of yourself.
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