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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. Actually right now I'm only dreaming of building up to 10 km, which is the most I've run so far. Mind you I've only been running for one year. Anyway, my week was pretty good because the weather was dry with the exception of Friday which was so blustery cold (it's cold here again) that my partner and I chickened out. We did go Saturday morning though under a gazillion layers! Monday . . . 5 km, including a 1 km fairly steep hill Tuesday . . . 6 km (we're working on increasing our distance) Wednesday . . . 5 km Thursday . . . 5 km Friday . . . Weight training inside Saturday . . . 6 km (in -13 C (8 F) temperatures with a big windchill factor) Today we will probably do 5 km but it's even colder out. Sometimes when it's very cold we walk instead. It's too hard to breath in the cold air. Happy Sunday.
  2. I agree touch is very important. Both of our boys had completely different personalities and responded differently but both eventually bonded with us. Our first son was happy go lucky and fairly quickly connected. I would stroke his arms and rub his back at night when I was tucking him bed. I would have sit with me to read . . . hold his hand when walking . . . hug him whenever warranted. Son number two was much more reserved but needed that touch too. I went out of our way to hold him and talk with him and I would acknowledge his fears and insecurities and assure him things would get better. I will also say we had dogs at the time and they made wonderful intermediate bonding instruments. Many times I'd see the boys playing with the dogs who offered immediate and unconditional love to these kiddies. I think pets do help with the transition.
  3. This week I will be reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. I haven't read any of her books before but my niece said she was assigned to read this in her ethics class in her nursing program so I thought I'd give it a whirl too.
  4. I think we've worked out an 8 a.m. wake up time with a 9 a.m. school start time. Hopefully this compromise will work. I will say I know that it is harder to get up on these dark, cold winter days. I'm not completely heartless.:) Just another one of those parenting/family working it out issues.
  5. We've sung it for a few years. It's a Chris Tomlin song . . . he has quite a few good songs.
  6. I very much run a tight ship and honestly this is new territory for me. This child recently moved into his own room (in September) after sharing a room with his brother. This was a good move in many ways but opened up this can of worms. Probably coincidental but non the less up until this point I had no trouble hauling his butt out of bed. Anyway I guess I was also feeling out my expectations and if they're reasonable.
  7. The state of his room. There would be no place for a roaming alarm clock to roam. I can just see the eyes rolling when all of you read this. I'm rolling my own eyes. There are just so many battles that I guess I've been lax on the room cleaning one. I love this child but he is a challenge at times . . .
  8. I am too soft with him and I know this. I like your list of consequences and I'm just going to have toughen up and follow through. This is a part of my own personality that I struggle with. On the one hand I'm cut and dry, routine and not very flexible but on the other hand I have this overwhelming softness that sometimes takes over. I am really working on this because I think he knows (okay I know he knows) I can be a push over. Uhh . . .parenting is so hard sometimes.
  9. I can't even believe I'm posting this because I am such a routine person and NEVER thought I'd be in this position. The kid can not wake up in the morning and it isn't dependent on when he goes to bed. Before Christmas I was battling him so I decided in light of the flexibility homeschooling allows I'd be flexible (which is not really my personality type) and allow him an extra hour of sleep. So now I would like everyone to be at the breakfast table at 8:30 so we can start school at 9 (as opposed to 7:30 and start school at 8). I think this is the case of you give an inch, they take a mile because now he's whining when I awaken him for 8 o'clock. I like to eat breakfast altogether so this is very annoying. I know teens need more sleep but why can't they go to bed earlier!! I guess what I'm asking is what would be a consequence for him not making it to the table on time and starting school late? I look forward to suggestions.
  10. In fact my parents were visiting us (we live 1500 km's away) and our new baby. He kind of thought he had the flu or something. Drove home (1500 kms in one day, which as an after thought is almost unbelievable given his illness). Went to his family doctor the next day and was ambulanced from the doctor's office to the hospital and then to the cancer clinic. It was a whirlwind for us. An unbelievable whirlwind. There is so much information to process that at times your head feels like popping off . . . I can't imagine the added stress of your mom's unique situation. Take one day at a time. :grouphug:
  11. My dad had Acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Because of his age, at that time 11 yrs ago, (he was 69 when diagnosed) he wasn't a candidate for bmt. It's a hugely stressful thing to deal with a parent with such a serious illness. Take care of yourself and your wonderful family. Good for you recognizing the blessings you have . . . and thanks for posting your photos.
  12. When I took my kids for their first check up at 8ish I leaned over and told the receptionist to warn the optometrist that my daughter may try and fake needing glasses because her best friend just got a pair. Imagine my horror when the optometrist told me she need a prescription stronger than mine (and I'm very, very near sighted so I have a strong prescription). Yeah, I accuse my kid of faking it and she's so near sighted that the optometrists only explanation for her success in life to that point in time was that she was homeschooled which eliminated that need for her to see a board, etc. I felt awful for a long, long time after that.
  13. It was a beautiful late afternoon run. Slow but enjoyable.
  14. Truthfully I'm not overly familiar with the momentum plan but I do know the filling foods list models the idea of ww's previous plan called Core which is what I follow. You'll notice the filling foods list generally has lower points and is I guess scientifically calculated to be more satisfying overall. Admittedly the filling foods list does not include cookies and ice cream but whole foods such as fruits, veggies, lean meats, low fat dairy, etc. Really it works. Once you've ditched the junkie, empty calorie foods for the filling foods your body adjusts and actually does quite well on the plan. And if you're hungry these foods usually satisfy the appetite better because you can eat more of them for the same point values of empty-caloried foods. (I hope that makes sense.) I have followed the plan for two years and have kept of 60 pounds. I plan to reach goal weight this year which is actually another 30ish pounds. Success of the program, I believe, does lie in the conjunction of a good diet and exercise. I exercise 6 days a week.
  15. I have been following ww for two years now and it has really become a part of life for me (and unknowingly the rest of the family). I follow what was called the Core plan which is similar to eating only 'filling foods' in the momentum plan. Remember it's a life long journey. Make changes you can live with forever rather than drastic changes that you'll give up in a few weeks. (Ask me how I know this.:))
  16. We're taking advantage of every ice free, snow free day that comes our way!
  17. Hmm, I can hardly wait to go buy a jug of whole milk (btw does it have to be whole milk?)
  18. I am intrigued and think I will try and make some yogurt given that we it it. I eat plain but the kiddies would find a sweetened version more palatable. Do I just add sweetener after, in their dishes, or can it be incorporated in the incubating period?
  19. In 1 John John is talking about Jesus' propitiation not being exclusive to the Jews as this is the focus of the book. Revelations 22:17 indicates whosoever will, let him take . . . scripture is clear only those prompted by the Holy Spirit will come. I am really not trying to be argumentative but I came from exactly the opposite position you did . . . I was evangelical and became reformed as an adult. I spent time reading these and other verses like them so that I could understand them in the context of the whole scripture.
  20. You know you're absolutely right. My mom is spry, independent (makes us crazy sometimes) and we often forget her age. We are very thankful that she is an active and relatively healthy senior.
  21. Jennifer it turns out that most likely we won't make it to Terrace until next week. If anyone in my extended family goes before I do I'll send along the books with them.


    If the plan changes I'll let you know.



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