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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. You know Colleen I think of you often when I'm running. Some days I think "oh I hope one day I can clock Colleen's time" and other days it's "I wonder if Colleen got a run in today" (especially during your cold snap and then flooding). It's funny how this exercise thread is a little bit of needed peer pressure. :001_smile:
  2. She's 81 and I'm 43 and your example sounds exactly like my mom, and she's not driving a lexus but you'd think she was! lol!:001_smile: It is hard. :grouphug:
  3. Any day I can run without snow and ice is a bonus and this week has been very good to me. My running partner and I are trying to increase our distance and this week has been perfect to do just that.
  4. Why don't you pm me your address. I have Grade 3, 4, 5 that I'm not using. I could only find the text books right now but I think a friend of mine has my teacher's manuals and isn't using them. I'll check with her later this afternoon. Do you just want Grade 5 or the others as well (they might be useful as background info.)
  5. in HS here in BC. He finished the Grade 6 book in Grade 9 so not much different than your son's age. Maybe that can be a panacea for him. Also I think I have a Grade 5 copy of the text book that I'd be happy to give you if you would like it. I will look for it today. Let me know and the next time we're shopping in your neck of the woods I'll drop it off for you.
  6. And irresistible grace. God hangs on to you because you are his child chosen from before the foundations of earth (Ephes. 1). I know that on my own power and with my own free will I would not choose God.
  7. I can imagine your frustration. Take care and take the time to let it heal.:grouphug:
  8. I am feeling great these last couple of days because the weather is cooperating. My running partner and I are aiming to increase our distance by the Spring so tonight we felt good and added a kilometre and I didn't die! lol!
  9. by Leif Enger tomorrow. I have seen this book recommended in many circles so I'm eager to read and see what it's all about.
  10. and the stomach flu. I will meet my partner in about 45 minutes and we will hopefully clock 5 km. I am so looking forward to this run. Last week was terrible with weather -- ice, snow (falling).
  11. I assume everyone around me needs to hear the gospel and that God will call them into a relationship with him. This is how we operate as a family, and as a church. God calls people at different times in their lives so just because someone does not have a relationship with Him at this time doesn't mean they won't. This thread has been very thought provoking and I've read with interest people's comments. I think Bill's comment about Christians not looking any different than non-christians was kind of heart wrenching for me because he's right in many ways. But then I'm reminded that it's Jesus we look to for an example of perfection not other people. We've got a long way to go but God, through the Holy Spirit, does continuously work in us.
  12. It feels so decedent spending so much time doing . . . nothing.
  13. And it's not a replay from last night? Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
  14. Scripture tells us he has appointed some to be preachers etc. and has commanded all of us to evangelize. We evangelize because we are called to do this and we know that faith comes by hearing the word.
  15. I'll try and answer a couple of your questions . . . admittedly I did not grow up in a Calvinist church. I am Baptist. So my answers come from my own experience and probably limited understanding. I have never heard that Calvinist's aren't allowed to question what's taught . . . and if that's true then I'm one bad Calvinist because I question everything, all the time. It's how I became a Calvinist. Begging for forgiveness . . . Salvation comes through faith alone which is a free gift. Until I became reformed I don't think I really understood the freedom we have in Christ as Christians. In fact my salvation was far more legalistic than it is now as a reformed Christian . . . I cannot earn my salvation. This is what the early reformers (Luther, etc.) were fighting the established church at the time of the reformation where salvation seemed to depend on works. I do understand your concerns . . . I definitely had them until I searched scripture and understood the bible from the context of God's plan being revealed from Genesis to Revelations.
  16. I was raised Baptist and still consider myself Baptist . . . reformed Baptist. I became a Christian at a young age, raised in a Christian home, etc. etc. When my sister's husband introduced the idea of reformed theology to us I was actually angry at the idea of predestination etc. It took me some time and much searching through scripture to understand election and to see it woven throughout scripture. It's almost hard to avoid seeing it. One thing that helped me was looking at scripture as a revelation of God's plan from Genesis to Revelation. Hopeless . . . absolutely not. I have never had so much hope. I have hope in evangelism . . . I don't fear "saying the wrong thing" because it's not me that saves, it's God's work. I have hope in my own Salvation because I recognize if it was dependent on me I would have been sunk a long time ago but God causes me to persevere. Do I have any responsibility in my faith? Absolutely. If I am a Christian then I will endeavour to follow the commands in scripture and display the fruit of the spirit. Enough rambling. I just wanted to let you know that I came from a non-Calvinist background, understanding all the criticisms levied against it and yet am now reformed myself.
  17. The prunes wrapped in prosciutto is something I might have to try.
  18. 4. Should I start watching the new shows tonight or just wait until I've caught up with all the seasons. I so want to watch tonight but I'm feeling conflicted since I still have Seasons 5,6 7 . . . to catch up on. Is tonight the start of Season 9?
  19. I'm at the door of the high school years and anything related to high school would be wonderful. I do agree with the others that preparing the high school student for college writing would be excellent.
  20. Okay the treadmill was a safety tactic . . . there was no way I was going out on the ice today and falling after two falls this week. Then I went to pick up my daughter from her dance class and SOMEHOW got conned into trying the adult dance class. I am so uncoordinated, which is why I run and I am so not into team or group anything that this was a HUGE stretch for me. I could only stay for half the class because I hadn't told my husband about it and my daughter was waiting for me after her own class but I think I might have liked it. Which is weird. I think I'd better sleep on it tonight before I decide to register for this class. I'm sure tomorrow my normal self will appear and set me straight! lol!
  21. When my regular stylist quit my current stylist agreed to take me as a customer knowing that the previous guy had really, really good prices. So she agreed to this price where she normally charges $150.
  22. We are currently working on Grade 6 for 11 yr and Grade 7 for the other two although for the most part they all do Grade 7 work.
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