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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. I wore my yak traks and they faithfully keep me from landing on my butt! It was sunny and relatively warm (-4 C). Life was good. I do feel a bit sore tonight. I guess those extra muscles keeping my balance must not get a lot of use on bare pavement. I also managed some weights tonight.
  2. I would love to go to a meeting but my small town doesn't have any (off and on over the years they have but not all the time). I started WW two years ago three weeks before Christmas. It was hard but waiting for the perfect moment . . .well it'll never come. You've inspired me to get back on the wagon today, after three days of recklessness (well not really recklessness just a bit of carelessness!:))
  3. You know the part on the bottle that says "may cause (what ever word they use for restlessness) in some people" . . . well that's the case for my dd. I only give it to her in the day time. BTW, same with gravol. It knocks the other two kids out and livens her up!
  4. While I use WW successfully, I think the real success lies in the tracking which can easily be done with a notebook and pen. The WW forums are free and offer lots of tips and advice. I definitely am not promoting WW on line as the only on line program or even the best, but it has worked for me (and my sister). Oh and exercise . . . definitely exercise contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
  5. I love the "no school related books" criteria. This totally sucks away my free reading time. This year I'm putting an end to that madness. One book for pleasure a week it is!!
  6. I am a self-disciplined person but having the on-line tracker etc. is just enough countability for me to have lost and kept off 60+ pounds for two years. BTW, I think it's the way we should all eat not just people trying to loose weight. My whole family, mostly unbeknown st to them, follow the plan! lol! It's a very reasonable to follow plan. The changes I have made I know I can maintain. I think there are other on line programs that are free but so far I think the WW tracking program is the fastest (most computer efficient) time wise. If you have any specific questions I'd be happy to answer them.
  7. Our office got our first desk top computer a year after I began working. Prior to that we used an old fashioned typewriter (yes it was electric. I'm not that old!) And CARBON PAPER in between the layers for copies. (Okay I sound very old. I don't think my kids even know what carbon paper is!) All this to say, at approx. 21 yrs of age I was exposed to the computer for the first time and had NO PROBLEM catching the technology. I think it's a stretch to worry that kids who aren't exposed to video games, etc. will be technologically inept. My kids, even with limited exposure, still are well aware of all that's out there. They only have to go to their friend's houses once to be exposed. And, like the other posters have said, I'm not preventing them from learning typing skills or on-line search skills, etc. FYI, I'm 43 and technologically pretty savvy. I can download onto my mp3 player. I can use word processing/ spreadsheet programs, etc AND I can set the time on my VCR (Oops . . . my DVD).
  8. The sidewalks had about a foot of snow on them so instead of running we walked the dogs. It's a work out walking through snow . . . I can feel the different muscles in my legs working through the resistance. I'm not sure it's enough to combat the extra holiday treats but it's exercise. I think I'll do some weights and stretching later this afternoon.
  9. And it's funny you should post this today because after my kids got off the phone with their cousins, who got an x-box for Christmas, I was subjected to the usual guilty feeling wondering if we're ripping our kids off by not buying them these gadgets. I will say that it's not that we won't EVER buy them a gaming system I just tell my kids that if we buy them those things at their ages now, what's left when they're teenagers. I guess each family has to decide what works for them (but sometimes it's hard being the oddball).
  10. I think we'll be walking today because we have some fresh snow and I'm sure the sidewalks won't be cleared or sanded properly. It's sunny and -14 C this morning. So cold but warmer than a few days ago. Merry Christmas!
  11. He leaves the house at 5 a.m. and returns around 6 p.m. But he's home tonight and tonight we celebrate!
  12. I am really trying to remember that this is a normal part of the weight loss journey and sometimes we allow these valleys to sabotage our overall goals. I am determined this time to make lifestyle changes that recognize these ups and downs and continue towards the goal instead of giving up.
  13. I think it's a good plan, from what I can tell so far. Of course I stepped on the scale this morning and quickly jumped off. I mean I've been pretty good this season but I guess the last couple days I've slacked off a bit. Today and tomorrow I'll be a bit freer with my eating. But come the 26th I'm back on the wagon. I've lost 60 lbs so far on ww and would like to drop 30 more this year to reach goal.
  14. which does not accurately reflect my opinion. I don't know what day Jesus was actually born but I do celebrate Christmas in honour of his birth. Of course the family traditions that surround this celebration are important to me as well.
  15. I had fears all night that the power would go out, which gave into fears about our house freezing up . . . I barely slept. We've been in this grip for quite awhile and it looks like it's going to hang on into next week too. I am so ready for spring!
  16. I don't long for others to gift me any baking (well except from my sisters or mom and they live too far away for that to happen).
  17. This helps with everything. . . weight control . . . stress control. It's a good habit.
  18. The north wind is howling and we've had this for days and apparently it's going to last until after Christmas. The only up side is it's sunny, which is unusual for this time of year. Last year this time it was snowing a foot every day
  19. My berner desperately needs a bath but it's unbelievably cold here (and it's kind of a hard job 'cause she hates being bathed. And yeah the pile of hair afterwards doesn't thrill me either. I guess we should have started a new thread -- the trials of being a Bernese Mnt dog owner lol!
  20. In fact I do this regularly so I always have ground beef ready to go for wraps, spaghetti, soup, wraps, tacos, chili . . . you get the picture. I buy the beef in bulk on shopping day and fry it up right away. This has been a real time saver for me and I always can pull together a meal very quickly. (BTW, I portion out the meat and put it in ziploc bags which I label with date and the amount of beef in the bag.)
  21. We've read the book . . .the kids the kid's version. . . but I wasn't sure if the movie would be suitable for my kids.
  22. Like the others said, if you watch who the shipper is you're not going to have problems.
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