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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. It's unfathomable but I think it happens more than we know.
  2. I use an air popper and buy a huge bag of kernels from a warehouse store for around $3. I even make my own popcorn seasoning. I top it with a bit of butter or olive oil. It's healthy, cheap and filling. It's our usual evening snack.
  3. My household has been dealing with winter colds/illnesses all week so still have to finish last weeks book. (I feel like I'm in confession . . .lol!:))
  4. I have stuck with WW for two years now. It's not always easy but one thing that has definitely changed in my thinking is when I have slipped up I don't throw the whole lifestyle change out the window. I just keep going. In the past I'd have some slip ups and then say "well what's the point" and give up. That has been a big change for me and has allowed me to continue even through weight loss plateaus. Keep up the good work!
  5. Unless I'm missing something each of the groups I belong to only show one message, I'm assuming the last one posted.
  6. I know I'm whining but really, I need spring to arrive, now! On the upside, because we walked I could wear my waterproof sports shoes (which I can't run in) so my feet were dry. And the fresh air was nice.
  7. At the time I didn't know I was severely anemic which probably compromised my immune system making me more likely to contracting the flu. It hit fast. Like others have said, it moves quickly from feeling off to being bed ridden. I think I was in bed for ten - fourteen days. And one of the times I ended up with a post influenza myalgia . . . I literally could barely walk, use my hands . . . all my joints were swollen as if I had arthritis. My dh had gone to work so I phoned my best friend and told her I couldn't get out of bed (and I had three young kids). She came over, took me to the doctor, who told me I had to wait it out. For two weeks I couldn't open jars, turn on taps, etc. I felt like an old lady. I was scared that I would be permanently crippled with theis arthritis. And then I got better. I have a new appreciation for the flu. It is brutal. (Oh, and arthritis.) BTW, since taking care of the anemia I have not had a cold or flu. Two years with no illnesses.
  8. I have cried many tears over the loss of fertility in my dh and my life. In fact, in some ways I still have sadness over infertility. We don't believe in IVF. I say this very carefully, knowing the pain associated with infertility and the desperation surrounding it. I know it. Believe you me. I am 43 yrs old, married 21 yrs, happily surrounded by three adopted children who are huge blessings, but I still understand the feeling of loss of control over this area of our lives we feel entitled to have control over. I'm not picking a fight with anyone who's made different choices, just pointing out another view point.
  9. I didn't know there were eight books to the series. I only have three. The one thing that the first book did do was shed more light on what it was like to live at the time of Jesus.
  10. Interesting and thought provoking story line. The premise of the story is parent's of a child diagnosed with leukemia decide to have another child to provide bone marrow for a transplant. Having had a parent that died of leukemia the story hit close to home in many ways. It also caused me to think of the ethics behind such a decision and how we live in a day and age where that choice is readily available to many people. I will read Second Touch by Thoene this week. I read book one of this series in week one of our book a week challenge with mixed feelings but I'm promised the series becomes addicting and I have access to the first three so I will read them.
  11. Aahhhh . . . why does that happen? I barely watch t.v. and the one show I have been waiting for . . . it cuts out twenty minutes to the end!!
  12. Re-training an 8 yr old will probably be easier than re-training a 12 yr old! lol! Sometimes I wished there was a wider age span between my kids so that at least my younger one would benefit from my learning curve. As it sits, all three pretty much do the same grade so they're all guinea pigs!!:)
  13. I know I will have to work very hard to change this and I know I have to do it now in order to have any success. Uh, the trials.
  14. My son is very capable, and prefers, to work out his math solutions in his head. However, as the math has advanced he's making errors in his calculations and because I didn't enforce showing his work I'm not sure where the errors are. And now he's in Grade 7 and it's much, much more difficult to train him to write everything down. So, that's my if I had to do it over again.
  15. And I'm finding as I get older I respond poorly to the long winters. I am desperate for the longer days of spring and the very long days of summer. It happens that I also live in an area where we have a lot day light in the summer . . it's just the summer is so short!!
  16. In fact, I may have to re-read this several times today!
  17. I think it's the freshly ground wheat that make the cookies extra special but I always get raving reviews when I bring cowboy cookies.
  18. :grouphug: God is good. Good for you recognizing his sovereignty in this situation.
  19. I know, I know. It's only January but I am so ready for Spring.
  20. It's my default exercise when I can't get outside due to weather so I don't do it regularly rather sporadically. I do find my posture improves immensely when I do ttap for a few days.
  21. I would love to see him in concert but alas I live out in the sticks . . . not so easy to go to popular events.
  22. I thought that running hills help build up your endurance so that you could build up distance. My partner and I want to build up our running distance and we want to get faster. How do you do this? Do you add sprints to your run? Tell me your secret please. And for what it's worth . . . I HATE running up that hill.
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