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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. Here's the link. http://plainoldkristi.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-make-homemade-laundry-soap-step.html
  2. Since I have never made it I didn't know if there was some technical reason for waiting. lol!
  3. I know you have to wait a day to use it but can I pour it into containers before that time or should I leave it in the bucket until tomorrow? It was kind of fun making it and it smells pretty good.
  4. I so want to keep doing what I want to do, which is what I'm doing now (how's that for a tongue twister). But I don't want life to be difficult for my kids once they've completed grade twelve. I know as my kids get older they will have more of an input with the direction we take but for now I'm kind of trying to sort out a "plan". I love a plan. I love a plan well in advance. Even if the plan changes, I love plans. lol! :001_smile: And now I need coffee . . . I am seriously short on caffeine. Oh, and thanks Jennifer for plowing the way . . . keep up the good work . . . I'm cheering from this neck of the woods! :001_smile:
  5. You only loose that freedom if you "enroll" in a DL program. Registering is fulfilling the law without subscribing to someone else's program.
  6. In fact, as I understand it if you're registering, and not enrolling, you're free to do what you want, public or private school. You're registering to simply inform the Ministry of Education that you are providing an education for your children.
  7. I know two young ladies expecting babies this summer and have decided to gift them this book. I read it a couple years ago and have heard Gordon Neufeld speak once at a homeschool conference and once, ironically, at our local public school teacher's conference. I say ironically because he pointed out one of the problems our society has is with our desire to push kids out of the home into the hands of other caregivers as early as possible. He says this interrupts the attachment process. The other key thing I remember is his statement that never before has generation of kids been raised by their peers rather than their parents.
  8. the school should register him but the resources they are required to provide might be access to the library, etc. rather than monetary. (Maybe access to textbooks?) I would call the school back and ask them to clarify this piece of legislation for you. :001_smile: It's not likely you'd want to be registered there anyways if they're being uncooperative. You don't have to choose a private school because there are a list of public schools that will register you. Maybe not local though. When I first started this journey years ago, I tried to convince our local board to accommodate us. I explained why I thought it was to their benefit as well as ours. No go. This district is pretty (or at least was) closed minded.
  9. I have little notebooks from before she knew the alphabet, filled with lists and notes. She journals. She writes for her blog. And she's always writing a book . . . usually fantasy (huge LoTR and Narnia fan), sometimes adventure fiction. She even writes poetry. She always carries a notebook and pen. It's a passion. I sometimes feel inadequate as her teacher because I know she does have a natural bent for writing and would like to challenge her. Oh well . . .
  10. There are days where I just wonder what the final product will be. :001_smile: I love him so much and we've made progress but boy oh boy I can relate to the "strikes fear in me" comment. And I'm not exactly a push over myself! lol!
  11. My youngest son is the easiest and most difficult child I have all rolled into one body. Most of the time he's the easiest but when he digs in his heels he can make me crazy. And every time after I've expended energy arguing with this kid I vow to myself not to fall into this trap again. He is so unbelievably stubborn (and I mean the king of stubborn) . . . he kind of reminds me of me . . . which is probably the problem! :) AAAHHHHHHH!! There I just had to scream. And he's only 11 . . .
  12. I can't get my brain around that amount of running . . . 10 km has been my max thus far. I'm always in awe of anyone that trains for these long distances. Happy recovery.
  13. I also admire you for feeling confident that you'll be able to make things work with your son no matter what choices you arrive at. Deep down, I agree with you . . . apparently I have no guts or backbone to actually go with my "deep down" feelings. And I should. I remember years ago, after adopting our kids, when I decided to quit working. People looked at me like I had lost my mind. I had a great job, excellent wages and benefits and a good pension too. Oh, and someone always had to remind me that "once you quit you'll never get another job". I didn't believe those lies back then but somehow I feel a huge tension when it comes to graduating my kids without that darn dogwood. Lots to mull over.
  14. I was loosing hair, breaking finger nails. Dizzy with headaches. Loss of concentration. I fell. (I didn't have the vocab. problem.) Anyways, it turned out I was severely anemic and after taking iron supplements I noticed a huge improvement within six weeks or so. I had to take the supplements for a year and I also had an hysterectomy to correct the source of the anemia. Anyway, it's amazing how just a depletion in one element can cause major upset in the body. And I would agree, see your doctor. You can search the internet and find a million different reasons, non of which may be your problem.
  15. I do have a question for both you and Jennifer, given we all live in the same province. I worry about the upper grades because I really, really, really want to stick to some of the original reasons I began homeschooling . . . namely tailoring a program to suit each of my children. But I wrestle with towing the line which will allow each of them to get a dogwood because I don't want to make life unnecessarily difficult for them when the begin their post-secondary education. How do you reconcile these tensions? (Or do you struggle with this too? ) (Have I hijacked your thread Jennifer?)
  16. I had well prepared her for the event so there was no trauma . . . it even happened while she was away from home at summer camp and still she was not traumatized because I had taken the time to talk and prepare her ahead of time. I will admit I thought she was young but I know it's well within the range of normal.
  17. It's good to hear from fellow Canadians and their experiences. My kids are still a few years away from this but time flies and I want to be prepared. Also, I am always debating the merits of DL programs over just doing what I want with my kids. So far things have worked extremely well with our DL but I know restrictions will be imposed as they enter upper level hs.
  18. And last night I also made the crash hot potatoes (I think that's what they're called). They are excellent.
  19. We always hear about all the negative things people do, it's refreshing to hear something positive. I hope you find your new dog soon!
  20. We are still a few years away but I'd like to know what the possibilities are. Why would a DL advisor help your son get a college course?
  21. This week I'll be reading The Book of Negros by Lawrence Hill. He's a Canadian author. Recently the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) discussed this book and four others as a book every Canadian should read. I have started and to coin a cliche, it is riveting.
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