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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. Unfortunately I don't have any tips for you because I only observed the process and did not participate. I'll see if I can contact my brother (he's working overseas right now) and ask him if he has any advice.
  2. And now I'm thinking through your response, especially since you've experienced the same kind of child, and am thinking you're probably right. We're just finishing up Grade 7 so I guess I can tell him the same thing . . . when AG is done we'll be done.
  3. I don't know the answer to your question but I do know I love my Cuisinart Grind & Brew so I'm with your dh . . . buy it! lol!:001_smile:
  4. I listed creative writing because I am confident this isn't his strong suit. I also know that although writing isn't the easiest subject for him he will have to suck it up and learn some writing skills even though it is unlikely he will be a lawyer or public speaker. Thanks for your perspective. BTW I too love diagramming. :) I was not taught it growing up so I am learning as I teach my children.
  5. To that end I am mulling over a few things. Two of my children have natural writing abilities. And believe you me I am thankful every day for this gift because one of children equates writing with a method of torture. So, while I believe every child has to have some writing skills I also know this child is unlikely to enter a profession that requires creative writing, etc. So my question is how much time should I spend on teaching this boy diagramming. Let me begin by saying that he knows basic diagramming having spent some time doing R & S English and one unit of Analytical Grammar. Do you think it's necessary for him to do more diagramming (like finish AG)? I do want my two natural writers to do more diagramming but I just don't want to torture this child unnecessarily (however, I do have a soft spot for my non-writer so I might not be viewing this objectively). Enough rambling. Looking forward to some advice.
  6. I don't think it matters so much when you're following the trivium model. My children will move into the rhetoric stage when they're ready which may vary from child to child.
  7. I have the other versions of it but I'm homeschooling for the long run so I see purchases like this as a professional development resource.
  8. You know Lori, I might take you up on this offer next year. I mean I'm sure we'd get along . . . I mean Berner's are a special breed (sitting on feet and does your dog need to hug you every time you walk in the door?). Thanks for the offer.
  9. And my dh bought me a copy for my birthday. I have to finish up To Kill a Mockingbird and I've got a lot of school reading to do as well. I'm really liking this link which makes me feel like I have permission to read for pleasure. (Okay I know I don't need permission but I do need to set aside the time.)
  10. I have always been able to attend but this year, with the economic downturn, my dh was unable to take time off (and yet in the same breath may have hours cut). (And my mom had to move away from Kelowna last year which makes this far less convenient and affordable lol!). Enjoy. I will be lamenting my situation all weekend long (okay I'll try not to wallow in my sadness :)). My only consolation? Homeschool catalogs.
  11. Good for you to want to help despite the obstacles that might make helping less seem less palatable than helping someone who's easy to like. A few years back my dh was on strike for four months. That was a tough time for us given that we're a single income family. Several times we came home to groceries on our door step. It was such a blessing. We have also been in the position to help and what I have found, given that I live in a small town, the easiest thing for me to do is to buy a grocery gift card and pop it in the mail. Delivery is the next day.
  12. Thanks. I love Tabletalk but let my subscription slide.
  13. Writing with ease, writing forever Writing: the key to success Taking up the key to writing Learning to love to write Loving to learn , loving to write Discover the Author inside you Writing discovered The joy of writing, discover your inner author
  14. Yes, I meant what did you think of VT Algebra. Thanks for your response.
  15. Even my son who thinks reading is equivalent to torture! For the first time in a long time math is a joy in our home. It's so good in my mind I keep thinking it's too good to be true. It's interesting to hear someone else with my experience. Thanks for your response. (BTW what is review of VT Algebra?)
  16. My children were working through Saxon 8/7 this year. We've completed aprox. half of the lessons. Then I decided we needed to switch things up and we've worked on some MEP lessons and are working through LoF Decimals and Percents and LoF Fractions. My question: I'm contemplating purchasing LoF Algebra for the Fall AND completing the latter portion of Saxon 8/7. If I went this route could I pick up with Saxon Algebra I the following year (skipping Algebra 1/2)? Truthfully I'm not sure if we'll continue with Saxon but I'm also trying to make use of the curriculum I have at home before buying new stuff. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks.
  17. Our sweet and furry best friend retriever died last month . . . I share the pain and sadness you are feeling. :grouphug:
  18. Now all I can think of is breakfast tomorrow morning . . . chocolate oatmeal! (I'm not sure how that's going to work with my plan reduce sugar in my diet.)
  19. They go on the shelf just like any other book. No the plastic (at least on the covers I have) is not slippery. The discs don't really stick out sideways that much so they go on the shelf like a book as thick as the disc would be. (Does that make sense?) Honestly I love these notebooks and as I said earlier, if international shipping and exchange wasn't so prohibitive I would purchase more for other uses.
  20. And I've hooked two of my friends on the system too. I really like the two notebooks I use as journals . . . one is a junior size that I carry as a daily calendar, to do list, fitness/diet journal and I also have an 8 1/2 x 11 inch size that I use as a combined nature/personal journal. I love that you can add pages of different sizes and different origins anywhere in the notebook using the punch. My only complaint? I'm in Canada and the shipping and exchange makes the purchase a bit extravagant.
  21. I didn't think that was an excessive amount. However, I will concede that when I serve this meal with yams as a side dish I could cut back on the sweetener in the lentils. Either way, this is a very enjoyable meal.
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