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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. I'm thinking of buying this for my kids next year. They'll be in Grade 8. I'm interested in a review of this curriculum from anyone who has used this program. I've got two children who love writing and one who's allergic to it. Thanks.
  2. I won this on Nancy's blog Life is like a lunchbox. I'm hoping I'll glean some economic insight from this book.
  3. I used green ones and they were great. (I was just making my shopping list and added lentils so I could make this dish tomorrow for lunch. I really, really enjoyed it a lot . . . served with brown rice.)
  4. He consumed so much chocolate in his life . . . one time a whole pound of brandy beans my mom had brought over for Christmas. He never had any serious ill effects (a little sloshy after the brandy beans maybe). It sounds like your guy will be okay.
  5. I think I'm going to go out this week and find an outfit for each of the boys that is comfortable, relatively casual (given our home church setting) and make sure they only wear it on Sundays (only because if I allow them to wear it every day it'll look grungy after two weeks . . . my one ds is very hard on clothing). Our home church setting does mean that we eat a meal together after worship and the kids do play outside for a couple of hours while the adults socialize. I think I'll get them to pack an extra set of clothing for that. Thanks again for your responses.
  6. I did it once with the kids when they were 5 - 6 and am amazed at how much they do remember. It does a good job laying the foundation in a child friendly way. Having said that we're going through it again now (we started a year ago and are 3/4ths of the way through). We belong to a home church and we're using it as the children's lesson for kids ranging in age from 2 - 13. It's working very well.
  7. I grew up in a traditional church setting with conservative parents who liked us to wear our Sunday finest to church each week. We attend a small homechurch in someone's home each Sunday. I would like my kids to wear something other than their grubby week day clothes. I don't expect suit and tie, just something set aside for Sundays. My problem? One of my ds has a huge sensitivity issue and has very few clothes that work and when they do he wears them, almost like a uniform. Everyday, all the time. My other ds is just concerned about looking cool. So, my question is, should I make a big deal about what they wear on Sundays (if it's clean)? I know God doesn't look at their clothing and judges them according to how well dressed they are. However, I do somewhat equate their dress with respectfulness. Am I out to lunch? What do others do?
  8. She started three months after she turned 11 (which freaked me out in itself . . .I was 13) and she gets hers every 21-23 days and it lasts 7 days and is heavy. I have often wondered myself if this is normal. She doesn't appear unhealthy but I suffered from anemia and it's effects and I do not want my dd to experience this. BTW she is turning 13 next month. I'm looking forward to other responses.
  9. Because I love to cook and experiment and I love cook books and cooking sites, when I plan I tend to go exotic, which usually equate to extra expenses. I am trying really hard to keep the pantry stocked and making recipes using the stock pile.
  10. When I saw Kids, Parents & Power Struggles I recognized the author's name and decided to check it out. I have really enjoyed it because it seems to present some concrete, doable suggestions that seem reasonable. I have already used some of the information I've gleaned and have had a few minor miracles that last couple of days (parenting miracles that is).
  11. We aren't doing it out of some overwhelming conviction that homechurching is a superior model rather it's our only choice in the small community we reside in. We left a mainstream church (one I have attended my entire life) because of some poor teaching. We've been at it for two years and we're enjoying this season in our lives.
  12. I am reading Kids Parents & Power Struggles by Mary Kurcinka (after my kids more or less told me I was a push over). I am enjoying it so far. Also, Living a Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney.
  13. I also have not considered graphic novels, most likely because I love regular, printed books (poor kid has to suffer with a mother with completely different learning style :)) Thanks for the suggestions.
  14. I looked on line and noticed our public library has one of her books so I will check it out. Thanks.
  15. I am at my wit's end with this boy who insists that reading is stupid. He can read but just doesn't think it'll improve his life. :001_smile: Two out of three of my children share my love of reading and books. Any advice?
  16. So we just finished eating them and even the kids ate them with no complaints.
  17. They are delicious. I made them for supper tonight (but had to schmeck them) along with brown rice and sweet potatoes (they're on sale here right now). I can't believe how good this meal tastes. If you haven't made them, do it. The lentils are delicious.
  18. I have been unable to attend a conference for the last two years due to economic circumstances . . . we live a two day drive away from any conference (or a very expensive flight). So living in North America doesn't mean easy access to any conference. I share in your envy.
  19. When I read your post I was imagining the beautiful flowering fruit trees. The smell of the blossoms. The warm sun. Then I snapped back to reality and hoped my son would be shoveling some of the snow off of our yard onto the street to melt! lol! Enjoy your spring. Ours is coming, I'm sure, just not quite yet.
  20. I told my dh today we should just sell it all and start over . . . dh is 47 so he didn't really see this as a great option. I guess we'll wait and see what happens here.
  21. His hours will be cut during the month of May and June and then we just hope things will return to normal. He has worked at his job for 20+ years. This is the first time we're facing a possible job cut.
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