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Arctic Bunny

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Everything posted by Arctic Bunny

  1. A. Those sibling relationships are really important, too. Let them play together while they want to, so they can grow in play together.
  2. Ugh, that sucks. I've managed to mostly forget about the scratch allllllll down the side of DH's truck from squeezing past a branch. But the huge amount of paint missing from my front bumper meeting the curb at the entrance to the car wash haunts me every time I go to my car.
  3. I've downgraded to the Otterbox life (I think - the waterproof one) from the heaviest duty one. It is thinner, for sure. The ones with the rubber you took on and off were a pain. Mine is easy to open with a quarter, but I've only done that twice. Once our phones are in a case, that's where they stay. And then I tut-tut at the people with cracked screens. Actually, I just got a 5s this summer, and I took my ol' 4 out of the Otterbox it had been in constantly for 3 years, and the woman at the desk couldn't believe it - not a scratch or fingerprint to be seen!
  4. Pies yes, cupcakes yes (keep them covered and cool, though), whoopie pies.... Although I've heard of them, I've never actually looked up what they are....
  5. I didn't think either of them were hard core believers, but it seems DS8 still believes, and DS9 told me he figured it out last year.
  6. 61. Like Mrs. Mungo, I need to be able to meet people and make friends quickly when moving often. I'd say it's more of a skill set I've developed, that a natural state ;)
  7. Gingerbread trifle with cognac custard (Martha Stewart). Either that or chocolate cake with poured ganache. It's Dh's birthday, so he gets to decide.
  8. Hmm.... Maybe we should define small town, lol! Our current home is 1300, and it's the biggest place my dc have lived! The town of 4,000 (21 miles away) is the first stop if you can't find something. Then it's 2 1/2 hours to a Walmart and 4 to a Costco. However, still the most centrally located place the kiddos have lived ;)
  9. There's a chocolate lab in town that keeps getting out and roaming. One evening I looked out and saw someone I'd never met walking out dog up our driveway. I ran out and sure enough this dog was loose, and was it our dog. Well, I actually had to go inside and check, but no, it wasn't ours. The man posted the lost dog on our town's FB buy and sell page, and I got texts and FB messages in case it was ours. One morning I saw it out our back window before taking the kids to school on my way to work, so I posted it on the FB page. By the time I had driven the three blocks, I still received one text and a concerned teacher who thought it might be our dog. How about the summer before last when this young man drove his yellow car home from school every day with no regard for kids riding bikes or playing outside? It was ridiculous. I asked *everyone* whose car that was, and explained why I was asking. It hasn't been a problem since. I *do* like small towns, and so do the kids! We drove through the next largest place (about 11,000 people, an hour away) at 5:00. Out of the blue, DS7 says, "Mom, I never want to live somewhere this big." Me:"Why?" DS: "There's too much traffic!" We had been waiting at a stop sign for three or four cars to pass before we could go.
  10. Maybe we're the crazy ones? All three sets of parents left the country for their holidays, dh's brother is a 5 hour plane ride away.... Hmmmm
  11. I actually meant an electronic/email money transfer, lol!
  12. Oh that's hard!!! I feel for you, and it's especially hard when you can't run out and grab something. And you tried so hard! I hope the missing box is sitting there waiting for you, and I'm sure the kids will be fine. (Hugs)
  13. Not sure why the folks working don't just come when they can, either? I'm sure that's what would happen in our families. I have my own issues this year, and really am in no position to give unbiased advice. I say we all just do what we want without worrying about other people and how they might potentially feel, and in return, not have any hurt feelings about other people's decisions.
  14. Whenever they call me Auntie, I look around to see who they're talking to! I've just never gotten used to it.... The oldest are 20 &18, and I think they still do. They can stop anytime and I won't notice ;)
  15. Does Anne of Green Gables apply? She always fueled my imagination, especially as she got older.
  16. And I almost deleted the cookbook idea :) With: http://www.google.ca/aclk?sa=l&ai=CYQZpyTSSVI_TL4ncpAP5vYCICs-R-MwFl6zvmKUBsYbRpckCCAQQAiD4mYsSKANg_eitgfQDoAH5xt7UA8gBB6oEJ0_Qn3PnsGWalBAgZfjp8pZ5iLRFARBHArYjEt3i4L9HxEv4Lw0RzoAFl-C8C8AFBaAGJtgGAoAH77ihK4gHAZAHAqgHpr4b4BLikJfUt9WDnMwB&sig=AOD64_3-3Zc-ZASKnpw4YMpB8zOXzxOhcg&ctype=5&rct=j&q=&ved=0CCAQwg8&adurl=https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/100120613/star-wars-may-the-forks-be-with-you%3Futm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dproduct_listing_promoted_en_ca%26utm_campaign%3Daccessories-low
  17. Jenga Settlers of Cattan Family has one side of the board for 2-3 people Stratego The other thing I just thought of is a "kids" cookbook they can use together?
  18. If you give your brother money, it must be just that - a gift. Don't give more than you can comfortably give. And know that once you give it, you no longer control it.
  19. I used to be a real-tree-only kind of girl. But then after several years of finding needles in July and dragging a dead tree outside and trying to get a live tree home with a little car and making sure there were enough antihistamines and rubber gloves around for me to decorate it without breaking out or passing out.... DH found an amazing artificial tree on sale that I love so very much. The trade off is that now I can put the tree up in November, which he also hates ;) It is 7.5 feet tall and it's an umbrella sort of tree. Anyway, you can't see the "trunk", and it looks full and I love it. For about a million years I had the same multicoloured mini-lights. But for the past two years I've been using the red outdoor LED lights that I can't get my DH to put outside :D Our ornaments are eclectic. A mix of ones kids have made, gifts marking "Baby's First Christmas" and other sentimental ones. I finally bought a new set of coloured balls, though. They're plastic, so they bounce! And the colours are a bit more modern, but still my style. I'm an angel on the tree kind of person, but DH is a star kind of guy. So last year DS8 and I bought a new star that fits on the tree and matches the new ornaments.
  20. The prequel Peter Pan books by Dave Barry? The Secret Garden, The Little Princess
  21. Waking up in the middle of the night to be surprised to find that the newly-turned-8yo crawled into bed at some point. Having DH roll over and hold us both. Listening to the three of them in the kitchen in the morning. Liking the people that my children are. So many people don't seem to *like* their children, and it's such a shame. Watching my dog snore. Watching the snow fall, and not having to go anywhere. Watching my 8yo be genuinely excited about each gift his friends brought. And thank each friend for their gift.
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