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Everything posted by LNC

  1. My adopted 14yos is aa, but also has mod mr/autism. He will never live alone. The only way skin color has been an issue is where we live in our southern small city. My husband works in a wealthy, almost entirely white side of town. We choose to live on the other side of town, still middle to upper middle class, but 50% of our street is aa etc. The long commute is a bummer, but it is important for our son to stay here.
  2. In additon to academic goals (w/ourdaughter's input): 12 yrs. piano 12 yrs. classical ballet/modern advanced digital photography (slr and editing) advanced sewing/mending skills advanced cooking skills housekeeping skills personal finance course gardening - perennials, landscaping and food lifeskill/stress-relief handicraft-tried knitting and watercolors so far
  3. In additon to academic goals (w/ourdaughter's input): 12 yrs. piano 12 yrs. classical ballet/modern advanced digital photography (slr and editing) advanced sewing/mending skills advanced cooking skills housekeeping skills gardening - perennials, landscaping and food lifeskill/stress-relief handicraft-tried knitting and watercolors so far
  4. Alfred Church has several. He is excellent!! http://www.mainlesson.com/displayauthor.php?author=church
  5. A lot of reputable physicians here are selling the Ideal Protein Diet. Our largest multi site ent clinic has a wing for Ideal Protein bc so many of their apnea patients need to lose weight. I did IP 2 years ago, but I used Diet Direct Wonderslim pudding/shakes to save money. You also eat chicken breasts, egg whites and low carb veggies. I lost 75 lbs with no exercise. I'm motivated to finally take off that last 25 lb. and I plan to start today.
  6. You probably already know this, but your friend's child was diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases. They often times go together, as do autoimmune diseases in general. Type 1 diabetes was not caused by this mother's cooking/shopping habits. Shopping at Aldi and eating processed foods had nothing to do with it. There isn't a "diabetic diet" for type 1 diabetes bc it isn't a lifestyle disease, it is an autoimmune disease treated with insulin. Celiac reaquires such a strict adherence to a gluten free diet, that most of us who are on gluten intolerant diets for various reasons - autism, inflammatory diseases - can't even begin to relate to their challenges. Even cross contamination can cause serious issues with a celiac patient. She will be assigned a dietician for diabetes training and also for celiac training. They will also provide her with materials to take home and study. You can help with sympathy and support!
  7. For my logic stage children: Redeeming Science: a God Centered Approach by Vern Poythress Origins, Deborah Haarsma
  8. School 7:30-3pm includes 1 hour piano practice 1 hour silent reading for history 1/2 hour mom reading aloud After school 3pm- 2x week travel team baseball practice several hours baseball tournemants on weekends rec basketball in off season pick up basketball, trading sports cards, or nerf guns with neighbor kids after school board games with family and friends mindstorms building technic sets building erector, knex, or engino surfing espn info maybe 15 min a day reading in bed at least 1 hour at night, usually much more No tv - except sports - pro football, college basketball and pro baseball No video games No pc games by choice - we have tons for special needs brother No movies or dvds, doesn't like them...
  9. Ok. We were looking through it today and thought there didn't seem like a big difference between scheduling ch.1-10 vs. 1-13. But, the review for Algebra 2 is probably for a good reason!
  10. I have read threads about scheduling this. One said they lined up exactly with the separate Chalkdust Algebra 1 and 2 courses. There are 13 chapters. 1-10 is Algebra 1. 4-13 is Algebra 2. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1127517&postcount=5 Has anyone just scheduled 1-13 in one year? 8th - combined Algebra course 9th - Duke Tip Geometry w/ cd-rom review combined Algebra course over the summer 10th - Chalkdust Pre Calculus?
  11. Highest % urea cream you can buy in foot cream/ lotion socks after exfoliating 1-2x a week.
  12. 2012/2013 8th & 6th: 8th grade: Math – Chalkdust Algebra Lang. Arts – CLE LA 8 CLE Reading 8 w/ Lightning Lit 8 2nd semester Novel Lit guides w/ Great Books corresponding to history Vocabulary for the College Bound Student WWS 2 with Lively Art of Writing and SAT essay practice Bible – The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Study book 2 Logic – Memoria Press Traditional 1 Science – Apologia Physical Science Geography – Oak Meadow World Geography 6th grade: Math – CLE 7 Lang. Arts – CLE LA/R 6 Novel Lit guides w/ Great Books corresponding to history Wordly Wise 3 Writing- Writing w/Skill 1 Bible – The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Study book 2 Science – reading course through Tiner's books Together: Latin – First Form 2 History – Middle Ages/Renaissance: Truthquest Middle Ages, Renaissance/Reformation, part of AOR 1 w/ logic stage notebooking
  13. 1. Daddy Longlegs, Jean Webster - Kindle 2. Dear Enemy, Jean Webster - Kindle 3. Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges -A Secret Kept, Tatiana de Rosnay (didn't like, quit) 4. Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson 5. A Praying Life, Paul Miller - Kindle -Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen - library on Kindle (didn't like, quit - not doing well with fiction picks this year!) 6. The Book of the Ancient World 7. The Book of the Greeks, both by Dorothy Mills 8. The Greek Way, Edith Hamilton 9. Organized Simplicity - Kindle 10. In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson - library on Kindle 11. Think, John Piper 12. Lit, Tony Reinke -Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Foe - quit! 13. That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week, Ana Homayoun 14. Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners, Ciny West 15. I'm an English Major Now What, Tim Lemire 16. Suprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber (love!!) 17. Discovery of Witches - library kindle 18. Left Neglected, Lisa Genova 19. I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith 20. Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter, Lisa Patton 21. Yankee Doodle Dixie, Lisa Patton
  14. Thanks for the suggestion to make Wws assignments 2-4 level outlines. She does them for history already. Why don't I think of these things!
  15. He has special needs. I am trying to install a pc game for him and the hard drive is full. I looked in the hard drive and in the driver folder he has somehow downloaded 369 driver folders.. How do I know which ones to delete? He said he was trying to download a free demo while I was out at coffee this morning. He got frustrated and continued pressing the button. Sigh...
  16. This thread has been amazingly helpful. Thank you so much everyone! I spent several hours at Panera this morning, 6-9am! I went through the first half of WWS with a fine tooth comb. And read ahead. I am listening to the SWB mp3s on writing today and taking notes. I haven't listened to them in more than a year. I think we need the handholding of WWS for my 7th grader still, even though she won't be done with WWS until 10th grade. I think WWS can get her where most 10th grades need to be. I have many resources to assign MLA format papers for history topics. TQ reading suits a lot of writing topics to fill up our history notebooks. So, in summary, I have been very inspired by how you teach writing without a curriculum. And I want to grow in that. BUT, I don't think I should throw out the WWS baby with the bathwater anymore either. Just because the one level outlining is too "young" for her - the program really offers a step by step approach that I think we will both greatly benefit from. Knowing that my WWS intructor's guide is SWB's brain is great too.
  17. I see what you mean. We have been writing many SAT persuasive essays - just free response with no citations. Thanks for your help!
  18. Thank you! That was very helpful. Which Scott Foresman handbook are you referring to? This? http://www.amazon.com/Scott-Foresman-Handbook-Writers-9th/dp/0205751989/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
  19. 8 Fill the heart said this: "For my older kids, I want them to develop strong presentation w/topics in science, history, and lit w/evidence in MLA format. I want them to be able to not only write persuasive essays but also research papers......" I need help finding this for my rising 8th grader! I like WWS and I will use it with my younger son for 6th-9th... But, for my daughter I need something like the above quote. The publication schedule alone is one reason. I don't like working with the pdfs. She has a lot of additional language arts and writes in history daily. 7th: -She has done 21 lessons in WWS. It takes a lot of time for both of us and I'm not sure it is her level. One level outlining leading to 2 level by the end of the year etc. -Remedia Outlining 5-8 -Extensive summaries and 3 & 4 level outlining for history notebook. Well done. -Scott Foresman online writing and grammar grade 6. Just a quick run through to see if she has any gaps -Sat writing prep and practice I'm thinking: 8th: Duke Tip SAT essay online class Lively Art of Writing Elements of Style with printable workbook 9th: Purdue Owl MLA Formatting and Style Guide online Debra Bell writing class 10th: Purdue Owl MLA Formatting and Style Guide another online writing or AP Lang 11th: Ap Lang 12th: Ap Lit I'm looking for help for me as her teacher and programs for her to work through. I can't abide complicated. I was an english major, but most of these classical programs for writing just don't keep it simple enough for me. She needs help with advanced sentence structure. Would Killgallon help? Thanks for any advice.
  20. I don't think that book written by Lisa Genova (a neuroscientist with a Phd from Harvard) about someone with Alzheimers is exactly twaddle. I've heard excellent reviews of it. It isn't exactly a harlequin. ;)
  21. My daughter wants to take her first AP class online in 9th. We thought AP Human Geography would be a good first choice. What kinds of background knowledge would you recommend? I realize it is an interdisciplinary course, but I wasn't sure how much geography should should know. I don't think she has time to squeeze in an entire course like BJU Cultural Geography next year. 1. Read through a World Geography Textbook? Which one? 2. List of geography cultural literacy goals like Core Knowledge grades 1-8?
  22. I used to have each family member a different color calendar. I could see it all on my desktop and laptop, but they didn't show up on my phone. Only the all day appts. show up on my android phone. What am I doing wrong? I have to dos and meal plans on Evernote - which is on all pcs, laptops, and phones as well. So, I guess I'm just looking at daily schedules combined with all appts. for Google calendar...
  23. 1. Just record activities and appointments for the family 2. Also include daily home and schooling schedules
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