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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I think CLE 6 and 7 prepare very well for both algebra and geometry. I'm amazed when I look through the Chalkdust Algebra 1&2 combo book how well prepared she is. I'm taking my daughter from CLE 7 to Algebra next year. My son is using CLE a grade ahead, and though I don't think he needs CLE 8 in 7th grade - I may have him use it just to allow his brain to mature a bit before changing textbook methods to Chalkdust.
  2. The subtitle didn't refer to contemporary society, it referred to "the middle class". But, I'm glad to know it wasn't offensive to you!
  3. http://blogs.princeton.edu/paw/2011/03/aubry_03_looks.html http://www.uiowapress.org/books/2011-spring/reading-therapy.htm http://www.amazon.com/Reading-Therapy-Contemporary-Middle-Class-Americans/dp/1587299550 http://www.bookforum.com/review/7995 I am totally offended by the concept behind the book. Like the intelligentsia class is defining the reading habits of the proletariat or something. Any thoughts?
  4. Does anyone use their Kindle for these vintage thread texts? Sheldon's Maxwell Serl McGuffey Readers etc.? They are so much easier to read on my laptop from Internet Archive. The pages "face" eachother, so you can refer to the picture on the facing page etc. The format when they get on my Kindle is off, gobbly gook fonts occasionally. I have tried to convert the texts to mobi files with Calibre and just upload the pdf. It doesn't look better either way.
  5. I finally figured out how to convert the WTM board recs vintage books from Google books to my Kindle. But, the illustrations aren't always included and they are often difficult to use without page numbers or pages facing eachother. For example, McGuffey's Primer. So, I'm saving several internet links for most readers with illustrations to my laptop instead. How do you save these etexts and readers?
  6. 1. I downloaded Calibre 2. I download epub e text into my documents 3. I upload epub e text from my documents into Calibre and reformat to Mobi 4. I save new Mobi e text document 5. I click on document to bring up the Mobi version and right click on Mobi e text doc and send to my Kindle email address I keep getting error messages in my email that it didn't go through. What am I doing wrong?? Thanks!
  7. My sister has these and loves them. I just looked them up on Ikea and they don'y have them anymore. I'm looking for wood... Oh, I just found this bookcase that looks similar, Vallvik http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/80193655/
  8. Does anyone use this to keep track of ALL the books they own. I have shelves for history: ancient, medieval early modern modern homeschooling my fiction daughter's son's early readers and pic books homeschool resources art math science homemaking family medical/diet christian living/theology cookbooks holidays travel library faves I've catalogued over 1000 books so far, and I'm about 1/3 done. It is great to see them all in order and with cover photos for 98% of them! It takes a while bc I don't have a barcode scanner. Most I can find with a quick author or title search. I think it is great to have a record of what I own in an online account, kind of like my Picasa WebAlbums for digi photos. Do most people just use Goodreads to track books read for the year though? And use LibraryThing for entering all the books owned??
  9. 1. Daddy Longlegs, Jean Webster - Kindle 2. Dear Enemy, Jean Webster - Kindle 3. Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges -A Secret Kept, Tatiana de Rosnay (didn't like, quit) 4. Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson 5. A Praying Life, Paul Miller - Kindle -Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen - library on Kindle (didn't like, quit - not doing well with fiction picks this year!) 6. The Book of the Ancient World 7. The Book of the Greeks, both by Dorothy Mills 8. The Greek Way, Edith Hamilton 9. Organized Simplicity - Kindle 10. In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson - library on Kindle 11. Think, John Piper 12. Lit, Tony Reinke -Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Foe - quit! 13.That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week, Ana Homayoun 14. Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners, Ciny West 15. I'm an English Major Now What, Tim Lemire 16. Suprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber (loved!) -Discovery of Witches - library kindle - quit (Not my usual genre and I couldn't get past that. I wanted to see the buzz for a professor of medieval history, 1rst time author!)
  10. It is confusing - why can't educators communicate clearly? The notion that they are eliminating the requirement to memorize names and dates in favor of general concepts is a red flag to me. What does that mean exactly? That doesn't fit the Core Knowedge sequesnce. Does anyone know if Common Core is really developed from Core Knowledge for sure?
  11. bump. I started another thread about languages, but I would still love any thoughts on our schedule and the other two questions! Thanks!
  12. I'm not sure it is actually based on Core Knowledge. I just thought I had read it somewhere. It doesn't seem to include all that Core Knowledge promotes that is for certain...
  13. The movement towards a national curriculum. http://www.corestandards.org/ I had read a while ago that it was based on the work of E.D. Hirsch and core knowledge. But, my state has adopted it and is publishing info that the curriculum is less focused on memorizing names and dates and more focused on concepts.??? Sounds like a disaster... I want to read more about it though before I develop an opinion. Just wondered if anyone had thoughts about it...
  14. From my research on the WTM board - I see that the one most don't like is the Medieval. Shakespeares, British early and late, American early and late seem to be more highly though of. My plan is to use CLE reading 8 and LL 8 2nd semester next year while we study middle ages. I'm also buying a few great books to read with sparknotes. I would also love to find Omnibus 2 and 5 used! :) For early modern in 9th she will use LL early British and early American - each 1 sem. courses. For modern in 10th she will use mid-late British and mid-late American.
  15. Can you share how? How many years for each? How many hours a day? My children started latin in middle school. I would like them each to take through AP Latin. They have not started spanish, but will start with something like Visual Link in 9th and 10th. Then, hopefully two semesters at community college. So, 4 credits total for spanish also. Does anyone else try to do this?? Crazy or doable?
  16. Could someone who is weak in geography take AP Human Geography in 9th and do well? Should she do BJU Cultural Geography in 8th to prepare?
  17. 8th: Math – Chalkdust Algebra Lang. Arts – CLE LA 8 CLE Reading 8 w/ Lightning Lit 8 2nd semester Vocabulary for the College Bound Student Writing- Writing w/Skill 2 Bible – The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Study book 2 Logic – Memoria Press Traditional 1 Science –Apologia Physical Science w/Dive Latin –Second Form History – Middle Ages/Renaissance: Truthquest Middle Ages, Renaissance/Reformation, part of AOR 1 w/ notebooking and some great books 9th: Math – Chalkdust Geometry Lang. Arts – CLE LA LU Lightning Lit Early British, Early American (1 sem. each) Vocabulary for the College Bound Student Bible – The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Study book 3 Logic – Memoria Press Traditional 2 Spanish – Visual Link Spanish? Science – Apologia with Dive cd and CLEP/SAT2 Latin- Third Form History – Early Modern: Truthquest Age of Revolution 1, part of Age of Revolution 2 with notebooking 1. Where would you squeeze in geography? And what would you use? She maps for her history notebooks, but she is weak on physical and cultural geography. Would you go with something BJU Cultural Geography (without the dvds) in 8th - I can't imagine where should we have time for that in her day. 2. What about a first AP course for 9th? Most of her friends from ballet who go to a prep school take an AP class for 9th and she really wants to try it with PA homeschoolers.
  18. My 12yo wants one for her bday to look up vocab while she's reading with one click!
  19. My daughter has complete CLE through grade 7 LU 707. She has taken practice tests for the SAT writing section and missed 1-2 questions on each. She credits diagramming for understanding proper sentence structure. Sure a high SAT score isn't the same thing as a practical skill. But, it opens lots of doors. HTH.
  20. Scary to think of doing this. I really want to have them prepared for high school online classes. Anyone else who does this - please chime in!
  21. A Lantern in Her Hand and sequel by Bess Aldrich. Pioneer through all the changes of the early 20th c in I believe Iowa. Two of my favorites!
  22. How would you store these in excellent condition for grandchildren? 3 dolls plus Bitty Baby every outfit for each every accessory for each We have 3 dolls standing up in a plastic box with air vents. We have all clothes wrapped in ripped unbleached cotton sheets. I have all the accessories in a fabric underbed box with air vents - but I'm thinking of storing them by doll/category in acid free photo boxes? Any advice?
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