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Everything posted by LNC

  1. We use and love Truthquest history. I had planned many logic stage great book retellings for my children. But, my 7th grade daughter has amazed me in enjoying the real great books - some with audio and some plays just to read. I'm sorry now I didn't plan more to bring them alive to her. I have Sparksnotes saved on my laptop (which we don't use because I need to sit and filter some of the content with her), and I own Invitation to the Classics, Edith Hamiltion's The Greek Way and the Roman Way, and Heroes of the City of Man by Leithart. She is reading those on her own and getting some introductory info before reading the work itself. It feels piecemeal though and I'm hoping for more structure to our lit next year and planned writing assignments to correlate. So, next year I think I should plan our lit to correspond with Medieval/Renaissance history. I really think Omnibus is overkill with how much history we cover in TQ. But these are the options I can think of: 1. Lighting Lit Medieval and a Shakespeare (1 semester each) 2. Smarr Medieval 3. Omnibus 2 Is there anything else out there? I am definately using TQ as my main history program so I'm not considering switching over to something like TOG. Thanks for any advice.
  2. We use and love Truthquest history. I had planned many logic stage great book retellings for my children. But, my 7th grade daughter has amazed me in enjoying the real great books - some with audio and some plays just to read. I'm sorry now I didn't plan more to bring them alive to her. I have Sparksnotes saved on my laptop (which we don't use because I need to sit and filter some of the content with her), and I own Invitation to the Classics, Edith Hamiltion's The Greek Way and the Roman Way, and Heroes of the City of Man by Leithart. She is reading those on her own and getting some introductory info before reading the work itself. It feels piecemeal though and I'm hoping for more structure to our lit next year and planned writing assignments to correlate. So, next year I think I should plan our lit to correspond with Medieval/Renaissance history. I really think Omnibus is overkill with how much history we cover in TQ. But these are the options I can think of: 1. Lighting Lit Medieval and a Shakespeare (1 semester each) 2. Smarr Medieval 3. Omnibus 2 Is there anything else out there? I am definately using TQ as my main history program so I'm not considering switching over to something like TOG. Thanks for any advice.
  3. So far this week (we start back school today, so I've read a lot since Sun!)- Daddy Longlegs, Jean Webster (on Kindle) Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington in the middle of- Dear Enemy, Jean Webster (on Kindle) Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen (from library on Kindle) Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson
  4. Are these librivox recordings? Read by volunteers?
  5. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593272111/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER or this: http://www.amazon.com/Unofficial-LEGO-MINDSTORMS-Inventors-Guide/dp/1593272154/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_2#_ The first one has beginner in the title, but the 2nd looks so similar? I can only buy one for my 10yo for now. Thanks!
  6. Not from a Christian perspective per se, but kid-friendly. Most libraries have these also... http://www.mikevenezia.com/mikevenezia/
  7. I see it in posts all the time and have no idea? I'm assuming some kind of science program?
  8. This is my humble opinion - but I consider Landmark and Signature bios excellent but late grammar or early logic stage. For a 7th grader I would recommend searching out titles from the oop Messner series. They are easy to find for your topics... http://www.valerieslivingbooks.info/messner.htm
  9. He had a better day today with programming the "car" to go around the track, to throw the little colored balls etc. He chatted with his friend who didn't use instructions on the software or guide and made a drawbridge and programmed it to work! :confused: Anyway, thanks for the book idea - we may get that too!
  10. *several first edition, excellent condition Irving Stone's biographical fiction books - about Andrew and Rachel Jackson, John and Jessie Fremont, John and Abigail Adams and others. I love his work! *Lots and lots of Amazon gift cards :). My bday is in December too - all of my extended family knows they are subsidizing our homeschooling!
  11. Bump :) He built the easier model and was able to figure out the programming more last night- he didn't see a section on the screen. It seems wierd there aren't step by step instructions, so if anyone has any ideas or books recs that would be great!
  12. My 10yo built the robot first yesterday and he is having trouble programming it. Should he build and program the easier one first? Should I get him a step by step book? Which one?
  13. CLE math 1-8 (a year ahead) CLE LA 1-10 (grammar LU only in 9 & 10) CLE reading 4-8 Truthquest History CKE explore science (elementary) - used and loved all 4, but done now Apologia science (with Dive for high school) First Form Latin Lots of keepers! I hope that is a good thing in the long run!
  14. For my 7th grade daughter it would look like using: Lightning Lit 7th - 2nd semester 7th Lightning Lit 8th - 1rst semester 8th (instead of CLE Reading 8) Lightning Lit Medieval - 2nd semester 8th (maybe Shakespeare over the summer with LL and Sparknotes) Lightning Lit Early American - 1rst semester 9th Lightning Lit Early British - 2rst semester 9th Lightning Lit Mid-late American - 1rst semester 10th Lightning Lit Mid-Late British - 2nd semester 10th Then we would move to online and/or AP lit/writng courses for 11th and 12th... My son would look different for where he fell in chronological history, but I would have the LL courses ready for him also... I need something planned out totally. Lit, writing, great books, rubrics. Any thoughts?!!
  15. I was going to use Lightning Lit 7 and 8 for 2nd semester literary analysis/comp after we complete CLE reading in the 1rst semester, but I'm thinking of using tying them to the period we are studying in history chronologically. Which would mean using Lightning Lit Medieval in 8th? Would that be too difficult? For my daughter it would look like using: Lightning Lit 7th - 2nd semester 7th Lightning Lit 8th - 1rst semester 8th (instead of CLE Reading 8) Lightning Lit Medieval - 2nd semester 8th (maybe Shakespeare over the summer with LL and Sparknotes) Lightning Lit Early American - 1rst semester 9th Lightning Lit Early British - 2rst semester 9th Lightning Lit Mid-late American - 1rst semester 10th Lightning Lit Mid-Late British - 2nd semester 10th Then we would move to online and/or AP lit/writng courses for 11th and 12th... My son would look different for where he fell in chronological history, but I would have the LL courses on hand for him also... I need something planned out totally. Lit, writing, great books, rubrics. Any thoughts?!!
  16. I'm thinking of making a change next year from WWS to this. I LOVE WWS, it is my first choice and I will purchase it each year to have for my son!! She is in 7th and I would consider still using WWS except the situation of waiting until Dec. to get a hardcopy is getting to me. It is just so much easier to work with a hardcopy for me... I would combine instruction from the New Oxford Book of Writing, The Lively Art of Writing and SWB's newest rec They Say I Say... I would be missing out on the WWS rubrics and day by day schedule... I don't know, she also seems ready for more than 1-level outlines at her age. She read through all my schoolwork from middle school and saw my extensive outlines and research papers. She always assumed public school middle schoolers were assigned creative writing like they are around here. But, once she saw what I was doing in 7th, she wants to move along and stretch herself... Any thoughts? http://www.amazon.com/They-Say-Matter-Academic-Writing/dp/039393361X
  17. Can someone tell me how to get these on my kindle? I see the kindle link - do I download them to my pc and then email the pdf to my kindle account?
  18. My children are both visual learners and natural spellers. I have used CLP Building Spelling Skills workbooks and just the spelling lists in CLE LA. When they have a list of words to work with and study each week they make 100% on their quizzes. They also spell pretty well in daily work, but when they make an error in writing or letter writing I tend to panic and reconsider my approach. Using something like How to Teach Spelling instead. BUT, my daughter and I looked through my middle and high school papers last week. It was a blast and also in the pre word processing days. I made some pretty stupid spelling mistakes myself! We laughed so hard! So, I'm thinking I may just keep going with the CLE word lists and reading a lot. What do you think...
  19. I envisioned nature study and lovely journals filled with watercolors in the elementary years. Neither can even draw! I envisioned a love of humanities -literature and living book history study. They tolerate those subjects but live for math, textbook science with experiments, piano and latin. Oh yes, they both enjoy grammar more than literature. :tongue_smilie:
  20. There are two little white boxes. One says NTSC and the other one has numbers and letter. Is that the product key?? I remember getting it off the case originally. Ack! The numbers on the cd didn't work. I threw out all his cases! What was I thinking. I don't think there is any way to get them now. It is Star Wars Republic Commandos... Bummer. Now I know to not throw out the cases he gets for Christmas...
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