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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I see the answers for them in my solutions book but nothing in the text. We didn't receive a packet of them in our set. Does anyone know what they are?? http://rainbowresource.com/product/Exploring+Creation+with+General+Science+SET/GENSET/6079070fa043a351cbd72509?subject=11&category=2703
  2. Ok, thanks everyone!! I'll just call to ask for the pt referral now.
  3. sigh, I didn't edit the title... maybe I'll post it again later if no one reads...
  4. We've used: Veritas OT/Ancient Egypt Veritas NT/Rome Then I decided to start TQ American with SOTW as two concurrent subjects... But, the Ancients SOTW is pretty basic. Now for Logic stage I REALLY want a firm grasp on this - how all these civilizations coexisted and interact and I'm missing it. I'm using TQ because of the commentary and booklists - I have TONS of books, OOP gems from retired homeschooler's home library sales. I just need single spine to correlate better. I have Guerber, Mills, Famous Men for spines. This is my timeline I'm using: http://library.thinkquest.org/10805/timeline.html See how the events/civilizations are all integrated? - what spine or textbook can do that for me? If I follow the TQ schedule I made, we are studying Egypt, then Greece, then Rome like I did with Veritas when they were little. Or is this just the timeline's job???
  5. My daughter has a thoracic curve - I can't remember the degree but very significant, not enough for surgery. She was checked by a pediatrician at a well visit at almost 11 and had mild/moderate scoliosis - and we were told to be sure to have it checked in a year. We went back at 12yo for another well visit - but by that year she grew 5 inches and had her time of the month a couple months after turning 11. So, her scoliosis was severe at that well visit and we were referred to the orthopedic dr. Ortho said she would have braced my daughter if we had caught her right at the beginning of her growth spurt, but her curve at the beginning of the spurt was mild - so no one could have known??? Since she was so many months out from her time of the month starting she felt like her growth spurt was nearing an end. Ortho felt the reason for daughter's scoliosis was that she had a spontaneous pneumothorax as a newborn with a chest tube. Has anyone heard of that??? Daughter also has femoral anteversion causing knock knees, intoeing and tons of trouble with her ballet progression. Maybe all of that is the root of why this is all getting to her. Her thoracic "hump" is huge and noticeable in clothing and she has trouble sitting in our homeschool chair all morning. I have a pillow behind her but she's really uncomfortable. She is very thin and long limbed and the hump just sticks out so prominently that the should blade is getting dug into whatever chair she's in. She says her back hurts all the time, but I think it is the shoulder blade and "hump" hurting from bearing all the leaning back when she sits. Should we go back to the ortho? Maybe for a physical therapy referral? The ortho said she may grow another inch or 2 after this summer - she's 5'5" and I'm 5'7" - maybe her new growth is all going to the curve? Thanks for any advice!
  6. I thought it was a crazy... I want to cancel Netflix and cable, but my teen with autism and mr is attached to his dvr.
  7. Yes - I see what you are saying. Have you heard of Nations? Are they a good program to commit to long term?
  8. We watch pitch counts closely. Nations baseball has rules monitoring it too. We haven't paid for private coaching and probably won't be able to, but several men have come to watch him pitch and talk to my husband/rec league coach about him... I'm not sure what is said exactly, but the gist is that he's outstanding. I know all mothers believe that about their little sports guys, but this is what we're hearing from people in the know. The Nations team he was asked to be on is a step up from the "select", they call it "elite". They don't travel overnight. It seems like the farthest they go is 2 hours away. Do you know about Nations baseball versus the other leagues? I'm not sure why it is free, I know they have a sponser. Do you think the homeschool team is a useful add on?
  9. My 10yo son has played in a rec league, with his dad as the head coach. He pitches lots of no hitters, and is considered outstanding in his rec league. He was recruited to play in a Nations baseball tournament team. He played in a couple fall tournements and LOVED it so much more than his rec league. They are a good team and he will play for them in the spring. 1. My first questions are about tournement leagues and more competitive leagues. How does all this work??? Can you tell me the path a "good" pitcher should pursue? Is Nations baseball a good league to be involved with - the price is right, we don't have to pay anything. I'm not even sure why?? Are there better leagues to be involved in? Do you have to be recruited? 2. There is also a homeschool team that plays local schools - public, charters, and private school teams. That team starts in middle school so he could try out next year. Would that be worthwhile in addition to the tournemant team or on its own? I'm very confused. Any advice would be great! Thanks!
  10. I uploaded them on original setting, took the longest to load but highest resolution.
  11. For a summer project I scanned all our old family pictures from 1991-2003 (when we bought our first digital camera) into our pc and uploaded them all to Picasa Web Albums on private settings. Now all our extended family have access to all our pics and we are completely fireproof and computer crash proof. It was time consuming but fun, I listened to sermons and audiobooks while I did it for 1-2 hours per day!
  12. My daughter is on Week 3 lesson 2. Discusses Thesaurus use. Mentions that a Thesaurus has two parts: alphabetical lists of words in the back with numbers to look up words meanings in the first half of the book. We are using Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus and Merriam-Websters School Thesaurus - neither use numbers or divides the Thesaurus into two sections. They are just alphabetical lists of words. Confused...
  13. The crockpot seems to NEED cr. soups in casserole type recipes. How to substitute for t hd crockpot???
  14. We used Veritas early on before we discovered SOTW. They did read vol. after! But, now we are using TQ which studies them separately also. Does anyone have a recommendation of laminated notebook ancient history timeline just to help me keep track of when they interesect?
  15. My children (5th and 7th) went to their first Homeschool math club meeting Tuesday to prepare to take 6 math exams this year. TRICKY problems! The first exam is the AMC-8 in Nov. Today, I printed a few sample exams with solutions. The coach/math professor working with them will send more study guides by email. But I had no idea what we were getting into! After working through 3 sample problems with the coach for 45 minutes they were excited about math more than ever. But, I was shocked and somewhat dismayed. I'm seriously wondering how they will get any of the problems right out of 25!!! Encouragement that we can learn to think this way would be greatly appreciated!
  16. Does level 1 mean for 1rst or 5th? Is this a grammer or logic stage program?
  17. These are wonderful. I have several Amer. History spines,and these are my favorites.
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