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Everything posted by LNC

  1. As I'm reading and thinking through this thread, I'm leaning towards my original thinking. That my daughter is a humanities lover, and my son is a little engineer. That's all it is. And maybe for some content subjects I'll need to allow documentaries for him along with reading. Does that sound better?
  2. Gotcha! I'm not going to "label" him, I have two very disabled older children with plenty of labels. I just want to understand his learning bent better. Thanks!
  3. I've been reading about visual spatial learners and I definately think this is something to strongly consider. I don't know how I would know for sure... The only thing that doesn't fit is his very strong handwriting at an early age, but that seems like a visual-spatial skill in some ways too. He has super strong abilities in "building". Every type of complicated engineering toy, he excels at. My husband and I can't even begin to do what he can do. He also is very gifted in piano and most athletics. When I read aloud it is like he tunes me out completely. I have a weakness following lectures too unless I take detailed outlines/notes. My daughter does too, but we aren't visual-spatial learners like he seems to be. I suppose our 'weakness' in auditory learning isn't quite as severe as his would be though. That is where it is confusing. How to teach content with a child who doesn't enjoy reading? I.e. I MAKE him read an hour a day every day. My daughter doesn't need that, she always has a book in her hand or gravitates to one (or a handicraft). He did finish A Pitch in Time last night, which was a longer book for him. He ended up loving it and asked to google a few things to learn more about some content. Yea! But, that is from being forced. During his silent reading he also reads Sugar Creek Gang - we have all of them and he's on book 20 out of 30something. He does describe that he sees all the book action in pictures in his head. After reading the visual-spatial websites I initiated watching the Blue Planet yesterday on Netflix. He LOVED it and asked to watch more documentaries. I have always minimized tv/dvd and computers in favor of a print based neo-classical education. But I can see for him that may not be best for certain content subjects. I'll look for more science and history dvds on Netflix or online for him. Thanks! And any other ideas would be great!
  4. Would visual spatial learners have excellent attention spans with seatwork and fine motor skills, including penmanship? He doesn't like reading only. He has his eyes checked every summer for type 1 diabetes. I need to get that appt for this year. Any other thoughts appreciated!
  5. When I read learning styles in homeschool books it is easy to pick up on my daughter. She's a "perfect Paula" or "actual-routine" learner. My son though eludes me. What would you say for these characteristics?: -5th grade -athletic and excellent fine motor from a very young age -excellent with spatial reasoning: puzzles, games, building toys -excellent with attention span with all of the above -excellent with schoolwork bc of his great attention span and fine motor skills - particularly excels in math but does well in all skill subjects (straight A student and 97-99% on Iowa categories) -excels in piano bc of the above spatial and fine motor gifting -is a good reader but must be FORCED to sit and read, it is becoming a battle this summer -progressing terribly with content subjects (like art and music appreciation or history - does better with science) because he won't read them on his own -his core knowledge, cultural literacy and vocabulary are far below what his sister had at his age bc of his lack of free time reading -how will he gain this core knowledge this without a love for reading? -Does a kid like him need textbooks to "get it over with" for content subjects??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Thanks! I've downloaded: Evernote - awesome Juice Defender Daily Bible Plugged in Online Angry Birds, a Racing and Baseball game for kids :) What other great -free and helpful -apps are there? Thanks!
  7. Here is the link for those who want to read the slavery pamphlet (republished as Black and Tan) and decide for themselves. I like a lot of what he writes, and his wife moreso. But this pamphlet (along with the Wilkins materials sold through Veritas) led me away from Veritas and Omnibus materials. http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/slavery/southern_slavery_as_it_was.htm http://www.canonwired.com/featured/southern-slavery/
  8. Debra Bell's classes are new, so no reviews yet - they look like a great option to prepare for APs though in several subjects! Option 1: 7th:Lightning Lit 7 8th: Lightning Lit 8 9th: Debra Bell Pre-Ap English Lang http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/pre-ap-english-language-bailes.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/pre-ap-english-language-bailes.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/pre-ap-english-language-bailes.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/pre-ap-english-language-bailes.pdf 10th: Debra Bell Ap Lang http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/AP-English-Language-and-Composition.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/AP-English-Language-and-Composition.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/AP-English-Language-and-Composition.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/AP-English-Language-and-Composition.pdf 11th: Debra Bell Ap Lit http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/AP-English-Literature-2011-2012.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/AP-English-Literature-2011-2012.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/AP-English-Literature-2011-2012.pdf'>http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/AP-English-Literature-2011-2012.pdf 12th:Great Books of Western World Option 2: 7th: Middle School Tools for English Excellence http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Middle-School-Tools-for-English-Excellence.pdf 8th: Intermediate English http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Intermediate-English.pdf 9th: Debra Bell Pre-Ap English Lang http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/pre-ap-english-language-bailes.pdf 10th: Debra Bell Ap Lang http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/AP-English-Language-and-Composition.pdf 11th: Debra Bell Ap Lit http://debrabell.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/AP-English-Literature-2011-2012.pdf 12th:Great Books of Western World I would continue CLE for LA and reading through 7. Just LA in 8th and in 9th and 10th we would just buy the grammar lu. Thanks for any advice!
  9. What is a CPM? When we've talked about different medical fields for my daughter's future she mentioned "delivering babies". I read about certified nurse midwives. That requires a bsn and then a master's degree in CNM right? The CNM program in our state can be distance ed while working in an ob practice. I'm confused about these other options in the thread.
  10. My family has been a member for 17 years of a Sovereign Grace ministries local church. God is doing a work, and I have faith that it will result in good changes in the end. It is painful for now though. These leaders/public figures are just people we love too. (Not taking sides, I'm talking about everyone involved). They are responding in humility and integrity and involving the wider body of Christ for help. Just wanted to give the perpective of a long time member.
  11. I'm upgrading my Blackberry for free. On my current phone, I use my memo lists, Google calendar and surf the web on my phone daily. Can you tell me what free apps I want to make life easier?!!
  12. I have done: 1. scan all photos since marriage in 1991-1999 and uploaded to Picasa web albums 2. up to date on 2011 shutterfly digital album 3. sold $800 of curriculum 4. bought and organized next year's curriculum 5. 36 weeks of lesson plans 6. reorganized many bookshelves Still to do: 1. kids finish SOTW4 from last year 2. typing program 3. study skills/outlining books from Remedia 4. scan 2000-2002 photos and upload to Picasa web albums then I'm done!!!! 5. finish 4th child's scrapbook birth- age 5, he's now 10!! 6. finish 2009 scrapbook, started Shutterfly in 2010 - much easier! I can do it!!
  13. Are there any other Armenians on the boards?? :). I grew up hearing these stories my entire life. My grandparents were from Marash, Turkey and both orphaned in the genocide. They were brought over as teenage refugees and eventually married and settled in Watertown, Ma. I don't think it is "common knowledge" and I think it is a travesty of US centric history public education. That is one of the reasons I love SOTW! Another reason it isn't common knowledge is that all US administrations (Dem and Republican) refuse to label it a genocide for fear of losing Turkey as an ally in the Middle East. As far as the importance of the Armenian genocides, even Hitler was quoted to say (paraphrasing bc I'm typing on my phone)- who remembers the Armenians!
  14. I'm planning on printing the first 8 weeks of the parent and student books. I'm starting the first week of Sept. Hopefully that will get us through until it is relased! Couple questions: 1. The student doesn't write on the student pages like WWE? We need a comp book? 2. How many pages about is 8 weeks of both books? I'm at the beach and don't have access to it here. I'm making a to-do list though. Thanks for the help!
  15. Wow - a lot more budget friendly than saving up for my never ending TC wish list. I'll start with these instead. Thanks!
  16. I'm downloading a few Pc demos for my special needs 13yo. He has such trouble staying busy all day in the summer (he is in a special ed class during the school year). He can't read and he has weak/uncoordinated fine motor so that eliminates all of our usual quiet activities around here. After read alouds, a little homeschool time w/ me, pretend play and a quick trip to the pool playing on the pc is all I have left to help him spend his time! I downloaded 3 demos this week. Is this going to destroy my laptop?!! I'll delete them when school starts. Thanks!
  17. I can keep up with my library books through my account online. I also have google calendar send me reminders to renew. As far as keeping up with the physical location of the books at home, we have a library basket. If the kids want some of the books in their rooms they have to leave an index card in the library basket stating how many books and titles they took to their room. Their room library books have to stay on their nightstand at the end of the day. Usually they remember at bedtime if they left one in their backpack or car bc they don't see it on their nighttable for bedtime reading. That is how we do it - we don't pay fines and we have checked out 25-100 books at a time over the years for picture books, reading books and elementary TQ history reading.
  18. Thanks for sharing your experiences! Those are great accomplishments for your children! On the Chemistry Olympiad site it says for homeschoolers to contact your local section. http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_SUPERARTICLE&node_id=1017&use_sec=false&sec_url_var=region1&__uuid=6c7a0015-17fa-458e-8780-11ee74aa99a4 It looks like Physics Olympiad works the same way. It didn't find specific recommendations for homeschoolers, but I read the site for my state's section and it looked like the Chemistry rec. http://www.aapt.org/Sections/officers.cfm?zip=28269&radius=1 On the Biology Olympiad site it says for homeschoolers to arrange testing with a local school? I guess that works out?? http://www.usabo-trc.org/guidelines.php
  19. Thanks for responding - we are ready to go for middle school math and science next year Olympiads. I was just wondering for the future bc the sponser for math ends in 6th grade and the homeschool science Olympiad is for middle school ages also. I'll keep watch on this thread and research a bit more, maybe they can be taken at home. :bigear:
  20. Does anyone have high schoolers who prepared for and took any of these tests/contests? Can you tell me about their prep and experience? Did you have trouble finding ways to enter these as a homeschooler in your community? I'm not sure about how these upper level Olympiads work for homeschoolers? Thanks!
  21. That sounds time consuming for FLL! I'm so bummed! I don't think I have the time to coach FLL. I know no one has "time to spare and don't mean to offend, but we have many serious medical issues in our family. I also don't have a science/tech/math background and don't have contacts with sponsers if that is necessary. I hoped to get him into it young so he can move up through the program - I didn't realize the offerings for homeschoolers would be so rare. One more question - where does he go after 6th grade for Math? What kind of other contests are out there to research for homeschoolers? Here is the info about the club we are trying this coming year. Math Club Recommended Books: Creative Problem Solving in School Mathematics by Dr. George Lenchner Over 400 thought-provoking problems that extend elementary and middle school mathematics into such topics as sequences, series, principles of divisibility, geometric configurations, and logic. It is the foundation of the MOEMS program, based upon the author's popular course, The Art of Problem-Solving. Math Olympiad Contest Problems for Elementary and Middle Schools by Dr. G. Lenchner 16 years worth of challenging problems and ingenious solutions from the MOEMS. The book is aimed at young students, teachers, and parents. It contains an unusual variety of problems, a section of hints, and seven unique appendices. Books can be purchased at the MOEMS website. The math club faq : Frequently Asked Questions What do I have to do to join? Just show up. Are there any dues? No, the program is free to all students in ________and nearby Counties in grades four through six. Can I help by bringing refreshments? Yes, an offer to bring juice or cookies is greatly appreciated. Contact ___ or ___. What if my son or daughter can’t make it to a meeting? That’s okay – come as often as you can. If your son or daughter is very serious about the Olympiad (MOEMS), it is possible that arrangements can be made to make up a missed contest. May I bring an interested third grader? It’s definitely possible. Call ___or ____ to discuss your particular situation. What do you do at MMC? We take the MOEMS. We work on interesting problems and problem solving techniques, sometimes in small groups and sometimes in a lecture format. Can my child do MOEMS at MMC and also at his school? The short answer is No. If your child’s school participates, your child’s score must count toward the school score. Students cannot participate more than once in each month’s contest. However, if a child has already taken MOEMS at his school, we will find some problems for him to work on while the others are taking the contest. Do students enjoy it? Many children who enjoy doing mathematics love coming to our club. An added benefit is that students make great strides in their problem solving abilities. We prefer that parents not coerce their child into participating.
  22. My son is a rising 5th grader with a love for tech/building. He has type 1 diabetes, and want to major in bioengineering and probably go on to med school for ped endo :) I have spent a ton of time looking for homeschool math and science teams for homeschoolers this summer. 1. I found a local math professor who has a math club that prepares for MOEMS. I think that is Olympiad? They meet at a private school but he welcomed my son to join. They meet for two hours a month. We have to drive 50 min, but he said people drive from adjoining states! 2. I found a new homeschooled Science Olympiad div B group for both my son and daughter to attend together. There is an experienced homeschool group that won state awards, but they aren't accepting members. I'm sure the new group will be good as well... 3.FLL is soooo hard to find! I've only come across groups at the elite private schools and g/t magnet schools. The state director told me to start a group. I would have NO IDEA how to get sponsers or organize it. Does everyone have such trouble finding groups for these math/science contests?? We live in large southern city with lots of homeschoolers.
  23. The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study, Starr Meade. We will take 4 years to go through the 4 workbooks.
  24. I just watched the trailer. What is it though?
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