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Everything posted by LNC

  1. Do you think if I bought an original Wii, the original games would stay in stock to collect after the WiiU comes out? Even though the price is now great, I'm worried about buying an outdated system.
  2. I tend to overbuy... The best of the best please! I know about L'Morte D Arthur, Thomas Mallory - not sure they are ready for this Once and Future King, T.H. White Pendragon Cycle series, Stephen Lawhead
  3. I think LibraryThing is a more common choice, but I'm using Goodreads. I like the recommendations, reviews and looking at other lists.
  4. I'm looking at the Xbox w/ Kinect (how many Gb do we want?) and Wii U coming out next winter. What do you think. He has mr, autism and weak fine motor. He does fairly well playing games like Lego series on his laptop, but we would like to have a system set up in his bonus room "apartment". Thanks for advice!
  5. These would match up, right? I love the color pics in MP text, but the guides from Greenleaf. :)
  6. That sounds like a good idea. My "theme" is good or great books that aren't on my Lightning Lit book list. :) HA! I do want them to be stretches reading wise. I thought they would come to the first meeting already having read Faerie Gold to prepare them. Then our first book would be Edith Nesbit. She is a great bridge to the great books imo.
  7. I want to do this for 10 weeks this summer. We have a large homeschool ministry at our church I could ask girls to join. I was thinking of having the girls dropped of with a sack lunch. We would discuss the book fo 1 hr., then take them to the pool for lunch and swimming as long as they want until their moms pick them up. Good idea? I am a former english major with a bookshelf of literary analysis books. :) My biggest question is what books to read? I would start with Edith Nesbit and then move up to Jane Austen? Who else? I want to use a few study guides to check comprehension but I will also concentrate on literary analysis using sparknotes etc. 4 books in 10 weeks sounds good right? Thanks for suggestions!!!!!
  8. The only movie I've seen to depict a round up was Sarah's Key - but I WOULD NOT recommend that for preteens or teens. Traumitizing but very good... I've read extensively about the Holocaust, but I've seen very few movies about. I get overwhelmed and emotional with the visual imagery. Really traumitized... I know it is important to remember, but it it just too much to watch it reenacted. I can't imagine encourage my children watch some of the realistic dramas... Maybe - The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - book and movie?
  9. I have the Twins series free on my Kindle btw...they are pricey to collect.
  10. Years ago, I dreamed of homeschooling but my oldest two had major special needs. I used to read Valerie's living books, visit antique books stores and collect special finds for the future. This was pre curriculum and school budgeting. I'm so glad I have these sets now to pass down! I'll link Valerie's Living books remarks on these two sets you asked about: Makers of History (I love Jacob Abbots parenting and teacher inspiration books - these are available free on kindle) http://www.valerieslivingbooks.info/makers.htm Beacon Lights of History (also available free on kindle) http://www.valerieslivingbooks.info/lords.htm HTH!
  11. I need the dictations broken down into at least 2 chunks. I break them down into 3 for my children - and they used WWE in 6th and 5th grades.
  12. I have enjoyed reading threads that discuss this topic, especially the one on the high school board. I was wondering if some of you were similar to me. I disliked fantasy reading as a child. I have forced my daughter to read some fantasy for literature, but she would never choose to on her own. i.e. Alice and Wonderland. I loved Messner bios incl. Narcissa Whitman and Cornelia Meigs bio of Louisa May Alcott. I loved lots of other historical fiction and bios. I also enjoyed realistic fiction like Anne of Green Gables and Little Women - books that easily fit into our history cycles. Anyway, I have looked through the 1000 Good books list to see classic books that have slipped through the cracks like Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh, Phantom Tollbooth and The Cricket in Times Square. I really didn't like these books as a child. I distinctly remember quitting these and other similar books. So, this summer I will check some of these titles out and leave out in our free read books baskets. We'll see what they like! They have asked to read Harry Potter, and I want to read the series this summer also. I also have never read Tolkein so I am planning on Hobbit next year and LLfLotR for the following year. Just wanted to chat about this topic more here. I'm not sure if I was following WTM recs for linking lit to history or just following my own tastes. Thanks!
  13. I find it helpful to have a few books going at once. A time period/ history read aloud, a time period/ history reader, and a good book choice. They can read whatever else they want at bedtime if they do the above.
  14. Which would you choose as a follow up to cheap Chalkdust Algebra 1? I pieced together cheap Chalkdust algebra 1 & 2 using the wtm board's isbn #s. I found the Geometry text that Chalkdust uses, but I had trouble finding the dvds and gave up after the solutions manual I bought only had answers without full solutions. Only Chalkdust made the corresponding full solutions apparently. So: Chalkdust Geometry $394 http://www.chalkdust.com/geom.html Duke Tip Geometry $102 plus the cost of the used text http://www.tip.duke.edu/node/159
  15. I bought one for my daughter's 13th bday. It is her main wish list item. Great deal!
  16. My daughter is using Chalkdust Algebra in 8th after many years of Chalkdust. She is more than ready!
  17. Roxaboxen - best children's picture book! Set in Yuma, Az http://www.amazon.com/Roxaboxen-Alice-McLerran/dp/0688075924'>http://www.amazon.com/Roxaboxen-Alice-McLerran/dp/0688075924 Brighty of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry http://www.amazon.com/Roxaboxen-Alice-McLerran/dp/0688075924
  18. I love my anthologies! I have these complete sets (I linked similar sets): 1. The Children's Hour, Eve March Tappan http://www.amazon.com/Childrens-Hour-10-Set/dp/B000LC6I4O# 2. Picturesque Tale of Progress http://www.amazon.com/Picturesque-Tale-Progress-Volumes/dp/B0016FV4T4/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332958973&sr=1-1 3. My Book House http://www.ebay.com/itm/SCARCE-MY-BOOK-HOUSE-1960-COMPLETE-SET-OF-12-BOOKS-IN-VG-TO-MINT-CONDITION-/400286034668?pt=US_Childrens_Books&hash=item5d32e82aec 4. Beacon Lights of History (can also get on kindle) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Beacon-Lights-of-History-Lord-Wise-CO-8-Volume-Set-1921-/280747965698?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item415de1fd02 5. Complete set of Jacob Abbot's Makers of History (also free on kindle) http://www.ebay.com/itm/1901-SET-24-MAKERS-OF-HISTORY-CLEOPATRA-CAESAR-PETER-THE-GREAT-NERO-Illustrated-/251025284724?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item3a7245de74
  19. My daughter took the SAT in 7th grade. She scored amazingly well in writing. But, she did less amazing in Critical reading. :) I am looking at these workbooks for my children next year to help them think critically about their reading assignments. They look like excellent SAT prep. Can anyone recommend these? http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=6&category=1011
  20. I have the Chalkdust (cheap) combined set with Dana Mosely dvd's. I'm also considering Saxon with Dive dvds. I would add a year of geometry. We need: *dvd *continual review or incremental - is Chalkdust mastery with a little review? *some conceptual *good prep for SAT *good prep for pre science or engineering *I REALLY NEED A SCHEDULE!!!!!!! My children's basic math skills are excellent. 99% on standardized tests. They have a lot of basics nailed down thanks to CLE continual review. Yet, on something like Math Olympiad - they struggle bc they don't think that conceptually. But, we have to have a schedule and daily review or it just won't work around my house...
  21. Does anyone factor this into a decision about buying one? We are looking at 2008 used Prius with low miles. The battery is warrantied to 100,000 miles. Our other vehicle is a huge wheelchair van with about 15 mpg. Seriously. And my husband has a 40 min. commute in his car - we are dying with gas prices. My sister emailed us not to sell our car bc she had two friends that payed $8000 to replace their Prius batteries. That definately sounds urban mythish to me. Everything we have read online says the batteries are covered until 100,000 miles and then you can even get a refurbished one put it. About $2000 - but would only have to do it once at most. Anyone know?
  22. I use Avery package of labels and print them on the computer in pretty fonts. I use these on big boxes as well as jars in the pantry. I like having uniform font sizes, but I'm too cheap to buy a label maker. My package of labels has lasted me 6 years. Like this, but I remember paying a lot less: http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/Products/Labels/Shipping-Labels/White-Shipping-Labels_08164.htm
  23. 1. Daddy Longlegs, Jean Webster - Kindle 2. Dear Enemy, Jean Webster - Kindle 3. Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges -A Secret Kept, Tatiana de Rosnay (didn't like, quit) 4. Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson 5. A Praying Life, Paul Miller - Kindle -Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen - library on Kindle (didn't like, quit - not doing well with fiction picks this year!) 6. The Book of the Ancient World 7. The Book of the Greeks, both by Dorothy Mills 8. The Greek Way, Edith Hamilton 9. Organized Simplicity - Kindle 10. In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson - library on Kindle 11. Think, John Piper 12. Lit, Tony Reinke -Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Foe - quit! 13.That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week, Ana Homayoun 14. Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners, Cindy West 15. I'm an English Major Now What, Tim Lemire 16. Suprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber (love!!) 17. Discovery of Witches - library kindle on kindle 18. Left Neglected, Lisa Genova 19. I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith 20. Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter, Lisa Patton 21. Yankee Doodle Dixie, Lisa Patton 22. I Capture a Castle, Dodie Smith 23. American Heiress, Daisy Goodwin 24. Before I go to Sleep, S.J. Watson 25. Still Alice, Lisa Genova
  24. I'm sorry this thread is hurtful to you. I must say as a adoptive mom these comments are very perplexing to me as well. My son is thought of differently because of his special needs and unusual behavior - and we work on that daily. But, I've never factored his skin color into that... Like I said in an earlier post, at least half of the kids/teens in our neighborhood are aa too.
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