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Everything posted by LNC

  1. Thanks we just opened up her own Amazon account and registered her Kindle on that account. Thanks!
  2. How I registed my daughter's new Kindle Fire to our Amazon account. I already have a $100 Kindle with 500 books loaded. How do we pick and choose which books show up on her Kindle Fire? She has all 500 books loaded and we just want a couple bookshelves with our school books and a few fun books for her to read... Help please!
  3. We live in a nice suburb but very diverse - our street is 50/50. My husband has to commute 40 min. each way but it is worth it for our son's benefit. I know that doesn't directly answer your dilemna. I wouldn't send him to a worse district - I would find a nice and diverse area to live, even if I had to take a financial hit to do it...
  4. Is there a provider that prepares the student to test for both micro and macro AP tests? Thanks!
  5. Hypomyelination can cause hypotonia. I think they are general issues that go along with many genetic disorders - maybe your daughter's disorder as well? Read about those two words. :grouphug:
  6. Did anyone see the movie about his early life - Christmas Cottage? Netflix has it.
  7. I just ordered it over the phone. The teacher's manual goes along with the syllabus and is only available by request over the phone. I ordered on sale: World Geography Syllabus - $20 Teacher's Manual for World Geography Syllabus - $16 shipping was $7. I'll let you know what it is like when I get it, but she said it gives answers, helps for open ended projects etc.
  8. I'm going to call Monday. I searched the boards and apparently OM syllabi have OM syllabi teacher's manuals available if you aren't registered for the class with them. But, you have to call M-F during office hours to request it. So, the OM syllabus is $20 on sale and the OM syllabus teacher's manual is $20 also. Not the Glencoe teacher's manual. I think I'm right after googling for 1 hr. :( I'll find out when I call. HTH if you want one too!
  9. I think they mean an Oak Meadow Teacher's manual for the syllabus right? not the Glencoe Teacher's manual.... If you scroll down the price sheet it says Teacher's manuals are only provided for non-enrolled families and lists the geography teacher's manual for $20. I don't want to buy it if I don't need it! http://www.oakmeadow.com/downloads/om-hs-price-insert.pdf
  10. It says call or email Oak Meadow if you are non-enrolled and need a teacher's manual. I have the Glencoe text - is the syllabus just a reading schedule? What would the teacher's manual provide?? Do I need or want it? Thanks for any help?
  11. I think I'll continue with Cat survey one more year. Next year, in the spring of 8th grade, my daughter will test with something else to qualify for homeschool national honor society. But, through 7th Cat survey is sooo easy to order, give, take. We're all so ready to be done, it is hard to pass up easy.
  12. When I read comments like this, I would love to see an example of what you are referring to! Sat math is simple algebra and geometry. How does how you are teaching your elementary children make solving an Sat question easier?
  13. I've been thinking about how many historical fiction titles I've collected after mulling over this thread and others: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=363088&highlight=quality+historical+fiction I am going through my several shelves of middle ages/ rennaissance & reformation books. I have so many books they didn't get to in our grammar cycle. I'm not sure they are worth the time now. For example, I have so many Veritas recommended church history titles. I think just reading a quality spine of church history is much more time effective. I'm considering having a huge historical fiction sale. Talk me in or out of this!! I'm tired of feeling guilty over unread books. They are at an age where we should spend our time reading quality books...
  14. Could it be bladder stones? I can relate to what you are going through and wanted to give a hopeful possibility!:grouphug:
  15. The Rainbow Resources descriptions says 1 1/2 hours of instruction total for $20. Worth it or skip?? Thanks!
  16. Thanks everyone - this is a hypothetical by the way.... I'm having tests done and thinking about worst case scenarios for sarcoma...
  17. If you were diagnosed with a really rare cancer and the major treatment center for surgery was Sloan Kettering in NY and you lived in the SE - would your insurance cover you to have surgery and care up there? Is it out of network? So, 20% or so instead of the 10% in network? How does it work?
  18. My son needs something to download to help him sleep. Any recommendations?
  19. I'll have to administrate it myself - switch kids with another mom, bc group testing around here is over. Maybe the SAT is the best option?
  20. We have used the Cat-Survey from Seton. It is $25 and takes a few hours to do. My children get super high percentiles, but it is very easy. I like that it is so stress free for them. Help me pick something that is comparable as far as cost and time, but more accurate as far as percentiles? Thanks!!!
  21. I hope so, bc I have it planned for 8th grade! I bought the Glencoe Geography text that goes with the course, and that is definately suitable. I haven't seen the syllabus yet though, but the samples look fine as well. HTH. http://www.oakmeadow.com/curriculum/sample-lessons/11-grade-ss-world-geography.pdf
  22. 1. Daddy Longlegs, Jean Webster - Kindle 2. Dear Enemy, Jean Webster - Kindle 3. Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges -A Secret Kept, Tatiana de Rosnay (didn't like, quit) 4. Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson 5. A Praying Life, Paul Miller - Kindle -Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen - library on Kindle (didn't like, quit - not doing well with fiction picks this year!) 6. The Book of the Ancient World 7. The Book of the Greeks, both by Dorothy Mills 8. The Greek Way, Edith Hamilton 9. Organized Simplicity - Kindle 10. In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson - library on Kindle 11. Think, John Piper 12. Lit, Tony Reinke -Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Foe - quit! 13.That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week, Ana Homayoun 14. Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners, Cindy West 15. I'm an English Major Now What, Tim Lemire 16. Suprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber (love!!) 17. Discovery of Witches - library kindle on kindle 18. Left Neglected, Lisa Genova 19. I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith 20. Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter, Lisa Patton 21. Yankee Doodle Dixie, Lisa Patton 22. I Capture a Castle, Dodie Smith 23. American Heiress, Daisy Goodwin 24. Before I go to Sleep, S.J. Watson 25. Still Alice, Lisa Genova 26-29. Secret Society Girls #1-4 series Diana Peterfreund 30-33 Hunger Games series 34. Bunheads, Sophie Flack 36. The Sugarless Plum, Zippora Karz 37. As I Remember, Lillian Gilbreth
  23. I just want writing instruction, not a complete English course. I love CLE LA and I'm sure my daughter would do well on the grammar placement test for Advanced Comp.
  24. Another idea is the Marriot Courtyard in Chinatown. We stayed Friday and Sat. nights with Marriot Reward points for free - but I think it is in the low 100's if you don't stay Sunday. http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/wascn-courtyard-washington-convention-center/ The building is a restored bank, and we ate breakfast every day in the "vault". They also have an indoor pool. We never used the Metro, just walked. We did one day of the trolley loop to hop on/ off outer sites...
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