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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I would like something that I can forward to my junior high girl's book club. I want to email them instructions for starting their common place books. Does anyone have a link or an attachment to email me? Thanks!
  2. A very small subsection of classical homeschoolers consider themselves to be neo-confederate or sympathetic to that viewpoint. I have found neo-confederate/sympathetic book recommendations in Logos, Veritas and Vision Forum. It is a small group however, most classical homeschoolers do not agree with this viewpoint. HTH.
  3. I think adding a word problem books would be most helpful. Singapore would be perfect IMO. CLE nails everything down needed for Algebra so well. Decimals, percents, fractions, ratios and probability and uses word problems extensively in 6th and 7th (what I used last year with my two). I understand your concerns though. Some on the boards criticize CLE very vocally for being plug in math or something like that. I have a special ed son in the public school. They try to teach 100% concepts in regular ed and special ed and it is an utter disaster. So, I want my kids to plug in until it is rote and learn the concepts too. :) My daughter did very well in Duke Tip Sat testing for 7th grade in everything but math - qualified for honors, programs etc. However, I think it was bc she hasn't had algebra or geometry yet. She was a little worried about math though, and is going through Life of Fred and Khan Academy this summer on her own- just to think about math differently. Starting with Algebra in 8th, we are using Chalkdust. I love CLE for elementary - but I don't think adding Singapore to it would add to much time. Math is soooo important to get right. HTH!.
  4. My daughter has had CLE math through grade 7. What kind of questions is your child unprepared for? I looked at the test samples and they were all covered in CLE. I think end of year public school testing emphasized statistics and probablility in an overkill way. Is that what you are referring to? But it is taught in CLE, maybe not drilled daily. :)
  5. I'm not sure what "level" of special ed you need. My son's classroom used Touch Math in early middle school. The school district bought another program bc of changes in requirements for special ed students to be taught the same concepts as regular ed. They switched to TransMath by Sopris West. Everyone forgot the basics and it was an utter disaster! I would recommend Saxon bc it is spiral and school systems would buy it! http://www.voyagerlearning.com/transmath/index.jsp HTH!
  6. Christian Light Education for math and language arts. Christian Light Reading from grade 4 and up. Light unit workbooks, directed to student, student grades lu, parent's grade quizzes and tests. Excellent, rigorous curriculum and inexpensive. HTH!
  7. Ok we will do notebook paper and typed reports then. 1 skill per day and a week for typed reports and papers. I'll just read through the student book and fill out my lesson plans as I go through. I received my huge Rainbow order and many programs aren't schedule out in tidy 36 week schedules. How dare they! :tongue_smilie:
  8. Hmmm... a keepsake is tempting... And I only have one more to buy for... :001_smile:
  9. 1. How do you schedule this in one year? How many "skills" per week? 2. Do you write in your workbook, or use it as a student guide to write/type on separate sheets of paper?
  10. It is about $55 new. I think I would like to pass down the set to my younger son to use instead of buying an additional student book. Do you have your kids write in the student book like a workbook or write their answers separately in a spiral notebook??
  11. I did, and there is no credit card on her account, so she can't automatically order anything. She has a gift card balance right now.
  12. She had her end of the year recitals this weekend. She was in two dances, one on pointe. She says her hips popped the whole time and she wasn't doing her bourres exactly right bc she can't turn out. But, she looked beautiful, and she will always have that memory! Thanks for your encouragement when we were so upset about quitting ballet!
  13. How interesting! Can you tell us more? There is also a Orphan's Journey series by Arleta Richardson:
  14. One workbook broken down into 36 weeks? I'm having trouble dividing it up. Thanks!!
  15. Just wondering if anyone would share this with me. Or I will assign 4 ch. per week. Thanks!!
  16. Thank you - I'll add the last two. I've always wanted to read/look through those myself. Maybe something like Around the World in 80 Days, Jules Verne? She's in 8th...
  17. They want the student to read one additional book per semester. These are the choices. I wanted other, more current, recommendations please! An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance by Laurie Garrett (this looks interesting but copywrite 1995) Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27,1883 by Simon Wincester A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake by Simon Wincester The Years of Rice and Salt, Kim Stanley Robinson Any other suggestions??? Thanks!
  18. They want the student to read one additional book per semester. These are the choices. I wanted other, more current, recommendations please! An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance by Laurie Garrett (this looks interesting but copywrite 1995) Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27,1883 by Simon Wincester A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake by Simon Wincester The Years of Rice and Salt, Kim Stanley Robinson Any other suggestions??? Thanks!
  19. It isn't "fun and creative" but my kids did very well with First Form Latin and dvd. I couldn't keep up 2nd semester but they both have A+. Latin is by far their favorite subject.
  20. I'm reading The Latin Centered Curriclulum. I just ordered from the WTB board and it will be my first time to read it! I have done WTM cycles all along. We are in our logic stage and we are also reading some great books together. I use a literature based history curriculum. My children HATE history now. They liked it when they were younger and learning everything for the first time. They also loved American history with lots of picture books and chosen classics. I think it is because I have SOOOO many books that they could never read them all. They always feel "behind" bc there is always another book to read. I bought the Famous Men flashcard sets - they have retained a lot. Their notebooks look great and thorough. I think I just overkill the subject. These are there favorite subject in order: Latin Science/Math They constantly say they want the time to add Greek and Hebrew. They would rather have a textbook for history, read classics (not based on history), and focus their time on languages, math and science. Ack! So, I'm rethinking. I want to streamline history for them so they can pursue their passions...
  21. I didn't know Foyle's War was streaming now! I have heard this is great. We'll watch this, Sherlock, then The Wonder Years. Should take all summer. Thanks!
  22. Some shows we have liked in the past were Masterpiece Theater and similar, Lost (until the last epi), Felicity, Friday Night Lights, Veronica Mars - things like that. They each had a few racy moments I prefered to fast forward - but the entire premise of the show wasn't so yuk like Mad Men. I don't know if that makes sense. I also don't like anything to do iwth murder investigations - which rules out a lot too. Sherlock might work. Thanks for any recs.
  23. Instant? We tried Mad Men - huge bust. After 4 episodes we are totally confused about why this is popular. The setting is great, and the smoking and drinking may have been realistic in many circles. Who is supposed to be the protagonist? Every single person is completely unlikeable. What would be a good show to try? We aren't sci fi fans btw.
  24. We saw them doing Latin on one show - my daughter thought it looked like First Form maybe?
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