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Everything posted by LNC

  1. My identical twin is a law professor. She had her first baby (a boy) last year, and I recommended that she find good books to read while nursing... So, anyway she decided on Harry Potter to read when he was born. I think she read them in the first month or so, but she was also working on a book project. She badgered me all last summer that I MUST read them...
  2. I have read 40 books! I won't list them all again, but it has been a great reading year... I am now starting the Harry Potter series for the first time ever. Should be fun and take a while!
  3. I'm always intrigued when you post. I would love to hear more about your homeschool!
  4. Math or Geography Apps rec for Ipod Touch or Kindle Fire (Android) 6th-8th grade? Thanks!
  5. Ok - that doesn't sound like what I'm looking for. Free unlimited AP courses.:tongue_smilie: The charter school isn't here yet. I just got an email from K12 that our county school board approved the application process to move forward.
  6. I"m not sure a "hook" means dedication to an extracurricular activity. I think it means dedication and extreme excellence in an extracurricular activity. Big difference. My daughter doesn't have amazing talent, though she has given her best to several pursuits. But, she is an amazing heroic servant and I think that is her "gift". Whether universities consider it a "hook" - I could really care less anymore. I think her scores will get her in somewhere good enough...
  7. We plan on lots of AP tests (some self study or syllabus and several at Penn Homeschoolers). I had many Ap credits and I was able to graduate in 3 1/2 years with a double major. I was wondering if K12 would provide the same quality/quantity of AP classes as Penn Homeschoolers for free!:001_smile:
  8. Never mind - my daughter added a free Prime membership for a month with her Kindle Fire. That is why is says "Prime" instead of "free super saver shipping over $25."
  9. I added a shelf of books I've read this year. I usually shelve only books I own, but everything I've read for fun has been from the library - so I added a new shelf. I checked the recs based on that shelf and they were all Iranian books written in Farsi font/script. What on earth!:lol:
  10. For what you want I would consider Biblioplan Mystery of History History Odyssey I use TQ with History Scholar notebooking pages and Mark Twain Media workbooks. But I have to put it all together in a 36 week lesson plan format. HTH!
  11. In the special education world mild intellectual disability is 50s-60's iq approx. 70s-80s iq is a "slow learner", because the average iq is 100. Maybe that is the term you heard? An iq of 70s-80s is not eligable for a self-contained special education class, and it isn't an "official label." A learning disability is a normal iq but lower test scores on achievement tests. http://www.schoolpsychologistfiles.com/slowLearnerFaq.html http://www.ldonline.org/questions/aboutld#5029 (difference between slow learners and learning disabled) Just google slow learners and education or iep or special education... You should come up with a lot of hits. HTH!
  12. I've been desiring more books that aren't wife, mothering, "to-do" specific, if that makes sense. I've been re-reading Gospel Wakefulness by Jared Wilson. I really like it...
  13. We studied Ancient Greece 1rst sem and we are finishing Ancient Rome now. He has read: Famous Men of Rome The Romans Alfred Duggan In Search of a Homeland, Penelope Lively (read aloud) many, many picture books Mark Twain media workbook Ancient Greece & Rome - highly recommended Detectives in Togas Mystery of the Roman Ransom by Henry Winterfeld What should he read next to finish the year. Slow reader unless it is a sports novel!
  14. Congratulations from an identical twin. Being a twin was the greatest blessing - we always had sooo much fun together and a best friend for life. My mom says it was a lot of work until we were about 18months, and then we went off to play and she basically never heard from us again! :)
  15. Elizabeth Enright's The Saturdays (Melendy) series Gone Away Lake and Return to Gone Away Lake and so many on this thread are wonderful! We are going to read Harry Potter for the first time this summer!
  16. Can you ask for a copy of test and which ones your child missed? I checked my 7th grader's test out of curiosity when I was getting ready to send it. I found 3 wrong on the total test. She has always made 97-98 composite. The printout says she missed 9 total and made a 91 this year. That is hard to believe unless I would have gotten several wrong also!
  17. I'm not discussing regular ed or tracks. I thought I was clear. I'm discussing the education of mentally disabled, intellectually disabled students. Iq of 40-50s. Not slow, not behind, not learning disabed, not add, nothing like that.
  18. http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2010/06/02/final-national-standards/8871/ About common core applied to special ed students with significant intellectual disabilities. I cannot tell you the stress this has caused our family this past year. Read some of the comments too...
  19. I don't know if it is called a cloud with Itunes. It just means the apps are on Itunes on my desktop, but not necessarily on the device unless I transfer it. Saves space on the actual Itouch. The Apple online store doesn't have a refurbished 16gb Itouch - I didn't know there was such a thing...
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