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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I want them in both paperback and a collector's hardcover for a gift. I think the Annotated Hobbit looks interesting. I like illustrations too. :) Thanks for suggestions!
  2. Yes, I see you can sign up USATF meets as an individual. Did your daughter train on her own or with a club or coach?
  3. I see track clubs from the AAU jr. olympics site in my state, but don't you have to be invited? My son plays travel/tournament baseball but was invited after his rec league experience...
  4. There is a running club - with adults and youth. I see that you can join USA Track and Field as an individual and go to meets. Maybe if she does well and enjoys it she would join that in 9th grade.
  5. I completely get what you are saying and thanks. She loves classical music (piano for 7 years as well) and loves classical ballet, particularly Balanchine. She extremely dislikes jazz - the costumes, the choreography, the music - everything about it. She does like contemporary at our school - has a very Balanchine ish quality. But, she would have to continue with ballet at the int. level and she doens't want to. When she demonstrated her recital dance, I hear her hips pop over and over. Her knees hurt after class. I just can't do it. I want to listen to the dr. who said that running suits her hips, you know. She loves being outside and hiking long distances. This may suit her...
  6. That probably requires turnout too though right? I don't think advanced choreography is in her reach anyway.
  7. No public school sports participation allowed. She would enter 5ks - maybe longer. She hasn't started running yet, so we don't know. But, I think she is suited for it...
  8. My daughter is in 7th grade, rising 8th grader. She is ending dance after 7 years due to femoral anteversion - her femoral bone is set inward in her hip socket. Feet turned in. She's 5'6" and very lean. So, we would really like to find something to do for her to maintain her excellent fitness level and to remain well rounded in her high school years. The trouble is she hates all team sports. She loves the art, beauty and musicality that ballet provides along with conditioning and cardiovascular fitness. Our homeschool sports league has girl's basketball, volleyball and soccer (middle school, jv and v teams). I offered to send her to a volleyball camp then try out for the middle school team. She was excited about it at first until she watched youtube coaching videos about volleyball. She thinks throwing balls around is "stupid and pointless". Many of you suggested martial arts, but that doesn't appeal at all either. I wish our homeschool athletic group offered track, but it just has a running club that runs at a park informally pretty far away. It seems pointless without providing competition, she can run around here. I know most people will suggest she stay with a form of dance that doesn't require turnout. However, this pre-pro school requires ballet as the foundation of all other forms of dance. She would have to stay in the int. level all through high school with middle school girls. She also feels she isn't coordinated enough in general to advance in contemporary anyway - it is such an advanced school. She is strongly opposed to going to a casual dance school after attending this one for 7 years. She will continue with piano all through high school. We would like to switch to a teacher that offers festival opportunities in high school. She plays in Alfred Masterworks Classics 7 with advanced theory. She would like to add chords and voice training to her lessons as well. She will begin theater next year, with opportunities to perform. Her orthopedist suggested running, particular sprints, as the most suitable form of exercise for her body type. She is going to start couch to 5k after her final spring ballet performance. Do you think running in high school informally, entering a variety of races, would count as an athletic extracurricular for college aps? Any suggestions to pursue running as a homeschooler?
  9. My daughter is in 7th grade, rising 8th grader. She is ending dance after 7 years due to femoral anteversion - her femoral bone is set inward in her hip socket. Feet turned in. She's 5'6" and very lean. So, we would really like to find something to do for her to maintain her excellent fitness level and to remain well rounded in her high school years. The trouble is she hates all team sports. She loves the art, beauty and musicality that ballet provides along with conditioning and cardiovascular fitness. Our homeschool sports league has girl's basketball, volleyball and soccer (middle school, jv and v teams). I offered to send her to a volleyball camp then try out for the middle school team. She was excited about it at first until she watched youtube coaching videos about volleyball. She thinks throwing balls around is "stupid and pointless". Many of you suggested martial arts, but that doesn't appeal at all either. I wish our homeschool athletic group offered track, but it just has a running club that runs at a park informally pretty far away. It seems pointless without providing competition, she can run around here. I know most people will suggest she stay with a form of dance that doesn't require turnout. However, this pre-pro school requires ballet as the foundation of all other forms of dance. She would have to stay in the int. level all through high school with middle school girls. She also feels she isn't coordinated enough in general to advance in contemporary anyway - it is such an advanced school. She is strongly opposed to going to a casual dance school after attending this one for 7 years. She will continue with piano all through high school. We would like to switch to a teacher that offers festival opportunities in high school. She plays in Alfred Masterworks Classics 7 with advanced theory. She would like to add chords and voice training to her lessons as well. She will begin theater next year to, with opportunities to perform. Her orthopedist suggested running, particular sprints, as the most suitable form of exercise for her body type. She is going to start couch to 5k after her final spring ballet performance. Do you think running in high school informally, entering a variety of races, would count as an athletic extracurricular for college aps? Any suggestions to pursue running as a homeschooler?
  10. I will pray. I had it this time from Jan-March. I have it once or twice a year. I usually take meclizine and wait for it to go away, but it lasted longer this time. I went to a neurotologist who recommended vestibular rehabilitation. Basically, whatever head movement brings on the vertigo - wait till the vomiting and spinning subside and do the same head movement or tilt exactly to bring on the vertigo 5X!!!! I thought it was crazy, but the 3rd try I didn't have vertigo. I kept doing this 5x pattern for a week and it was completely better. Next time I get vertigo I'll skip the meclizine and just try this. HTH!
  11. I don't think we are in the same part of the state but I pmd you. Thanks!
  12. At her level, contemporary requires ballet training with it. She is opposed to continue pressing on with ballet knowing she will never progress where she is.
  13. Thanks so much everyone! Deleted for privacy...
  14. I want both - and may be crazy but we are planning on trying! -Great books lit and history from a Christian worldview for grades 7-10 AP Eur. 11th and APUS 12th AP Eng/Lang 11th and AP Eng/Lit 12th -similar for AP science, math, Latin, and AP electives. I would like to total with about 10 APs for each child. SAT subjects also for high school level courses.
  15. sorry for the piggyback question... Do you need the teacher's edition if you are using Oak Meadow World Geography syllabus?
  16. I feel like I need more for our Great Books study than I can cobble together from Invitation to the Classics, Progeny Press, and Sparknotes. Or do I? I don't have the ability to look through the Omnibus volumes in person anymore. I decided several years ago not to follow the Omnibus path for grades 7-12. But, we are studying several great books per year alongside our 4 year cycle of history for logic/rhetoric ages. I would use the intro to the works I choose to cover and discussion questions. Would it be worth the significant investment, $200, to buy Omnibus 2 and 5 for next year?
  17. They just came out with flashcards to go with the book. They look great 100 or so cards per book. I just bought the Greece, Rome and Myths sets... I think this will help with retention, while we can continue with WTM notebooking.
  18. I would take it seriously! I felt overwhelmed like that as a preteen. Our family had issues, but I would mostly get overwhelmed from the stress of schoolwork and where I fit in the world - wanting to be "good" at things. I would wonder if she's spending her time reading emotionally intense books? I would give things to look forward to, make sure you are helping her develop friendships and make your home a haven for them to spend time together. I would spend time with her apart from school work when you can affirm her, tell her you have faith in her etc. I don't think I would change your requirements for school unless they are completely unreasonable. Maybe you could post her schedule? I would lessen how "onto her" you are and just have a checklist her husband can oversee with you. If she doesn't improve quickly I would take her to your pediatrician. :grouphug:
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