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Everything posted by LNC

  1. My 11yo son wants to buy a refurb 8gb Ipod Touch for his first Ipod. Is that big enough? It would take him forever to save up enough for a 32gb... I thought he might be able to keep some apps in Itunes to transfer back and forth like a "cloud" to save space. Is that right? That way he can have a bunch of games right?
  2. Kristin Billerbeck Ashley Stockingdale series Spa girls series Very funny and clean. :)
  3. A Severe Mercy, Sheldon Vanauken Surprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber
  4. The last few posts are confusing to me. Did you read the article? The example you used was not intended by the author to show passive voice. The example was a correction of a sentence that used passive voice. Here is the quote from the article: "When her house was invaded, Penelope had to think of ways to delay her remarriage. becomes After suitors invaded her house, Penelope had to think of ways to delay her remarriage." You shouldn't say - when her house was invaded. That is passive. The 2nd example is active...
  5. I'm reading that this week - on page 100. I think it is clever. I enjoyed the Frankie-Banks book a lot and Goodreads recommended this one also. I hear the plot picks up around p. 300. I also heard it had tons of footnotes like David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest, but I don't see actual footnotes or a bibliography in my edition. Just parentheses with citations - is that what the critics mean by footnotes? Confused a bit - but enjoying it!
  6. Added a bunch of books from this month... I have been reading a lot of Goodreads recommendations based on fiction books I have liked... 1. Daddy Longlegs, Jean Webster - Kindle 2. Dear Enemy, Jean Webster - Kindle 3. Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges -A Secret Kept, Tatiana de Rosnay (didn't like, quit) 4. Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson 5. A Praying Life, Paul Miller - Kindle -Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen - library on Kindle (didn't like, quit - not doing well with fiction picks this year!) 6. The Book of the Ancient World 7. The Book of the Greeks, both by Dorothy Mills 8. The Greek Way, Edith Hamilton 9. Organized Simplicity - Kindle 10. In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson - library on Kindle 11. Think, John Piper 12. Lit, Tony Reinke -Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Foe - quit! 13.That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week, Ana Homayoun 14. Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners, Cindy West 15. I'm an English Major Now What, Tim Lemire 16. Suprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber (love!!) 17. Discovery of Witches - library kindle on kindle 18. Left Neglected, Lisa Genova 19. I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith 20. Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter, Lisa Patton 21. Yankee Doodle Dixie, Lisa Patton 22. American Heiress, Daisy Goodwin 23. Before I go to Sleep, S.J. Watson 24. Still Alice, Lisa Genova 25-28. Secret Society Girls #1-4 series Diana Peterfreund 29-31. Hunger Games series 32. Bunheads, Sophie Flack 33. The Sugarless Plum, Zippora Karz 34. A Voice in the Wind, Francine Rivers 35. Church History, Eusebius 36. The Book of the Ancient Romans, Dorothy Mills 37. The Roman Way, Edith Hamilton 38. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, E. Lockhart 39. The Marriage Plot, Jeffrey Eugenides 40. Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Marisha Pessl
  7. I plan on using Dive Biology cd for biology (Apologia textbooks Bio and Advance Bio), and Divie Chemistry cd (w/Apologia Chem and Advance Chem). 1. Landry Academy two day bio and chem lab intensives (1 each year) http://www.landryacademy.com/lab-intensives.htm 2. or Home Science Tools Dive Kits http://www.hometrainingtools.com/dive-biology-kit/p/KT-DIVBIOL/ http://www.hometrainingtools.com/dive-chemistry-kit/p/KT-DIVCHEM/ Price is similar, but I think only the two day intensive would actually get done properly. :001_smile:
  8. Thanks - I think I'll ask his pediatrician one more time...
  9. My now 14yo son was a micropreemie (adopted) - 25 weeks 1lb1oz. He had a rough start and childhood medically. He is very lean - 5'3" and about 98 lbs. Literally about 0% body fat. His veins in his legs - thighs and lower legs are so hugely prominent I literally can hardly stand to see him in shorts. It looks like massive varicose veins. I showed the pediatrician last year at his well visit and she said not to worry. They look worse this year. Should I take him in or continue to overlook?
  10. I meant to quote and respond to this in my last post
  11. That isn't true. My state failed a federal audit (acre) and as a result they havve destroyed special education for mild mr in particular.
  12. In paperback? I couldn't find the last 2 in paperback either, and had to buy the 3 pack hardcover trilogy in a slipcovered case. My daughter was in the 100's on the library waiting list. She wants to sell them though. We enjoyed reading them to know what everyone is talking about, but they weren't "keepers"...
  13. I do not like Common Core. It has drastically messed up special education in our state...
  14. I followed these instructions and got K9 "sideloaded" onto her Kindle Fire. http://www1.k9webprotection.com/support/kb/K9177.html Hth someone else!
  15. HTH someone! http://writingcenter.unc.edu/resources/handouts-demos/citation/passive-voice
  16. Oh no, that sounds so difficult and distressing. Put my vent of the day in perspective! I will pray right now. :grouphug:
  17. I want to restrict internet content. How do I access the new parental controls? Does that filter internet content? I see K9 is developing something but it isn't ready yet for the fire. Thanks in advance for advice...
  18. Gloria Whelan's Island trilogy about Mackinac Island in War of 1812 - I love these books! http://www.amazon.com/Once-This-Island-Gloria-Whelan/dp/0064406199 http://www.amazon.com/Farewell-Island-Gloria-Whelan/dp/1882376927/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1337111260&sr=1-3 http://www.amazon.com/Return-Island-Gloria-Whelan/dp/0064407616/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1337111260&sr=1-4 Just saw you already read these. Sorry about that!
  19. These are my top choices. Stepping Heavenward and Anne of Green Gables are my favorite books of all time. The real diary and letter of the author of Stepping Heavenward are available in the public domain. http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/11549 The Anne series and all books by L.M. Montgomery are inspiring. Rilla of Ingleside is the last one. I love Anne as a mother! I also like the Pat books by L.M. Montgomery - Pat of Silver Bush and the sequel... The contrast of their loving family with another family they relate with inspires me to do better... Other fictional families I love and am inspired by are the Rays in the Betsy Tacy series, and Marmee in the Little Women trilogy... I also enjoy Edith Schaeffer - The Hidden Art of Homemaking, What is a Family and Common Sense Christian Living. She is inspiring... The Shaping of the Christian Family by Elizabeth Elliot Womanly Dominion by Mark Chanski attempts the same thing, but rubbed me the wrong way when I first read it. I may try it again this summer :) All of these books inspire me to work hard and that what I do matters greatly...
  20. 1. Daddy Longlegs, Jean Webster - Kindle 2. Dear Enemy, Jean Webster - Kindle 3. Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges -A Secret Kept, Tatiana de Rosnay (didn't like, quit) 4. Gospel Wakefulness, Jared Wilson 5. A Praying Life, Paul Miller - Kindle -Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen - library on Kindle (didn't like, quit - not doing well with fiction picks this year!) 6. The Book of the Ancient World 7. The Book of the Greeks, both by Dorothy Mills 8. The Greek Way, Edith Hamilton 9. Organized Simplicity - Kindle 10. In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson - library on Kindle 11. Think, John Piper 12. Lit, Tony Reinke -Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Foe - quit! 13.That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week, Ana Homayoun 14. Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners, Cindy West 15. I'm an English Major Now What, Tim Lemire 16. Suprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber (love!!) 17. Discovery of Witches - library kindle on kindle 18. Left Neglected, Lisa Genova 19. I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith 20. Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter, Lisa Patton 21. Yankee Doodle Dixie, Lisa Patton 22. American Heiress, Daisy Goodwin 23. Before I go to Sleep, S.J. Watson 24. Still Alice, Lisa Genova 25-28. Secret Society Girls #1-4 series Diana Peterfreund 29-31. Hunger Games series 32. Bunheads, Sophie Flack 33. The Sugarless Plum, Zippora Karz 34. A Voice in the Wind, Francine Rivers 35. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, E. Lockhart 36. Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Marisha Pessl
  21. CLE takes my children only 30-40 min. And I credit it with the reason they are advanced in lang. arts. Well worth the time in our schedule imo...
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