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Everything posted by LNC

  1. This thread is a huge bummer! I won't show my daughter. :001_smile: She took the SAT for the first time as a 7th grader with Duke Tip - scored extremely well in writing. A 10 on the essay and I don't think she missed any multiple choice. She scored in a top percentile for high school seniors... She didn't do nearly so well in reading, and math was terrible, but she hasn't had algebra 1 yet so that should come up easily...
  2. More reviews please! I've been searching the boards, and I have a tentative plan for my rising 8th grader. Write at Home (Write@Home) Essay 1 & 2 in 8th. They use The Lively Art of Writing, and I already wanted to use that next year. Advanced Composition from Potter's School for 9th.
  3. http://www.currclick.com/product/66126/Write-from-Medieval-History-L2-Cursive Wow this looks great, but 400 pages is a lot to print! It looks like it includes WWE style readings for summaries and copywork. Do you just do the copywork or the entire program?
  4. I couldnt' help my son get the 750 to work. I had it plugged into the microphone port in our laptop but it wouldn't ever work. Very confusing. Has anyone else had trouble with it?
  5. So, the answers are on the cd but not in the book that the cd comes with right? I want my child to read from the book while I have the cd on my laptop while we discuss. Will that work - to just buy one teacher's edition, not the student edition, for my child?
  6. Should I let my son take apart his huge Technic sets and have them in a big pile with his Mindstorm pieces for imaginative building? I'm so hesitant, but he says that is what everyone does and he read it in the Lego book. He wants to build bigger Mindstorm creations, but all the pieces will get jumbled up together. These Technic sets were over $100 and just sitting built on a display shelf. :001_smile:
  7. Expository writing? I see Debra Bell's middle school, but no reviews. Can anyone review what you have used?
  8. CLE 8 is just grammar and spelling, no lit or writing. Takes 30 min and is painless. It is intense grammar, like nothing else out there. She will definitely continue through 10th - 9th and 10th has grammar for 1 semester only anyway. I want to continue through the AMSCO vocabulary series, but maybe we'll skip a year with Literary Lessons... I like WWS, but I think for her it makes more sense to do the Lively Art of Writing and an online 1 semester class due to her age. I'll save WWS for my younger son... Any other thoughts - this really helps!
  9. Math – Chalkdust Algebra Lang. Arts – CLE LA 8 Figuratively Speaking Literary Lessons of Lord of the Rings Logic – Memoria Press Traditional 1 Science – Apologia Physical Science Geography – Oak Meadow Geography w/ 6th grade brother - Latin – First Form 2 History – Middle Ages/Renaissance: Truthquest Middle Ages, Renaissance/Reformation I know it is a lot -just wondering if it is possible for motivated student who excels in LA. Thanks!
  10. Which exams are most conducive to self study? I'm considering making a syllabus for AP Human Geography, AP Art History and AP Music Theory based on how expensive Pa homeschoolers is for something that wouldn't be too difficult to write a syllabus for. :) These are areas of interest for them. The rest of the AP exam/courses look so excellent on PA homeschoolers that we want to pay for the teacher, I think...
  11. She needs a different ratio at breakfast is all. You can do square boluses for high fat high carb meals also - the insulin is delivered longer to prevent a spike. Did they train you on changing ratios yourself? If not, keep records of spikes and call the ped endo nurse. HTH!
  12. Here it is at Abeka http://www.abekatesting.org/StanfordOnline.aspx I'm still wondering how SAT-10 compares with Cat survey in general? If anyone has used both booklet versions, can you compare them for me?
  13. I'm assuming it is the same test as the SAT, I'll have to look and see if it is approved for our state as well!:tongue_smilie:
  14. I need something else for next year and I'm wondering how the difficulty level compares? How is it taking the test online? It looks so inexpensive if I'm reading it right - with instant results. :) http://education.pearsonassessments.com/haiweb/cultures/en-us/productdetail.htm?pid=SAT10Online&Community=EA_PreK-12_API_Achievement
  15. That was the reason I wanted to get it approved, for universities that weigh grades...What is the CR items?
  16. My daughter is near the end of LL7. She is doing the full year during her 2nd semester following CLE reading 7 in 1rst semester. It is sooo not much of anything. I like the books,short story and poetry suggestions - but the literary terms are sooo basic and the writing instruction in negligible. I don't think I'll get LL8 for next year. What else is there though. CLE may be anthologies but the instruction is top notch, nothing else compares at all. What else is there to use for literary analysis? We will continue with WWS for writing. I would like something to work with reading the great books that correspond with our history time period. I bought several great books to read next year: Beowulf - new verse translation Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - new verse translation Song of Roland Divine Comedy Augustine Confessions Canterbury Tales - new verse translation This is more than enough with the following right? Spark Notes Veritas Omnibus - 2 volumes and pick and choose works Progeny Press - does this cover literary analysis or worldview/bible verses? I am getting Jane Ervin's Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter books for SAT CR practice.
  17. I see the 4 samples on the Human Geography site. Can someone walk me through the process. I see all the checklists, but it seems so easy just to cut and paste from the samples to create my own. Would they approve that? Isn't is cheating or something? How do you go about this? Using the samples or come up with something original?:001_smile:\ PA homeschoolers doesn't allow 9th graders anymore for this course. Which other AP classes would you attempt on your own? I was thinking of this one, AP Art History and AP Music Theory (after 10 years of piano lessons w/theory). Anything else? She wants to use PA Homeschoolers for everything else.
  18. You can fill out a form ahead of time for an "educational opportunity". I used to do it for my special ed son and list all the educational benefits of our beach vacation - including nature walks on the beach. :) Then, it is excused and they are allowed to make up all of their work either ahead or after the trip.
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