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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I have never read biographies and historical fiction from this time period and I'm looking forward to it. I'm not looking for great books, just fun and quality authors... Ideas so far: Josephine Tey Alison Weir? More please!
  2. Wrinkle in Time, but save the sequels for when she is older... Elizabeth Enright Gone Away Lake and Return to Gone Away Lake (and the Melendy series, but those aren't fantasy) Edward Eager Edith Nesbit Hope that helps!
  3. Thanks, that is helpful! I appreciate everyone's else's comments too. I would still love to hear from anyone who has wrestled with this.
  4. We outline a section of our reading per WTM logic stage recs. It is excellent outlining practice, but we aren't covering the entire topic. So, I think they would retain more if we included summaries of the TQ notebooking topics. They can outline still - but I have to have the summaries and biography sketches for retention...
  5. Breakfast - two egg white w/ bell peppers or veggies Lunch - large salad with chicken breast Dinner - chicken, fish, eggs and veggies Dessert - Wonderslim protein pudding 1x day cheats - almonds or very dk. chocolate - but don't lose when I have this! Restaurant - usually Ruby Tuesday for steak, salad bar, and a side of mashed cauliflower. I don't go out places I can't get a steak...
  6. I just purchases the new Memoria Press Greek Myths and Famous Men of Greece and Rome Flashcards. http://www.memoriapress.com/ I would really appreciate hearing from anyone else in the logic stage Ancients who had this problem and how they fixed it! Thanks!!
  7. My son built everything with the biggest Engino set from age 9-10. He loved it! He keeps the dinosaur on his display shelf. :)
  8. I agree with your plan, but it hasn't worked out quite that way this year. With all the planning effort I put into it - many people and events have gone in one ear and out the other. They have a MAJOR flow, it is the more minor details that are seriously lacking. I think that it is ancient history is part of it.
  9. Our spines are Famous Men Greece and Rome - both children Golden Days of Greece, Olivia Coolidge and The Romans, Alfred Duggan - 5th grade son Dorothy Mills Book of the Ancient World, Greeks, Romans - 7th grade daughter We use TQ to guide us and our books lists of biographies and historical fiction. It is a LOT of reading. But I'm afraid my 5th grader isn't retaining. He begs for a simple textbook and workbook - like Latin. History isn't Latin! We notebook based on the WTM methods, but I think if I used the TQ notebooking pages it would help. Every topic we cover would have a biography summary or an outline. They would remember what we studies by just flipping through their notebooks. We didn't buy the workbooks for Memoria Press Famous Men bc I didn't want to get bogged down with assignments. But, now when I ask them to remember who Draco or Solon are they yell Sparta or Athens. When I ask if they remember who Coriolonus was - they blank. They are comptelely bogged down on Roman monarchs and consuls. Of course they know a lot about the big names like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar. Is this good enough? Am I being a perfectionist? The will take AP European Lit and APUSH in high school - so they will cover Western Civ again...
  10. E.B. White - Trumpet of the Swan or anything by him!
  11. 1. I need an additional wii remote and nunchuk - is Amazon the best place? Is generic okay? Generics get bad reviews... 2. Do I need Wii Remote Plus? Does it charge in a regular charger? Does it work with regular Wii remote games too? Never mind - my black Wii set w/ Super Mario actually came with a Wii remote plus... So, I'll just get a 2nd one... 3. Are generic chargers okay? I'm looking at this http://www.amazon.com/Nyko-Charge-Station-Wii-Black-Nintendo/dp/B003X1R29K/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS?ie=UTF8&coliid=I1HHC2N0ZMWS5G&colid=2JPAWEIAEB8KA 4. Do you buy sports accessories? We will buy Wii Sports, Resort, and Wii play at Gamestop, but they don't have accessories to go with them. I see these on Amazon. Worth it? My special needs teen may like the fun factor of an actual racket etc. http://www.amazon.com/Wii-15-1-Family-Pack-Nintendo/dp/B002IT33S2/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS?ie=UTF8&coliid=I12SM1I510ZU0X&colid=2JPAWEIAEB8KA http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Wii-Sports-Resort-Black-Nintendo/dp/B003Q5J4NU/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS?ie=UTF8&coliid=IIN0IOETIIY2V&colid=2JPAWEIAEB8KA Are these only sold by generic vendors - not Nintendo? Thanks for the help! Since the Wii has been out a while, I was hoping someone could answer and save me an hour of googling and reading reviews. :)
  12. My daughter alternated hydrogen peroxide and vinegar every other day. Worked great...
  13. I'm using the Student's Friend to remember some of those anchor points when we are done studying ancients. They have made a HUGE logic stage notebook, but I needed something very succinct in bullet points to commit to long term memory. I have this printed out in a folder next to our TQ manuals! http://www.studentsfriend.com/sf/downsf.html HTH!
  14. We have a black flat panel tv to put on the wall in our special son's room. I just bought a used Wii for his spring break but it is white! Would you have a white Wii with a black flat panel tv? Or am I being picky?
  15. I'll add Reading Detective cd to my Rainbow wish list. Thanks! Does anyone else rec. the Jane Ervin Reading Comprehension in Daily Subject Matter? Especially for SAT critical reading test prep?
  16. The consoles are $99 used at Gamestop. Should I buy a new one after looking for a deal? One more nunchuk and one more wii mote? Balance board for me (I have MS) a game for balance - Wii fit? A few used Star Wars and Lego games for special needs son Wii sports? This is for my special needs son 8th grade graduation. We aren't a video game family, but he loves his laptop. He needs something fun to enjoy in his room. Thanks for help.
  17. So, she needs a separate google account and I link accounts in gmail?
  18. Somewhere - beautiful centrally located enough to travel by train throughout Europe affordable safe Ideas? :)
  19. Yes, I like it only in the older grades... We skipped for littles...
  20. CLE LA 1-8 (my 7th grade d didn't miss any multiple choice on Sat writing, Duke tip!!) CLE Reading 4-8 (excellent literary analysis for younger grades) CLE Math 1-7 (we will move on to algebra in 7th or 8th, very well prepared!!) TQ history w/ WTM 4 year cycles
  21. John Tiner's Exploring... series is great before Apologia General. This is what I'm using with my 6th grader next year. http://cathyduffyreviews.com/science/exploring-planet-earth.htm
  22. I have the roadrunner email set up to work now. Now, I need to add another email address for my daughter, but I can't have 2 gmail addresses in 1 account. So, I guess I'll have to use yahoo email for my daughter or something...
  23. What a strange typo - CLE LA drills it and it's to absolute death... I will never make that mistake again.
  24. I have roadrunner email on my desktop and android phone. My phone makes me manually delete each and every email from the trash. My trash box was up to 3,000 and there was no way I could do it. So, I wanted to switch over to gmail for all computers and phone. We would have multple accounts linked so my soon to be 13yod could get an email address. So, I have a google email address to sign into google for android, google toolbar and google picasa. I set the gmail to make my roadrunner email address primary. Now what? I'm not getting any emails?
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