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Everything posted by LNC

  1. My twin lives in Manhattan. It was a blast to visit her in January, meet her friends from work and moms/babies group, and see her neighborhood. I couldn't imagine how families live their before either. We walked to church, restaurants, a bookstore, the grocery store and even her work. She basically never has to take her baby out of the stroller except when she leaves the neighborhood. I saw kids by themselves playing kickball on the large sidewalks, riding scooters. When I went to bed, I could still hear kids playing outside running around. I was shocked! She loves it now though and has made some great friends through work, college friends in different areas in the city and lots of families in their building.
  2. Thanks, I have the Pulitzer and National Book Award lists. I started thinking about this bc no fiction book won a Pulitzer for 2012. My interest has been piqued further by reading some well regarded authors myself... I am interested in why books/novelists are considered "good" these days. I am hoping the open Yale course will give me a list w/ the answers to the "why?".
  3. I mean last 20-25 years. I shortened my op to simplify - but I originally wrote past 25 yrs. since I graduated. :) The Yale course is post WW2. That is fine for my purposes as well bc I haven't read any of the authors in the syllabus besides O'Conner (took a southern gothic class in college and read tons).
  4. I thought I would share my answer from lots of google searching! I am going to read this list and listen to this open source course... http://oyc.yale.edu/english/engl-291 And one more course book list for 21c. http://english.fas.harvard.edu/sites/english.fas.harvard.edu/files/DONOFRIO%20century%2021.pdf
  5. http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Times-Revised-Edition-Perennial/dp/0060935502/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1342523424&sr=8-1&keywords=modern+paul+johnson Modern Times, Paul Johnson - he is one of my favorite writers. Great spine for 20th c. imo...
  6. Does anyone have this? I want to print it out the master book list of all books covered. Thanks.
  7. I would like to read the most well respected modern authors. I am completely unfamiliar with modern literary criticism - who is considered good and why. Does anyone have links? I read The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. I was so intrigued by his good reviews... I flipped through his other two novels at a bookstore. I read an article that said he knew David Foster Wallace and Jonathan Franzen. They are very highly thought of in literary circles apparently, so I added them also. I would appreciate any recommendations of who to read. Marilynne Robinson (love her already though) Jonathan Franzen David Foster Wallace Jeffrey Eugenides
  8. I can find this used and cheap. The updated 2010 edition is $30. I know it is downloadable but I want to write in it... Does anyone know if the updates would make the price difference worth it?
  9. Wow - I was pretty clear if you read my op that I have regrets bc I did not have a plan myself. The breadwinner thread spurred my interest in what kind of jobs are available for someone who loves humanities but doesn't want to be a teacher... With the economy not doing so well, I think it is smart for both parents to have a "profession" to fall back on or use. I don't, and I would like my daughter to. Never mind...
  10. There is some translation - english to latin and latin to english. I am not sure how it compares to other programs - but my children did very well with first form. Latin is their favorite subject.
  11. I don't wish to offend - but we did not like the Sisters in Time series AT ALL. We sold the complete set soon after we bought it. It was a revamped version of the older American Adventure series. For example, Sarah's World was really all about her brother John. She was basically a spectator while he was the protagonist. Why they marketed these books for girls I have no idea. Every book in the my daughter read had a boy protagonist with a sister in a supporting role doing nothing - she was done reading these after a few tries...
  12. Google drain gnats. You can trap them, but more will just fly out of the drains. You need to pour some kind of concoction down your drains, I think we used bleach.
  13. The is an adult mental health service reporting line like CPS if you think she is a danger to herself or anyone else. :grouphug:
  14. Off the top of my head all time favorites/classics for my kids to read in the next few years that aren't on your list. Theology or men/women titles would be a different list btw. The Pursuit of Holiness, Jerry Bridges Trusting God, Jerry Bridges Holiness by Grace, Bryan Chapell The Praying Life, Paul Miller Improving Your Serve, Charles Swindoll
  15. I can get that on Amazon used for less that $10, but the download online is updated. I'm not sure what the difference are. Anyone know?
  16. I've read that the Sequence has more "details" than the What Your ____ Grader Needs to Know series. I have such a huge home library I don't think it would be a problem to find what I need to flesh it out. I'll pencil in a circle next to my son's gaps, and a checkmark next to my daughter's gaps. I can erase when mastered... I can check out the Need to Know books from the library for idioms etc. I'm not using the Core Knowlesge materials as spines bc my children are past the age. I'm just reviewing gaps in music & art appreciation, geography and history for background knowledge for higher level reading comprehension.
  17. I used everything except the wall charts. I sold my set on the First Form Latin yahoo list. I couldn't sell it here, but I had 8 offers the same day I posted over there. :) Maybe join and ask if anyone is selling a set?
  18. When you say other CK books cover the same material in a more inspiring way - are you referring to the What Your ____ Grader Needs to Know series?
  19. I've used it through grade 7. You should except to not know some things if you jump in after diagramming etc. has been introduced. However, you can review missed topics if you have the CLE English Handbook or just keep going. The continuous review should make topics solid in time. Spelling - it is fine for visual learners. My children learned to spell mostly by recognizing words they have read. If you need an explicit rules based program beyond 2nd grade approx. you should supplement. Writing - I like the writing assignments in CLE and the CLE Writer's Handbook. However, you should supplement writing as well. There is nothing better for grammar imo, and since it integrates spelling and penmanship for my kids - it is a great timesaver as well.
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