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Everything posted by LNC

  1. I'm using the generic Larson text with Dana Mosely dvds aka "cheap Chalkdust". Maybe the real Chalkdust program has parent grading helps? 1. How do you weigh mid chapter quizzes, chapter tests, and review tests to calculate quarter, semester grade averages? 2. Do you count each problem equally in grading quizzes and tests?
  2. They write in pencil on TQ notebooking pages. They erase and rewrite punctuation and spelling mistakes, but I don't have them rewrite entire sentences. They also have Thinkwrite essays - 8-15 per year. They make a rough draft with pencil/ paper, edit with me, and type for their notebooks. HTH.
  3. 46. What Alice Forgot, Liane Moriarity 47. Augustine Came to Kent, Barbara Willard 48. The 19th Wife 49. Anna of Byzantium, Tracy Barrett
  4. Just saw his age! I would wait and start history at 2nd grade with Veritas self paced... Everything else you are doing is fine - but you don't need geography yet - maybe a computer game but that can wait too.
  5. For visual spatial learners, I would use Veritas self paced video history courses. I wish they had those when my son was younger! My son doesn't do well listening to read alouds or cds - though I'm pushing him in the logic stage to listen while taking notes, in order to be prepared for college lecture formats. http://resource2.veritaspress.com/Resources/Scholars_Online/Scholars_Online_New_Self-Paced.html
  6. A.D. 250 or 250 A.D. ? CLE LA says before, but I was just checking to be sure that wasn't a Mennonnite custom.
  7. Ok, that is helpful. I would appreciate more input from anyone else willing too. I think I'll seperate my lists into two categories: 1.)Must reads 2.)Everything we have on Kindle and home library :)
  8. I have made schedules for TQ Middle Ages/Renaissance 1 semester each. We spend most of our 1hr. history time every day on spines and notebooking - lots of outlining and writing. I enjoy the TQ commentary and book recommendations, but making our own schedule and book lists is killing me. I alway overplan and stress out. When I look at what to buy for scheduled programs like Biblioplan and History Odyssey it looks like so little reading. But that is what is reasonable to actually get done without stress, right? Can you show me how many books your 5-8 graders can read per semester? Do you use a program with a weekly/daily plan like Sonlight, Biblioplan or History Odyssey or come up with your own?
  9. Do you think these are well written? Sometimes I wonder if I am wasting their time with historical fiction. Maybe they should spend more time reading classic fiction instead?/
  10. I take it with a grain of salt. There is a book like this about Duke also. Campus ministries and local churches are doing well on some of these campuses... I don't believe any college campus is automatically corrupting. I'm hopeful my children would thrive anywhere...
  11. Ok I get it now. Thank you! I don't know how to type fractions but the solutions guide had: 40,000(4) over 5 = 32,000 I needed to to the logic that each tire was driven 4/5 of the time. Duh! But, I wouldn't have understood w/out the help. :tongue_smilie:
  12. You rotate the tires on your truck, including the spare, so that all five tires are used equally. After 40,000 miles, how many miles has each tire been driven? This is from Chalkdust Algrebra unit 1... Thanks!
  13. The state and national award ceremonies are inspiring and motivating. Especially for homeschooled students who don't often receive academic awards like their peers in school.
  14. Evernote - documents and lists synced to everything: desktop, laptop, phone, tablet etc .
  15. Just turned on the news to check on the situation in middle east and heard this breaking news. Praying for all affected in Austin and their families... http://www.utexas.edu/emergency/
  16. Has she read Out of the Dust yet? http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plan/out-dust-discussion-guide
  17. Thanks - that is reassuring... We love it so far. It is so nice to have a teacher on video. :)
  18. Great news. I'll pray for her legs to heal and for insurance needs... Bless your family!
  19. Was it by Juliet Barker? It is incredibly comprehensive, maybe not novel like. http://www.amazon.com/The-Brontes-Juliet-Barker/dp/1585673633 She has an updated version. I can't wait to order it. http://www.amazon.com/Brontes-Genius-Moors-Literary-Family/dp/1605983659/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1347406701&sr=1-1&keywords=juliet+barker
  20. Mr. Mosely recommends about 35 problems per section. There are 120+ problems in section 1.4 Algebra. Do you feel comfortable assigning every other odd problem? We have been working for over an hr with homework, and I'm thinking I need to shorten this up a bit. I see this answer to a question on the Chalkdust website: "Modify your assignments a bit to shorten the time spent "in the book". Our general recommendation of working odd-numbered problems does not necessarily mean you have to work ALL of the odd-numbered problems; 30-35 problems per section should suffice. It's about learning concepts--not memorizing problems."
  21. Dual enrollment at Emory - English 1 & 2. All essay tests and research papers. Most memorable works were Canterbury's Tale and Faerie Queene bc they were HARD!
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