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Everything posted by Sk8ermaiden

  1. Only 100! I better register for my must haves quickly! I would be so bummed if I didn't get to see Bogart and .
  2. I would LOVE to pay a flat fee for access to all the speakers, or half of them or something. I understand that that is probably not possible though as most of the money is going to speakers. I will be in attendance regardless! So many wonderful options.
  3. My DD really only has done adventure stories so far - really nothing else grabs her! All the Roald Dahl books will be read again when B is old enough. All our other books have been good, but driven by DD's interests and they are not "must reads" for B too.
  4. Brainpop and brainpop junior are fantastic. They are kind of expensive and they do not follow a set course - you just pick your topic.
  5. Standardized tests. I feel that spending all your time learning to take tests is not conductive to actually learning. I want my child to love to learn.
  6. Biology, Chemistry Algebra II, geometry, precal, calculus English, English, AP Literature, AP Language US History II, World History, World Geography, Government AP/Econ AP Journalism, Yearbook, Yearbook, Yearbook and Newspaper Art I, Art II, Art III Swimteam, Swimteam Stupid stuff like health and I am forgetting many.
  7. I was going to say maybe not, because she's in a city where she doesn't know anything, in a hotel, with kids she is not that familiar with, on the night she arrives. Until I found out that it would be half an hour max, and honestly that's probably just fine. I mean it's just fine regardless, but I understand your concerns.
  8. Some of our specific Time Life books on more technical science topics - maybe 4 of them All my Usborne Encyclopedias The story of the world books 2 slates and a bunch of chalk I can easily teach reading, writing and grammar without anything. DH could do the same with math up through Cal 3. Basic science is easy enough. The Story of the World is a good enough jumping off point and my husband is a walking history encyclopedia. Not having good books to read would be the killer for me. With the rest of the room I'd cram in as many good books as would fit - from toddler up through our college level humanities stuff. Shove the tablet in the front pocket just in case...
  9. I have about $14 so far. It's not even anywhere near as much savings as my friend who goes through the trouble of ACTUALLY price matching, but it's $14 more than I would have had without saving's catcher...
  10. I've been wanting to buy The Writer's Jungle, but the price is just too high for me, and of course, being a PDF, it's practically impossible to find used. So, in the homeschool bookstore Wednesday...in the free section...what do I see poking out from under a textbook? A copy in a 3-ring binder! I think someone got/used it at a seminar or confrence. I was so excited!! Free! I am so happy we have a VHS player still. It is so easy to find movies on almost any topic for $1, or free. My daughter just got really into ancient Egypt, so now we're doing a unit. We're mummifying a thrift store doll this week. She is retaining more info on this than almost any other subject that's been put in front of her.
  11. The key to making teens happy is friends. At least from my experience as one. If each kid gets to bring a friend, or a family goes with y'all, it is SOOOO much better.
  12. All our places have a swimming area in the lake, hiking trails, playgrounds, canoes, lots of space to bike or scooter, and we also almost always go with friends. Frisbee, football, baseball, badminton, fishing etc, etc. We only fuss with fires for the nighttime campfire/smores aspect. For breakfast I bring an electric skillet and do pancakes/scrambled eggs/chorizo/french toast/bacon, etc. We bring our small propane grill for lunches and dinners. It would be a nightmare if we had to build a fire two or three times a day!
  13. We have been in a lot of hospitals lately and they all have wi-fi. I'll wager a bet the nursing homes do to. DH was in an inpatient rehab center last year and they did - and they're in the same vein as a nursing home.
  14. I have returned two things that came together back to the warehouse in the same box and it was a MAJOR headache, even with all paperwork included inside. I'd never do it again. They have a way they scan things coming in and it's based off the label on the box. You might get lucky and get someone who's got common sense and realizes there's an extra item and slip, but there's a good chance not.
  15. They were definitely "in" for a while. No, not on runways, but there is a difference between being "high fashion" and being in. When practically everyone is buying something, it's in. I'm not seeing a lot of people buying new ones, but I still see plenty of people rocking what they got. My fashion major sister still pulls hers out occasionally.... I only ever saw one I liked and just couldn't pull the trigger with the price tag. You won't look cutting edge, but you won't look out of date either. :)
  16. I also wanted to say for times when this gift would be welcome but embarrassing...my mom always put it on the gift tag under the "To: Jane" "Sensitive material" or "open in private" or something like that. So we knew what we got, but could open it later. It never caused a problem. My sis asked for expensive stuff this year and (since my DH would be there and mom didn't know if she'd want to open in public) the tag read To: Jane, From: Victoria. :lol: My DH always asks my sister for socks because she'll take her dad's credit card and go to Joseph A Banks and get really nice socks. We go to Walmart....
  17. It is not uncommon for my sister or me to ask my mom for new underwear or vice versa. My aunt also frequently puts it on her wishlist to mom. Women's underwear is stupid expensive for what it is and it can be hard to pull the trigger on buying it. In that case, yes, it sure is. Unsolicited underwear is not a good idea or a good gift. Not only do you not know if the receiver considers it a gift, but they also may be a private person and embarrassed to receive it from you. And you might not know what they like.
  18. When I was skating we wore whatever bra we were most comfortable skating in (I always wore a regular underwire) as long as it doesn't peek out of the dress. You wear skating tights under the dress. Mondor was the brand I always wore. Like these. http://www.amazon.com/Mondor-Footed-Figure-Skating-Tights/dp/B001KARL5G(Though I have no idea if that's the cheapest you can get them.) They are different from fashion tights or dance tights. Undies or no is an individual comfort thing, you would just try to avoid indentions. (Though tights often do that anyway.) What does she normally skate in? You might want to try to get as close to that as possible so she is comfortable out there.
  19. I have 110 orders so far this year and at least 1/3 of them were for multiple things. For things I'd buy at WalMart, Target or Michael's, I always check Amazon first, they're usually cheaper.
  20. You're welcome! I am so glad I found it, I was going nuts. Keep an eye on it, because only two searches later, somehow "members" had checked itself and it was only showing me new members instead of posts. Stinking technology.
  21. OK, so that I didn't notice this has me kind of hanging my head in shame, but if you click "view new content" and then scan down the left hand side...under "other", are ANY of the things selected? My view new content worked just fine and I have never touched any of the side selections. But I have had the exact situation as you the last few days. Sure enough, for some reason, "Items I started" was selected and it was ONLY displaying threads I had started that had replies. I clicked "Items I started" again to de-select it and now "View new content" is working perfectly. If ANY of the selections under other are selected, it won't display normally. I hope maybe this helps!
  22. I typically check forums by clicking "View new content" and I am still turning up nothing at all.
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