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Heather in WI

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Everything posted by Heather in WI

  1. Just a quick follow-up: I received my refund check in the mail today ... 5 days after I entered my info on the company's site. WOW. I'm totally impressed!
  2. :iagree: I couldn't figure out how to answer this question at first. I don't think "the future" can fit neatly into any of the above categories.
  3. :iagree: It's not for me, but I'm glad that it is an option. I know one family that does this and I think it serves certain families very well.
  4. This looks like something my son would enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation, Abbey.
  5. I believe God's will will be accomplished whether we pray or not. That said, we are still commanded to pray. :-) I think it is okay to ask for specific things in prayer, not always the generic "that His will will be done". I love, love, love this short essay by Walter Chantry on "The Myth of Free Will"
  6. Sounds like my 10 year old ds! He's reading through LOTR right now -- he's 1/2 way through The Return of the King and LOVES it, so I highly recommend the trilogy for your ds. Other books he's especially liked -- Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn Treasure Island Oliver Twist Robinson Crusoe The Coral Island books by H. Irving Hancock -- esp. The Grammar School Boys Series The High School Boys Series The High School Boys' Vacation Series The West Point Series The Annapolis Series The Dave Darrin Series Uncle Sam's Boys Series
  7. I have the recalled Benadryl. So, will the company refund the money spent or send a coupon for a new bottle? I'm kind of miffed that I just spent the $$ for it!
  8. Has anyone received the second mailing of EXPLORE data from NUMATS? The one with the statistical summary and booklet? I thought we received it before May last year.
  9. My son recently covered this in Science 4. The book that the student reads is completely secular. (The Usborne Internet-Linked Book of Astronomy & Space.) What the student sees on their worksheet: Discuss questions 6-9 with Mom or Dad. 6. Do you think the Big Bang theory agrees with what the Bible says about creation? Explain. (pp. 8-9) 7. Does the Big Bang theory raise any questions in your mind? If so, write one here. (pp. 8-9) 8. If scientists believe that everything exploded into existence at the Big Bang, what do they think caused it? What do you think caused it? (pp. 8-9) 9. Do you think it's a better explanation to believe the universe came into existence as a result of the undirected process of a Big Bang or as a result of an intelligently directed process (God)? (pp. 8-9)
  10. Whew! Just read through the whole thread. I think if you are or have been affiliated with a company, you should disclose it. Maybe not necessarily in your signature, but when you recommend or discuss it. Financial compensation is not the only reason -- some people have a vested emotional interest in having others jump on their bandwagon which I think can be just as strong.
  11. We are finishing up Sonlight Science 2 and Sonlight Science 4. Both are the new versions. This has been our best year of science ever! (In the past we've done BJU Science 2, Rod and Staff Science 2 & 3, Apologia Astronomy, and NOEO Chemistry.) The books chosen are very interesting. The questions to answer are thought provoking. The science experiments with the DVD are wonderful. Seriously, my boys watch and re-watch the DVDs any time I give them a chance, LOL! I recommend getting the basic supply science kit along with the grade specific supply kit. I've already purchased Levels 3 and 6 for next year. :)
  12. So true! We work really hard and have high academic expectations, but we are laughing and smiling much of the day as we work, too. I love these boys and thank God often for the joy He has given me in allowing me to live this homeschooling life.
  13. High school drop out who toured. I sold "ice-cold veggie Mountain Dews" for $1.00. I don't know why I called it that, but it was hilarious to me at the time. I moved back to my home town after summer tour 1995 and I met my dh. NOT a dead head. Hated the Grateful Dead, in fact. Total metal-rocker dude. He constantly joked about the Dead in a negative way, so I totally didn't believe him when he told me Jerry died. Never liked Bobby. Still don't. All that said, I rarely, rarely listen to the Dead anymore.
  14. SOTW AG 2 is awesome! I'm sure you'll get plenty of use out of it and realize that it was a blessing that you couldn't cancel your order. :)
  15. My son read it a few months ago when he was 9 as a part of studying WWII. He read the traditional version that was released by Mr. Frank, not the newer version that includes other parts of her diary. I would let her read it. My seven year old read a junior version of the book and then we watched, as a family, the 1959 movie.
  16. I could have written this post! I thought I was the only one who felt this way. It just gets worse as the boys get older and become stronger readers, too. My 10 year old is reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy and my soon to be 8 year old is reading The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson. Why do libraries assume every kid wants to read garbage series books? We have rows and rows and rows of graphic novels/star wars/etc, but very few solid classic books. I have to request most books that sound interesting to/for them through inter library loan. :tongue_smilie:
  17. We start 4K at 4 1/2, but I consider it all gravy until 6. That's when we must comply with state law for hours and subjects.
  18. {giggle} Is it wrong that I just went over there to see who the culprit is? :lol: I think once a day is fine for a week. Once an hour? Totally obnoxious.
  19. Miss Potter The African Queen Casablanca Gone with the Wind
  20. What do you base this on? I've never heard this claim before. Reformed or even Calvinism alone does not equal Christian Reconstructionism.
  21. Experts Exchange Sub-Forum: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18
  22. I am not kidding. This is the keynote line-up for the convention in our state: Keynote #1- Family Harmony Keynote #2– Keeping our Children’s Hearts Keynote #3– The New World Order and How Should We Then Live?? Final Keynote— Building a Vision The workshops themselves seem to be a 80%/20% mix of (very conservative, fundamentalist) Christian to academic workshops presented by vendors. We are a conservative Christian family, but this is NOT what I want in a homeschooling convention.
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