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Heather in WI

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Everything posted by Heather in WI

  1. My husband and I started a small construction company a few years ago. We are hanging in there, bad economy and all, but have decided to move forward with developing a website. We are paying a company to set it up for us, but we have to come up with the copy, and are finding that we are not good with this sort of thing at all! Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing that would be willing to help? (Or is just better at this kind of writing??) We have a sketch of what we'd like to say on our front page, but it just doesn't sound .... professional, I guess would be the best way to put it. This is what we have so far: [Our company], LLC, is a custom carpentry business. As a small family owned company, we are able to give our customers the focused attention they deserve when they embark on a home remodeling project. Our owner, [owner’s name] is a trained journeyman carpenter who takes a hands-on approach to every project. With [owner’s first name] working in the field with our crew, quality and customer satisfaction are always at the highest level. Our company was founded on the principles of trust, quality, and affordability. o Trust: The trust process starts when we first discuss a project with a potential client. We believe that providing customers with a clear detailed proposal, always being on time, and following through on everything we say is the best way to earn trust. o Quality: Our craftsmanship is evident in every completed project we do. It is our belief that great craftsmanship has its roots in planning, job site order, and a clear vision of the end result. From start to finish, we keep our clients informed on the day to day operations, so that not only does the remodeling project run smooth for us, but it also lets customers and their families prepare for certain phases that might affect daily routines. You will also notice immediately that we treat each home with respect. Although a remodeling project will always cause a disturbance in a home, we make it our priority to maintain a clean and safe jobsite. o Affordability: At the first meeting with our owner ([owner’s name]), [owner’s first name] asks potential clients for an envisioned budget for their project. This helps [owner’s first name] work with clients to determine appropriate materials and scope of job. [owner’s first name] then provides an extremely detailed, written proposal for each client. We are proud to say that our proposals are so accurate that change orders and price additions are a rarity. Whether it is a kitchen, bathroom, attic, basement or other kind of remodel, we are confident that you will not find a company better than [Our company], LLC for your remodeling project. :confused: Help, please.
  2. I was excited at first when they brought Renee back. But, Broken Renee? Not so much. This week's episode was horrible in respect to Renee. And, if blonde girl pulls her all of hair over her shoulder one more time, I'm going to scream. What girl does that after 6th grade? Even worse is the hillbilly ex-boyfriend/ past life as a Natural Born Killer angle. Sigh. I survive by reading this: http://blogs.herald.com/dave_barrys_blog/24/
  3. My oldest two boys enjoyed the First Favorites Guide Vol. 2 at that age. I'll be doing it again with my youngest next year in K5. :-)
  4. They do if you sit on the box and then use really strong packing tape.
  5. We pay for mowing the yard, raking leaves, and washing the car. All other chores (e.g. taking out the garbage, emptying the garbage in bedrooms/bathrooms/schoolroom, picking up, dusting, and vacuuming) are not compensated. They are expected to be performed cheerfully as members of the family. :-)
  6. My oldest is on week 31 of WWE III and I haven't found the dictation sentences to be overly long. I think the longest one has been three sentences, although most are only two. In re-reading Writing with Ease, she talks about writing being two distinctive steps. "First, the writer puts an idea into words; then, she puts the words down on paper. ... Mature writers are able to do both steps without paying much attention to the fact that their brains are actually carrying out two different operations. ... Copywork and dictation allow the student to master the second step of the process without having to worry about the first, difficult task of putting ideas into words." Dictation forces "him to bring his memory into play, to picture the sentence in his mind before writing it down."
  7. My boys are 9, 7, and 4. We have an hour break for lunch, so I can read during that time. School is done around 3, so I can read from 3 until dinner time. I can read after dinner until about 7:30-ish (when I start getting the boys ready for bed). The boys go to bed at 8:00, so I have from 8 until whenever I go to bed to read every night. :-)
  8. My oldest is on LfC C after using both A (2nd grade) and B (3rd grade). I allot 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week for it.
  9. That would not happen in a public school in Wisconsin (or it would definitely be an outlier). We have specific state standards on the teaching of history-social studies-geography. 4th grade concentrates on Wisconsin history, 5th grade concentrates on US history, and sixth grade concentrates on world history, for example.
  10. :iagree: Fantastic post. The only thing I would add is that the study of Latin is mandatory. :-D
  11. Here's a recent thread with a few ideas: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=150604 HTH! :-)
  12. I was always under this impression, before my experience, too. I don't understand why you would post this comment. That's not what this thread is about at all. This thread is about women who refused an abortion. :grouphug: to the other women on this thread.
  13. I never watch that show, but I'll watch for sure today. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. Six years ago, at my 18 week ultrasound, we found out that our little baby boy had hydrops fetalis. We had an amnio done within 24 hours to determine the cause -- depending on the cause, there might be a way to treat it. The amnio came back with a non genetic cause which then prompted a PUBS (percutaneous umbilical blood sampling) procedure. We were really hoping for anemia because that could have been treated with an intrauterine fetal blood transfusion. Unfortuanately, it wasn't anemia. :-( I was counseled, repeatedly, to "terminate the product of conception." At a Catholic hospital. Even after stating, repeatedly, this wasn't an option for me. :blink::crying: We knew he was dying, either in utero or shortly after birth, and I couldn't imagine being the one to kill him. He was a very active baby ... constantly moving and kicking. I felt like screaming, "Really?? Would you like me to burn his skin off for you? Or stop his heart so you can dismember him?" It was awful. We hoped for a miracle, but prepared for the worst. :crying: He was stillborn December 23rd, 2003. He was 11 inches long and 2 pounds, 2.4 ounces. To this day I am glad that I didn't murder him, but allowed the LORD to determine his life and death. I look forward to the day where I get to meet him in glory.
  15. My dh and I were just laughing about how we have turned into our grandparents who could never set the time or record on their VCRs. Our new VCR/DVD player is so dang complicated! We still can't reliably record anything. The running joke here is about when dh tried to record a Green Bay Packer game and recorded Ice Dancing instead. :lol:
  16. I'm very alike to my online friends. IRL, however, my friends tend to parent very differently than I do. :-) There are very few subjects we just don't talk about .... homebirthing, for one. But, other than that, we talk about any and everything. I don't present my philosophy as gospel fact and I don't assume they parent the way they do because they are ignorant of the best way to parent. {grin} I love my friends more than I love my parenting philosophy. I think you just have to extend grace and realize that what is right for you and your family isn't right for every family in every situation. And, the older I get, the more I laugh (and cringe!) about how judgmental I was when I was a new parent. :)
  17. I think the charges sound really, really bad. I would caution my children strongly to never be around this man and keep my children within eyesight at all times if he were present.
  18. I've read and loved both ... but for entirely different reasons. I'd start with Jane Eyre. It's a much easier story. :-)
  19. :iagree: Julie has a great review. "A Thomas Jefferson Education" is a complete misnomer. It reflects neither the actual education Thomas Jefferson received nor the type of education he advocated.
  20. It's been years since I read it, so maybe I'm not remembering correctly. We're Sabbatarians and don't allow the children to play sports on Sundays. But, that said, my boys are big into sports -- swimming, soccer, baseball, track, and tennis. :D
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